NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: NetWare Lite 1.1 French DOCUMENT ID: TID015135 DOCUMENT REVISION: A DATE: 01MAR94 ALERT STATUS: Yellow INFORMATION TYPE: Symptom Solution README FOR: L11F01.EXE NOVELL PRODUCT and VERSION: NetWare Lite 1.1 for DOS & Windows ABSTRACT: This file contains French patches for NetWare Lite 1.1. It contains the following files: RECONFIX, CLPRINTR, GETATRIB, CLOSEFIL, LPTSTAT, VXDFIX, INT28FIX, VIDEOFIX, DOS6CDS, WINPOPUP, RENFIX and INT17FIX. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ SYMPTOM When running the Quicken finance software and printing to a NetWare Lite captured printer, Quicken printing fails with the following message: MESSAGE Can't print to LPT1 CAUSE A bug in CLIENT.EXE caused the problem. SYMPTOM File attributes are being received across the network. CAUSE A problem with OPENDEV.PAT caused the symptom. SYMPTOM When a client station has open files on a NetWare Lite server and the client reboots with the files still open, sometimes the files will not be closed when the client reconnects or when watchdog clears the station connection. CAUSE A bug in SERVER.EXE caused the problem. SYMPTOM NetWare Lite print jobs are being lost when the printer has been turned off or taken offline. CAUSE A bug in SERVER.EXE caused the problem. SYMPTOM When using the NET CAPTURE or NET PRINT commands as the first commands from a client to a server that has just been rebooted, the following messages will be displayed and the command will fail: MESSAGE Redirect device -- Too many open files. or MESSAGE Write file -- Access denied. CAUSE A bug in CLIENT.EXE causes the reconnection between server and client to fail when the NET CAPTURE or NET PRINT commands are issued by a client to a server that has just been rebooted. Subsequent NET CAPTURE or NET PRINT commands from the client station will work normally. SYMPTOM Printer output that has been captured through NetWare Lite is corrupted. CAUSE A bug in CLIENT.EXE caused certain applications run on a client/server with a local printer to produce printer output that has been corrupted. SYMPTOM The NetWare Lite server appears to hang when loading applications in Window's startup box. CAUSE When automatically loading applications with Windows 3.1 and running NetWare Lite, a bug in SERVER.EXE caused the server to not respond until some of the automatically loaded applications were closed. SYMPTOM When running an application that performs background printing on a server/client with a printer connected locally, the station locks. Some applications that exhibit this problem (not limited to) are Foxpro, Mas90, Clipper, WordPerfect, PeachTree, Timeslip, Microfocus Cobol, and Red Wing. CAUSE A bug in CLIENT.EXE caused applications doing background printing on a NetWare Lite server/client where printing is captured to a printer connected locally to experience a server lock up sometimes. The problem requires the station to be rebooted. Each time the station is rebooted because of this problem, lost clusters are left on the hard disk. If this happens enough times without running "chkdsk /f" the FAT table will become corrupted. SYMPTOM When using IBM ValuePoint models 425sx or 433dx and pressing the + keys to reboot the server or when a popup printer status screen is being displayed, the video screen switches to 40 column mode. CAUSE A bug in SERVER.EXE caused the monitor to switch to the 40 column mode. SYMPTOM Print jobs sent to an offline printer will hang Windows if Windows is running in a super VGA mode, such as 8514. CAUSE NetWare Lite uses a popup message box to indicate the status of the printer. A bug in SERVER.EXE causes the popup message box to hang Windows. SYMPTOM With the DoubleSpace device driver, nonexistent drives get set to valid physical drives after running the NET utility. CAUSE MS-DOS 6.00 changed the way the pointer to the Drive Parameter Block (DPB) is used in the Current Directory Structure (CDS). CLIENT.EXE was setting a drive status to "valid physical drive" after using the drive as a network drive. SYMPTOM The DOS rename file command fails on a NetWare Lite mapped drive with the following message: MESSAGE PATH NOT FOUND CAUSE The file is located at the root directory. CAUSE The rename command uses a DOS wildcard character as shown in the following example: rename docfile.doc *.sav SYMPTOM When printing under NetWare Lite, applications may experience corruption on their print job under the following conditions: Applications making calls to the BIOS interrupt 17 function 0 to send characters to be printed under NetWare Lite, The application makes repeated calls to interrupt 17 function 0 to send the same character to the printer without reinitializing the character to be printed in register AL. CAUSE The problem is caused because the NetWare Lite client interrupt 17 ISR failed to preserve the contents of AL. SOLUTION Apply the patch files included in L11F01.EXE. (Before applying files in the FIELDTST sub-directory read FIELDTST.TXT.) *********************************************************** Informations Sur Les Corrections Specifiques (French) *********************************************************** Self-Extracting File Name: L11F01.EXE Revision: A Files Included Size Date Time \ L11F01.TXT (This File) RENFIX.PAT 1469 02-14-94 11:40a VXDFIX.PAT 1215 04-30-93 9:34a DOS6CDS.PAT 1456 02-14-94 3:53p LPTSTAT.PAT 1277 02-03-93 9:39a CLOSEFIL.PAT 1098 02-03-93 10:33a CLPRINTR.PAT 1221 11-17-92 3:08p GETATRIB.PAT 1271 01-27-93 5:36p INT17FIX.PAT 1077 02-14-94 3:00p INT28FIX.PAT 1590 06-11-93 11:27a RECONFIX.PAT 2643 02-01-93 3:26p VIDEOFIX.PAT 1201 02-03-93 9:58a WINPOPUP.PAT 1314 02-11-94 11:13a \FIELDTST\ WNET.EXE 504320 10-29-93 11:18a NLPLIB.DLL 58480 01-05-93 1:59p TCSFIX.PAT 1073 08-06-93 1:10p WNETRES.DLL 24576 10-29-93 3:29p FIELDTST.TXT 3179 02-24-94 1:41p STACKFIX.PAT 973 03-30-93 10:17a Installation Instructions: ************************ FRENCH *************************** Informations pour L11F01.EXE *********************************************************** TERMINOLOGIE Correction : Un ficher permettant d'appliquer une correction sommaire … un programme logiciel. L'extension .PAT du fichier de correction vient du mot anglais PATCH. Fichier cible : Le fichier programme (extension .EXE) pour lequel la correction a ‚t‚ con‡ue. UPATCH : Universal Patch Program. Le programme permettant d'appliquer une correction .PAT au fichier cible correspondant. Remarque : UPATCH.EXE est fourni avec NetWare Lite 1.1 et le kit de mise … niveau de NetWare Lite 1.1. *********************************************************** INFORMATIONS GENERALES Vous n'avez besoin que d'une seule disquette SUPPORT pour corriger toutes les copies de NetWare Lite sur votre r‚seau. La mˆme disquette SUPPORT peut ˆtre utilis‚e sur toutes les stations NetWare Lite. Faites une copie de sauvegarde de vos fichiers cibles avant de les corriger. N'utilisez pas UPATCH sur vos disquettes Programme et Gestionnaires originales. Sur une station NetWare Lite ‚quip‚e d'un disque dur, les fichiers … corriger sont situ‚s dans le r‚pertoire C:\NWLITE. Pour une station sans disque dur, les fichiers … corriger sont situ‚s sur la disquette contenant le fichier CLIENT.EXE de NetWare Lite. Pour conserver l'homog‚n‚it‚ au sein du r‚seau, corrigez toutes les copies de NetWare Lite du r‚seau (tous les clients et serveurs). Les postes clients ou serveurs n'ayant pas ‚t‚ corrig‚s continueront … fonctionner avec le risque d'activer le problŠme pour lequel cette correction a ‚t‚ con‡ue. Consultez la section de ce document correspondant … la correction envisag‚e pour v‚rifier son utilisation. Chaque section indique le nom du fichier cible, la date de cr‚ation du fichier .PAT, ses totaux de contr“le, une description du problŠme … corriger et de ses sympt“mes avant l'application de la correction. Vous pouvez utiliser UPATCH pour corriger les fichiers avant ou aprŠs avoir lanc‚ NetWare Lite, mais les corrections ne seront prises en consid‚ration qu'aprŠs avoir r‚initialis‚ l'ordinateur et recharg‚ les fichiers en m‚moire. *********************************************************** UTILISATION DU PROGRAMME UPATCH Pour corriger les programmes de serveur et/ou de client NetWare Lite install‚s sur disque dur : 1. Copiez le ou les fichiers .PAT n‚cessaires dans le r‚pertoire C:\NWLITE. 2. Tapez "UPATCH" et appuyez sur pour appliquer les corrections aux fichiers cibles correspondant. 3. Lorsque l'invite du DOS r‚apparaŒt, r‚initialisez l'ordinateur. Les fichiers corrig‚s seront utilis‚s lors du prochain chargement en m‚moire. Pour corriger le programme de client d'un poste NetWare Lite sans disque dur : 1. Placez la disquette contenant les mises … jour dans le lecteur A:. Cette disquette doit contenir le ou les fichiers .PAT n‚cessaires et le programme UPATCH.EXE. 2. Placez une copie de la disquette contenant le fichier CLIENT.EXE du poste de travail dans le lecteur B:. Faites attention … bien utilisez une copie et non pas la disquette originale de NetWare Lite. 3. A l'invite du DOS, tapez "A:" et appuyez sur . 4. Tapez "UPATCH B:CLIENT.EXE", appuyez sur et suivez les instructions pr‚sent‚es … l'‚cran. REMARQUE : Les corrections sont appliqu‚es au fichier CLIENT.EXE et l'ancienne version du programme est conserv‚e sous le nom CLIENT.OLD. Si besoin, vous pouvez renommer le fichier .OLD en .EXE afin de pouvoir l'ex‚cuter. 5. Lorsque l'invite du DOS r‚apparaŒt, r‚initialisez l'ordinateur. Le fichier CLIENT.EXE corrig‚ sera utilis‚ lors du prochain chargement en m‚moire. *********************************************************** Pour obtenir les derniŠres informations sur les corrections des fichiers de NetWare Lite, la compatibilit‚ mat‚rielle ou logicielle, les mises … jour et mises … niveau disponibles, les dix questions de support les plus fr‚quentes, la gamme des produits NetWare Lite, etc. : * Si vous r‚sidez aux Etats-Unis ou au Canada, contactez l'assistance technique par t‚l‚copie de Novell, qui fonctionne 24h/24, en composant le num‚ro (800) NETWARE [(800)638-9273] avec un t‚l‚phone … touches et en appuyant sur la touche ast‚risque (*) pendant l'‚coute du message enregistr‚. * Si vous r‚sidez hors des Etats-Unis et du Canada, utilisez un modem pour vous connecter au service CompuServe au (1)614-457-0802 (ou au num‚ro local de CompuServe pour votre pays). AprŠs avoir souscrit au service, tapez "GO NOVLIB" pour acc‚der au forum de Novell et s‚lectionnez l'option "Library 10". *********************************************************** RENONCIATION Novell, Inc. n'engage pas sa responsabilit‚ en ce qui concerne les logiciels NetWare. La soci‚t‚ exclut notamment toute garantie expresse ou implicite concernant la commercialisation ou la conformit‚ de ce produit dans quelque domaine d'application que ce soit. La distribution de tout logiciel NetWare est interdite sans l'autorisation ‚crite expresse de Novell, Inc. Par ailleurs, Novell se r‚serve le droit de mettre fin … la distribution de tout logiciel NetWare. Novell ne peut ˆtre tenue pour responsable pour les pertes de revenus, de l'usage du logiciel, de donn‚es, les co–ts de reconstitution des donn‚es et de mat‚riels et programmes de remplacement, ou pour les r‚clamations faites par quiconque autre que vous-mˆme. Novell recommande fortement d'effectuer une sauvegarde avant toute installation de logiciel. L'assistance technique sur ce produit est fournie … la discr‚tion de Novell. ************************************************************* Solution Specifics: ************************************************************* GETATRIB.PAT - NetWare Lite Client get file attribute fix patch. Target: CLIENT.EXE Problem: Running the Quicken finance software and printing to a NetWare Lite captured printer, Quicken printing fails with the "Can't print to LPT1" message. Symptoms: Quicken printing fails with the message "Can't print to LPT1." This also fixes the problem with getting file attributes across the network. The problem was with OPENDEV.PAT. ************************************************************* CLOSEFIL.PAT - NetWare Lite 1.1 Server close file handles fix patch. Target: SERVER.EXE Problem: When a client station has open files on a NetWare Lite server and the client reboots with the files still open, sometimes the files will not be closed when the client reconnects or when watchdog clears the station connection. Symptoms: Files are left open on the server when a client reboots. ************************************************************* LPTSTAT.PAT - NetWare Lite 1.1 Server LPT printer status fix patch. Target: SERVER.EXE Problem: Print jobs in NetWare Lite are being sent to a printer that has been taken off line or powered off. The jobs are being lost. Symptoms: Print jobs are being lost when the printer has been powered off or taken off line. ************************************************************* RECONFIX.PAT - NetWare Lite Client reconnect patch. Target: CLIENT.EXE Problem: The reconnection between server and client fails to occur when the NET CAPTURE or NET PRINT commands are issued by a client to a server that has just been rebooted. Subsequent NET CAPTURE or NET PRINT commands from the client station will work normally. Symptoms: When using the NET CAPTURE or NET PRINT commands as the first commands from a client to a server that has just been rebooted, the error messages "Redirect device -- Too many open files." or "Write file -- Access denied." will be displayed and the command will fail. ************************************************************* CLPRINTR.PAT - NetWare Lite Client printer corruption fix patch. Target: CLIENT.EXE Problem: Running certain applications on a client/server with a local printer will produce printer output that has been corrupted. Symptoms: Printer output that has been captured through NetWare Lite will be corrupted. ************************************************************* VXDFIX.PAT - NetWare Lite 1.1 Server windows VXDFIX patch version 2.0. Target: SERVER.EXE Problem: When automatically-loading applications with Windows 3.1 and running NetWare Lite, the server will not respond until some of the automatically-loaded applications are closed. Symptoms: The NetWare Lite server will appear to hang when loading applications in Windows startup box. ************************************************************* INT28FIX.PAT - NetWare Lite Client int 28 ISR patch version 2.0 Target: CLIENT.EXE Problem: Applications doing background printing on a NetWare Lite server/client where printing is captured to a printer connected locally may experience a server lock up. The problem requires the station to be rebooted. Each time the station is rebooted because of this problem, lost clusters are left on the hard disk. If this happens enough times without running "chkdsk /f" the FAT table will become corrupted. Symptoms: You may have this problem if you are having problems running an application that performs background printing on a server/client with a printer connected locally and the station locks. Applications that exhibits this problem but not limited to are FoxPro, Mas90, Clipper, WordPerfect, Peachtree, Timeslip, Microfocus Cobol and Red Wing. ************************************************************* VIDEOFIX.PAT - NetWare Lite 1.1 Server video popup window fix patch. Target: SERVER.EXE Problem: When using the IBM Valuepoint models 425sx or 433dx, pressing the + keys to reboot the server or when a popup printer status screen is being displayed, the monitor will switch to 40 column mode. Symptoms: The video screen switches to 40 column mode when using IBM Valuepoint models 425sx or 433dx. ************************************************************* DOS6CDS.PAT - NetWare Lite Client MS DOS 6.0 Current Directory Structure (CDS) patch, German version. File: CLIENT.EXE Checksums: 470, 47E, 5FE, 367, 580, 240, 47E, 5FE Problem: MS-DOS 6.00 changed the way the pointer to the Drive Parameter Block (DPB) is used in the Current Directory Structure (CDS). The Client was setting a drive status to "valid physical drive" after using the drive as a network drive. Symptoms: With the DoubleSpace device driver, nonexistent drives get set to valid physical drives after running the NET utility. *********************************************************** RENFIX.PAT - NetWare Lite 1.1 German Server rename file fix patch. File: SERVER.EXE Checksums: 3CA, 512, A31, 2C7, 387, 215, 332, A31 Problem: When using the DOS rename file command to rename a file on a NetWare Lite mapped drive, the following conditions will cause the rename to fail with the message "PATH NOT FOUND": 1. The file must be located at the root directory. 2. The rename command must use a DOS wildcard character. Example: rename docfile.doc *.sav Symptoms: The DOS rename file command fails on a NetWare Lite drive with the message "PATH NOT FOUND." *********************************************************** INT17FIX.PAT - NetWare Lite Client int 17 ISR patch, German version. File: CLIENT.EXE Checksums: 61F, 323, 4F4, 13A, 323 Problem: Applications making calls to the BIOS interrupt 17 function 0 to send characters to be printed under NetWare Lite may experience character loss on the print job. The character loss happens when the application makes repeated calls to interrupt 17 function 0 to send the same character to the printer without reinitializing the character to be printed in register AL. The problem is caused because the NetWare Lite client interrupt 17 ISR failed to preserve the contents of AL. Symptoms: When printing under NetWare Lite, applications may experience corruption on their print job under the conditions described above. *********************************************************** WINPOPUP.PAT - NetWare Lite 1.1 Server Windows LPT printer status fix patch. Target: SERVER.EXE Problem: Using Windows with a super VGA driver causes Windows to hang when sending a print job to a printer that has been taken offline. NetWare Lite uses a popup message box to indicate the status of the printer. The popup message box causes Windows to hang. Symptoms: Print jobs sent to an offline printer will hang Windows, if Windows is running in a super VGA mode such as 8514. ÿ