Site powered by WASD and VMS   Demonstrations of scripting support.***

All of these should work when using the DEMO.COM procedure.
When on an installed server some may be disabled completely or configured to require authorization in line with local requirements.

CGI*  A comprehensive, efficient, subprocess or detached process based CGI environment is available, as used in a variety of CGI-based scripts.
CGIplus*  WASD CGIplus combines the ease of CGI programming with the efficiency of persistant scripting.
RTE*  Run Time Environments allow "intepreters" for persistant scripting to be built using the CGI(plus) interface.
WebSocket  HTML 5 WebSocket provides an asynchronous, bidirectional full-duplex connection between agents. WASD WebSocket server applications provide a multi-client, persistant scripting environment.
ISAPI   An ISAPI implementation provides the efficiency of persistant scripting and CGI-like programming via a de facto industry standard interface.
OSU*  DECnet and OSU-compatible scripting is available
(though may not be configured for this server).
Java   Have Java installed on your Alpha or IA64 system?  If so check out the Java-enabled scripting environment (including persistent CGIplus).
DCL   The CGIUTL utility eases the processing of POSTed requests, and generating responses, transfering and uploading files, etc., from DCL-based scripts.
Cookies   HTTP cookies are available to scripts.
Perl**   Have Perl available on the system and want to improve it's response-time by a factor of twenty?  Who wouldn't!  Check the Perl RTE package available from a WASD download site (this used to be supplied with the basic package but from version 8 is distributed separately).
PHP**   A persistent interface (RTE) to the OpenVMS PHP scripting engine is available.
Python**   A persistent (RTE) Python scripting engine is available. It supports CGI, CGIplus and Python's WSGI interfaces.

  * The CGILIB C-language function module eases interface and portability issues.
  ** Check a WASD download site for latest developments.
  *** Scripting support is described in detail in Scripting Environment.

 Last revised November 2011