TEXT/.../USERDOCS/AAREADME.TXT November 2002 C-Kermit 8.0 CD-ROM TEXT/.../USERDOCS Directory The USERDOCS directory contains the following plain-text files for C-Kermit users. The ones marked with (*) can also be found in HTML format in the top-level directory of the CD. CKAAAA.HLP Overview of C-Kermit file naming conventions. CK9KER.TXT OS-9/68000 C-Kermit: Supplemental user documentation. CK9BWR.TXT OS-9/68000 C-Kermit: Hints and tips. CKDAAA.TXT Data General AOS/VS C-Kermit: Overview of files. CKDBWR.TXT Data General AOS/VS C-Kermit: Hints and tips. CKIAAA.TXT Commodore Amiga C-Kermit: Overview of files. CKIBWR.TXT Commodore Amiga C-Kermit: Hints and tips. CKIKER.TXT Commodore Amiga C-Kermit: Supplemental user documentation. CKLAAA.TXT Stratus VOS C-Kermit: Overview of files. CKLBWR.TXT Stratus VOS C-Kermit: Hints and tips. CKLKER.TXT Stratus VOS C-Kermit: Supplemental user documentation. CKSBWR.TXT Atari ST C-Kermit: Hints and tips. CKSKER.TXT Atari ST C-Kermit: Supplemental user documentation. CKUAAA.TXT UNIX C-Kermit: Overviews of files. CKUBWR.TXT (*) UNIX C-Kermit: Hints and tips. CKUKER.NR (*) UNIX C-Kermit: man page. CKVAAA.TXT VMS C-Kermit: Overview of files. CKVBWR.TXT (*) VMS C-Kermit: Hints and tips. CKVKER.HLP VMS C-Kermit: VMS HELP topic. See the HTM files in the top-level directory of this CD for tutorials, update and release notes, etc. Note: All text files (except source code) for Macintosh Kermit are in the TEXT/.../MAC directory. Source code for all version (including Macintosh) are in the TEXT/.../SOURCE directory. Technical documentation is in the TEXT/.../TECHDOCS directory. (End of TEXT/.../USERDOCS/AAREADME.TXT)