Silicon Graphics Freeware

Legal Notice

A note about the origins of Freeware.

The software products being brought to you by Silicon Graphics have been authored by many generous individuals and organizations throughout the world. It is through their efforts that these products exist.

Our contribution.

Silicon Graphics has repackaged these software products so that they can be easily installed using either inst or SoftwareManager. The software is installed into /usr/freeware to distinguish it from previous versions you may have installed directly from the authors.


The software in this package is considered unsupported by Silicon Graphics. Neither the authors or Silicon Graphics are compelled to help resolve problems you may encounter in the installation, setup, or execution of this software. To be more to the point, if you call us with an issue regarding products in the Freeware package, we'll have to gracefully terminate the call.

The Future

For a variety of reasons the authors and/or Silicon Graphics may decide to discontinue one or more of these products. It is more likely, however, that we will all try to bring many more products to you in future Freeware packages.

Release Notes

Each product contains a release note with additional information about the product. We encourage you to review each release note to benefit from as much knowledge as possible. Each release note will also contain a WEB pointer to further information from Silicon Graphics such as known bugs and workarounds.

Changing Your Search Path

By default the search path used by your system will not include the /usr/freeware directories. We have provided a tool called fixpath which can be used to modify the files in your local environment controlling these paths. To use the tool open a shell window and type /usr/freeware/bin/fixpath.

Product Listing