TEXT/.../SOURCE/AAREADME.TXT November 2002 C-Kermit 8.0 CD-ROM TEXT/.../SOURCE Directory The SOURCE directory contains the source code for the UNIX, VMS, AOS/VS, VOS, OS-9, Macintosh, Amiga, and Atari ST versions of C-Kermit. If you copy all of these files to your working directory, you will have all the files you need to compile and link C-Kermit, plus a lot you don't need: the system-dependent modules for all the other operating systems. If you want to weed out the files you don't need, refer to the file naming conventions in the CKAAAA.TXT file in the TEXT/.../INFO directory. For an overview of what the various source modules are for, read the Program Logic Manual, TEXT/.../TECHDOCS/CKCPLM.TXT. (End of TEXT/.../SOURCE/AAREADME.TXT)