NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: WebSphere Fix Pack Advanced Edition Ver.3.5.3 TID #: 2959483 README FOR: FPA353.EXE NOVELL PRODUCTS and VERSIONS: WebSphere - NW51 WebSphere Application Server (Advanced) - NW51WS ABSTRACT: IBM WebSphere version 3.5.3 Application Server Advanced Fixpack for NetWare IBM Fixpacks replace all of the WebSphere executables without overwriting any configuration files. They include an uninstall option in case it is necessary to return to the original executables. 6/22/01 - Corrected WebSphere in the title ----------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES ALL REASONABLE EFFORTS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. ----------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: PREREQUISITES ------------- Install this fix pack on top of the IBM WebSphere Application Server Version 3.5 base. It can be installed on top of Fix Packs 1 and 2. Fix Pack 3 expands the list of supported product prerequisites. See the following Web site for details: SPACE REQUIREMENTS ------------------ The Fix Pack installation program requires some temporary space, approximately 60 MB. After it is installed, the Fix Pack 3 code increases the IBM WebSphere Application Server installation and runtime footprints by a small amount. INSTALLING FIX PACK 3 ON Novell NetWare --------------------------------------- 1. From a client machine, run the self extracting executable file onto the server that is running WebSphere. If your WebSphere is SYS:\WebSphere\AppServer, you ought to extract the files to this directory, and everything will be ready to go with few or no manual edits of the install NCF file. 2. Edit the file "(fixpackdirectory)\bin\install_ptf_3.ncf" to change all of the paths to match those of your installed WebSphere and to match the paths to which you extracted this fixpack. For instance, if I extracted the fixpack to "SYS:\WebSphere353", and my WebSphere is in "DEV:\WebSphere\AppServer", I would change the paths: "-jar SYS:\WebSphere\AppServer\was35_std_ptf_3_nw.jar" to read as follows: "-jar SYS:\WebSphere353\was35_std_ptf_3_nw.jar" I would also change the parameter that says : "-TargetDir SYS:\WebSphere\AppServer" to be "-TargetDir DEV:\WebSphere\AppServer" instead. Repeat this process for the paths included in the "-BackupJar", and "-logfile" parameters. As mentioned in item number 1 above, if your websphere is installed into SYS:\WebSphere\AppServer, and you extract this fixpack to this same directory, you should not have to change anything in the install_ptf_3.ncf file. Note: You may also need to modify the njclv2 search add command, if you have java and/or NJCL v2 installed in a nonstandard location. 3. Stop WebSphere if it is up. From the server console, run the install. To do so, type the name of the install_ptf_3.ncf file (e.g. vol1:\websphere\fix\std\bin\install_ptf_3.ncf), adding on the parameter options described below. Note: Once again, if you have installed the fixpack right into your WebSphere directory, then the install_ptf_3.ncf file should have extracted to the WebSphere bin directory, and there should already be a search path to this directory set up by the original WebSphere install. install_ptf_3.ncf parameter options and meaning: ------------------------------------------------ install_ptf_3.ncf Tree Context Server LoginName Password Tree - the name of the tree, to which the server belongs. Context - The context of the user object that has rights to modify WebSphere files (typically the admin user). Server - the name of the server itself, NOT the IP address. LoginName - The name of the user object that has rights to modify WebSphere files (typically the admin user). Password - This user's password. An example command: install_ptf_3 CorporateTree novell myserver admin adminpassword If the install runs to completion but has error messages, details can be found in the install log file, which can be found in the location specified in the install_ptf_3.ncf parameter, "-logFile". UNINSTALLING FIX PACK 3 ON Novell NetWare ----------------------------------------- 1. Stop IBM WebSphere Application Server. 2. Using a text editor, modify the uninstall_ptf_3.ncf according to instructions provided in the ncf file. 3. Run the Fix Pack installation ncf file: uninstall_ptf_3.ncf ISSUE: WebSphere Application Server Fix Packs and E-fixes WebSphere Application Server Version 3.5 Fix Pack 2 & 3 Administration 1. Administrative server tries restarting a process too many times 2. Error messsage failed to indicate why EJB deployment failed 3. Cannot distinguish among beans with same short name 4. needs to use "$@" to preserve quoting 5. HitCount EJB is not being created 6. Unable to browse for remote JAR file 7. Need to extract/display root cause exception during logon 8. AdminGUI "AWT-Motif" OutOfMemoryError 9. EJBJar reuse on server side of XMLConfig 10. Creating a bean without a data source causes an error 11. prints a message that is not very usable 12. Add node's dependent class on classpath in ActiveFileBrowser 13. It is difficult to diagnose EJB create failures in wscp 14. wscp should auto append JarFile to DeploymentDescriptor attr 15. EXCLUSIVE database access for entity beans does not work 16. IDB log "trace.log" in "bin" grows too large too fast 17. Unable to add two beans with same short name into one application 18. Error while editing servlet properties 19. Incorrect text in Web application wizard 20. XML header missing in XML file by web admin 21. setupClient problems 22. Bad clone index generated for ServletEngine clone 23. Starting the administrative server when there are generic servers causes a loop involving the plugincfggenerator class Security 1. WebSphere Application Server loses the validity of its methodgroup configuration 2. Internet Explorer browser fails to get authenticated, Netscape works with security enabled 3. InitialDirContext() does not close LDAP connection if bind() fails 4. SearchControls.setReturningAttributes should return all attributes when set to an empty string array 5. Bind SecurityServer using a hostname and not an IP address 6. Set cache sizes for the system properties PermissionCache, BeanCache and AdminBeanCach 7. Performance improvements in LTPA, improving the SHA versify/sign stage and string concatenations 8. SSO must be enabled when custom login is set 9. Need LTPA Token cache at Security Server level 10. Set to Anonymous Credentials when accessing an unprotective servlet 11. Ambiguous warning after Specify Global Settings task 12. NT requires Administrator rights for administrative server 13. TextField is too small in configure application security on Sun 14. SecurityContext must check for unauthenticated credential 15. Fix login.html output format 16. User can logon even though the password is expired 17. Security risk allowing the view of source code of any file Scalability 1. Incorrect message / message key 2. Allow different Manifest File formats Web server plug-in 1. WebSphere Domino plug-in throws authentication challenge box again, even after user authenticated 2. Problems with plug-in when three are multiple instances of IIS 3. WLM http session affinity does not always work, locking the client (browser) into a specific JVM 4. Need a way to disable plug-in regeneration during startup 5. Various problems in Domino DSAPI plugin 6. IIS / WAS ISAPI filter records error for all Web sites on box 7. EBADF not handled from select 8. JSP with query string using Lotus Notes(DSAPI FIlter) plug-in 9. Only 100 concurrent connections allowed Servlet support 1. The class can no longer be served by classname. This is the showConfig servlet defined in the examples Web Application. 2. The servlet engine was not honoring the configured Auto-Reload Interval specified. In addition, the value used MUST be specified in increments of seconds. 3. Initial default configuration will now always include an alias entry in default_host Virtual Host for the fully qualified domain name of the machine. 4. QueryString parameters were not being handled correctly when using URL Rewriting. 5. XMLConfig DTD was updated to require an access-id for elements. 6. If a servlet engine with persistent sessions is restarted, and the application server is under load with client requests while restarting, the servlet engine now waits for the Session Manager to completely initialize before servicing requests. Before this fix, the servlet engine would initialize off the the Session Manager XML file because it did not detect a persistent session configuration. 7. Administrative console now requires that a class name is entered when creating a servlet configuration. 8. Request Content data that contains an encoding specification was not being lost when using MIME filtering. 9. Query String data included on the URL input to getRequestDipatcher() was getting lost. 10. For single machine, multiple domain configurations where the file setting is used in the admin.config file, the servlet engine was always appending the text properties/ to the value. This no longer occurs. 11. Substitutions entered for XMLConfig now do not require a value to be specified so that the value can be an empty string, (for example, db_pw= ). 12. Session manager will now be started when the enterprise application it belongs to is started. 13. Invoker servlet can now be configured to use WAS security when invoking a servlet by class name. 14. XMLConfig now supports stopForRestart on the node. 15. OSERemoteConfig script will now generate correct configuration files for the case where the domain contains multiple nodes, each containing one or more application server clones. JSP support 1. JSP compilation errors occur when 100 clients on a Windows NT system fail on the trade sample. 2. JSP include is not working with WebSphere as described in the 1.0 specification 3. JSP compilation failure on redirect when the path starts with a period (".") 4. JSP session needs a putValue call when processing the useBean tag during JSP compilation 5. JSP 1.1/Servlet 2.2 is not complying with specification on forward parameter 6. Set property is not passing parameters 7. JSPs with file names and paths longer than 255 characters fail user AIX 8. Problem deploying JSP from development to production due to timestamp issues 9. JSP in nested directories fail if the 255 character filename limit is reached 10. jsp:setProperty is setting a boolean value 11. JSP path length is exceeding 256 characters 12. Enumeration request.getParameterNames() problem 13. RequestDispatcher.forward() from JSP to another JSP fails for 0 14. JSP 1.1 compilation fails if JSP throws java.lang.Throwable 15. "Unable to rename class file" error in stdout.log 16. Unable to include JSP in another JSP 17. With caching enabled, null pointer exceptions are thrown when multiple requests are made for the same cacheable servlet 18. Attempt to clear a buffer that has already been flushed 19. Adding JSP batchcompiler for JSP1.0 20. Update all scripts for new BSF code 21. ADDING WEB RESOURCE WITH JSP IN HTDOCS, REPLACED WITH 0K FILE EJB support 1. Application server fails to start, showing the error "No such file or directory" 2. Difference in security exceptions exists between versions 3.02 and 3.5 3. WebSphere nanny process fails with sigsegv 4. Need dependent jars defined at the application server level as well as at the node level 5. Transaction timeouts fail to raise rollback exceptions 6. Administrative server NullPointerException in LRUCache 7. Fix deletion from disk of passivated stateful beans 8. Errors importing a jar with 150 DDs but only 3 beans 9. displays an error when non-root 10. Long duration lock contention in WrapperManager or LRUCache 11. Fix memory leak in WrapperManager introduced by the defect 86717 12. wscp should use an edition-appropriate qualifyHomeNames default 13. wscp causes a NullPointerException if the type tree wasn't loaded 14. Need to clear SQLWarnings on pool connections 15. Show the transaction attributes for entity home methods 16. JNDI lookup operations should return their client stub and not actual instances of remote objects 17. Clean up BeanMetaData.dump 18. Remove on StatelessSession bean invokes ejbRemove 19. Add the SequeLink driver and the url prefix into the drop-down list 20. Solve the scenario when a bean saves its own reference on itself 21. Add epmString to property file to set the EPM level for application server 22. JRas improvements, including improvements to the JRas and trace loggers 23. EPM: add support to return performance data after the server stops 24. Add resourceBundle to SeriousEvent 25. URL prefix field for the JDBC driver is too small 26. EPM: handle null epmSpec string 27. Duplicate key problem 28. Memory leak in container 29. SeriousEvent getting (Add support for reading binary fields in the SeriousEvent table.) 30. Prepared Statement creates with incorrect concurrency. Type A call to connection.prepareStatement() ignores type and concurrency parameters and creates a prepared statement with the default type and concurrency settings (ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY and RESULTSET.CONCUR_READ_ONLY). This prevents the running of select for update statements. The method was altered to use passed arguments. 31. Optimize JBrokerSupport.getRecoveryCoordinator to improve Connection Manager performance.JBrokerSupport.getRecoveryCoordinator now optimized for one phase operation. 32. EJB failure if number of entities exceeds absolute cache size within txn (This problem occurs if the number of Entity EJBs returned from the finder method exceeds the Container Absolute cache size.) 33. ActivatorCacheFullException while creating Stateful Session bean (Removed hard limit on upperbound for ActivatorCache.) 34. NullPointerException while removing stateful session bean (Problem caused by trying to remove a nonexistent bean. WrapperManager.unregister method changed to check whether the bean was removed.) 35. Proactive purging of stale connections from pool on DB failure (Proactive purge of all connections when one invalid or stale connection detected. This will improve pool reliability.) 36. FileBrowser deadlocks or throws DeploymentException (This problem occurs in a multi-machine environment when running the Console remotely and trying to browse the file system of the Server machine, as for example, when looking for a data source driver.) 37. AE 2PC performance degrades as runtime increases (Problem resulted from tranlog size and internal buffering scheme. Buffering scheme changed to use dual buffers to avoid contention.) 38. Remove connections marked stale from pool when closed (This is general connection pool maintenance and cleanup.) 39. CMP EJB multi-client test hung when using Option A caching (This fix entails a general rewrite of the Option A caching mechanism to address several multi threading issues.) 40. JarClassLoader does not support getResource(This problem fixed by adding getResource methods to JarClassLoader, EJBZip and EJBDir.) 41. TX_NOTSUPPORTED attr for Entity bean getEJBMetaData method (This method was using a default tx attribute for the Bean. The container will ensure the tx attribute of getEJBMetaData is TX_NOTSUPPORTED as required by EJB 1.1 specs.) Samples 1. Sample update for Oracle & Sybase support 2. Remove iioptools.jar from classpath of createbeans script files Databases 1. Datasource not in list after changing JDBC driver association 2. Errors installing JDBC driver on AS/400 Miscellaneous 1. File enabler exception with Internet Explorer 5, okay with Netscape 2. getCookies() works incorrectly when cookie contains null value 3. WebSphere Application Server crashes, and creates core and Java core files in the /bin directory 4. Performance problems when some clones are inactive 5. Post-data not parsed when Charset attribute is given 6. Problem in mapping to files on a DFS drive from WebSphere Application Server 3.02.2 8. Many translated messages are missing in the property files 9. Add caching to CosNaming plug-in for JNDI 10. javax.naming.NameNotFoundException 11. CTS: 64 character limit for "name" column too low 12. Allow users to deselect OLT without deselecting Debug 13. Serialiable/Referenceable handling incorrectly 14. EPM: toString method on PerfValueVersioned incorrect Self-Extracting File Name: FPA353.EXE Files Included Size Date Time ..\ FPA353.TXT (This file) WAS35_ADV_PTF_3_NW.JAR 42514880 6-15-2001 2:20:52 pm WAS35_ADV_PTF_3_NW.LOG 55 6-15-2001 1:31:42 pm ..\BIN\ INSTALL_PTF_3.NCF 1500 6-11-2001 3:02:32 pm UNINSTALL_PTF_3.NCF 460 6-6-2001 7:01:34 pm ----------------------------------------------------------------- Any trademarks referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Consult your product manuals for complete trademark information. -----------------------------------------------------------------