chktex-1.5: description + notes

chktex has been written in frustration because some constructs in LaTeX are sometimes non-intuitive, and easy to forget. It is not a replacement for the built-in checker in LaTeX; however it catches some typographic errors LaTeX oversees. In other words, it is Lint for LaTeX. Filters (chkweb and deweb) are also provided for checking the LaTeX parts of CWEB documents.

The program also supports output formats suitable for further processing by editors or other programs, making errors easy to cycle through. Software is provided for beautifully interfacing against the AUC-TeX Emacs mode, CygnusED, GoldEd and various Amiga message browsers.

Run "chktex --help" to see command line options. The ChkTeX home page has more information, as does CTAN: the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network.

To auto-install this package, go back and click on the respective install icon.