Accessing the browser from JavaScript and Java


#VRML V2.0 utf8
#  Query browser state
#  query.wrl
#        by David R. Nadeau
#  This world uses the "Browser" object in a script to query information
#  about the VRML browser.  That information is sent out as an MFString
#  event that is routed into a Text node's string input.  The effect is
#  to display a text message showing the Browser's information.  To
#  give the browser something to do to make it report interesting frame
#  rates, an animating object is displayed beside the text information.

WorldInfo {
	title "Query browser state"
	info [ "Copyright (c) 1998, David R. Nadeau" ]

Viewpoint {
	position 0.0 0.0 10.0
	description "Entry view"

NavigationInfo {
	type [ "EXAMINE", "ANY" ]
	headlight TRUE

Transform {
	translation -4.0 0.0 0.0
	scale 0.75 0.75 0.75
	children [
		Inline { url "two.wrl" }

Transform {
	translation -1.5 1.25 0.0
	children [
		Shape {
			# no appearance - emissive white
			geometry DEF Message Text {
				string ""
				fontStyle FontStyle {
					size 0.65
					style "BOLD"
					family "TYPEWRITER"

DEF Timer TimeSensor {
	loop TRUE
	cycleInterval 4.0

DEF Introspect Script {
	eventIn  SFTime   trigger
	eventOut MFString message
	url "vrmlscript:
		function update( ) {
			message.length = 5;
			message[0] = 'Browser: ' + Browser.getName( );
			message[1] = 'Version: ' + Browser.getVersion( );
			message[2] = 'URL:     ' + Browser.getWorldURL( );
			message[3] = 'Speed:   ' + Browser.getCurrentSpeed( );
			message[4] = 'Frames:  ' + Browser.getCurrentFrameRate( );
		function initialize( ) {
			update( );
		function trigger( t, ts ) {
			update( );

ROUTE Timer.cycleTime TO Introspect.trigger
ROUTE Introspect.message TO Message.set_string