jvm142sp4.cpk for NetWare 6.x

Restriction Status:  Open

Name Size
license_agreement.txt2.1 KB (2252)
jvm142sp4.cpk54.3 MB (56965676)
readme_2971431.html7.3 KB (7513)
Related Product(s) Patch Status for Product Superseded By
Novell NetWare 6.0 Active
NetWare 6.5 Active


NetWare 6.0/6.5



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Associated File

Click the filename to download: jvm142sp4.cpk 56965676 bytes 04May2005 11:32AM


For ZENworks for servers Management and Monitoring servers a
the siteserver needs to be unloaded. You could add a
Pre-distribution script to "Re-start Java" that runs the
unmw.ncf file to do this.

This CPK provides the Logic and NLMS needed to patch NetWare 6.x
servers to the latest JVM version. It includes the relevant zip
file from each version of patch.

This is not intended to be used on NetWare 5.1 servers.

This CPK relys on two NLMS to upgrade the Java virtual machine
on your Netware 6.X server.
1: chkjvm.nlm ( checks to make sure the java version is not less than 1.4.2)
2: chpjvm.nlm ( this unzips java.zip while java is unloaded)

MD5 Checksum: 41c8b9d8555652c6249cd834bd96ee60

Installation Instructions

1: Download this JVM patch version. The name of the file
indicated the version this file patches to.

2: Using Console one with the ZFS installed you can pull in
the software package ( CPK) for viewing. Because its a CPK you
cannot edit it. Sumary notes of the mechanics of this CPK are
found at the end.

3: Test the software package on a ZENworks server Management 6.5
subscriber by using the package process command line option.
Point this command to the patch where you have this CPK and
press return. You should see the SPK process the first three
components, then register the java process, unload java, unzip
the java.zip then reload.

4: To push this out into production, place this JVM142spX.CPK
file up on the Distributor. Create a distribution, make it of
TYPE "software package", browse to the CPK and select it.

5: As this is a pre-compiled software package to add logic to
this CPk you can use the pre and post distribution steps now
provided in ZSM 6.5.

NOTE: Use the Novell online documentation at
as a guide to schedule it and send it out.

NOTES on the CPK.
Each component processes top down left to right.
Here's a brief summary of what ecah component does.

A: Runs the CHKJVM.nlm to ensure your version of Java is 1.4.2.
We also copy the files up to the server as a make ready for patching.

B: Stops the Java GUI if you have one running.

C: Continuation of checking version.

D: Registers the current java processes running to re-load of
java in the same state we find it.

E: Runs the unzip of java and re-loads java at the end.



File Contents

Self-Extracting File Name:  jvm142sp4.cpk

Files Included       Size   Date         Time    Version   Checksum

 JVM142SP4.CPK   56965676   04May2005    11:32AM


Document Title: jvm142sp4.cpk for NetWare 6.x
Document ID: 2971431
Creation Date: 16May2005
Modified Date: 16May2005
Revision: 1
Novell Product Class:NetWare


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