NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: WebSphere Fix Pack Advanced Edition Ver. 3.02 TID #: 2958427 README FOR: FP3023A.EXE NOVELL PRODUCTS and VERSIONS: WebSphere - NW51 WebSphere Application Server (Advanced) - NW51WS ABSTRACT: IBM WebSphere version 3.02 Application Server Advanced Fixpack for NetWare IBM Fixpacks replace all of the WebSphere executables without overwriting any configuration files. They include an uninstall option in case it is necessary to return to the original executables. 2/22/2001 - Changed f_ directory to file to match the install.ncf file. ----------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES ALL REASONABLE EFFORTS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. ----------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: 1 - From a client machine, run the self extracting executable file onto the server that is running WebSphere. 2 - Edit the install.ncf file to change the variable FIX_ROOT to be the location where you have extracted the files. You may also edit the java command within the install.ncf file so that you do not need to enter directory paths when you run the install (see the file for details). 3 - Stop WebSphere if it is up. From the server console, run the install (e.g. type vol1:\websphere\fix\std\install.ncf). If the install runs to completion but has error messages, details can be found in the install log file, located in the WebSphere root directory. If there are 2 messages pertaining to a DLL that cannot be found, this is a benign error because the file is not necessary for the NetWare version of WebSphere. ISSUE: IBM WebSphere Application Server Version 3.02 with Fix Pack 3 (3.02.3) This document contains a list of the issues resolved in WebSphere Application Server 3.02.3 Fix Pack. Miscellaneous - Marshaling boolean Union causes BAD_OPERATION - Narrow method response is slow - rmic always fails after update of the orbs - Fix unmatched if statement - rmic always fails after update of the orbs - CST_SUN: Failed to configure CB run time: ddl errors - HostPublisher 2.2.1 on WebSphere Application Server(2X ) performance degradation servers and servlet engine from config doesn't work with servlet error page - Broken pipe messages when using sendredirect - Connection Manager throws SQL exception upon closing statement - Backleveled a URL - getCookies() doesn't work right when cookie contains null value - Netware: update copyright in native makes - somoa object pool problems Installation - File enabler exception with IE 5,okay - Invalid package name for DB2 used in the - Database Setup for DB26.1 Fix Pack 4 fails - xmlconfig.dtd throwing errors in Fix Pack - WebSphere Application Server config file - Update to orbs3.0.ptf level to ptfc 0048.01 from ptfc 0046.02 - Update JDK 118 to service release 12 - Netware: build errors when generating Fix Pack 3 for Netware - Changes needed to to support Oracle OCI driver - Netware: missing CPPWIN32.DLL during Fix Pack build - Netware/Fix Pack 2: install.jar does not support Netware - PMR70143B7TD - incorrect Samples - CST-NT STD YourCo Poll returns SQL1403N - CST: SiteOutliner Sample fails - missing html file - CST_AIX:Samples DB2 setup instructions need to be updated - Update Menu.html for SiteOutliner fix - CST_Linux:YourCo White pages Search button not accessible - CST_AIX:Poll sample fails in YourCo - CST: SiteOutliner Sample fails - missing html file Scalability - Mark connection bad at server vs. proxy level Personalization - Add PreparedStatement closes - OS390 DB2: Fix Invalidation column update in table - FVT: Fail to create new application server with new session manager property - Various Aug/Sept 2000 fixes for 302 HttpSession - Session - Automatically drop "sessions" table for BLOB - Failed requests after a db failover - session gets corrupted in multi web application scenario - HttpSession trade scenario problem (man update) - Tweak to session invalid sleep interval - Manual Update: NullPointer Exception sometimes - Persistent sessions are not stored; raises NullPointerException candidate - CREATE TABLE not allowed within a multi-statement transaction - Sybase Add "alter table" for row locks Administration - server.root property missing form XMLConfig scripts - Netware: XMLConfig missing tasks.jar from classpath - Netware: During NW build, use Netware version of docs - Request to select serlvets in Resource Analyzer - PTF2, etc says 3.02.1 instead of 3.02.2 - WebSphere Application Server LOGINHELPER.CLASS REQUEST_LOGIN method allows access to all - Create servlet model does not suggest servlet web path - When creating new web application the classpath is not defaulting correctly - Web Application Web Path proprety different on property sheets - Can not create web application from Task mode Netware - Netware:StaleActiveObject Exceptions - Changing thread pool size from WebSphere Application GUI has no effect - URL rewriting - WWL browser can't handle the dollar sign($) - Virtual host list incomplete on web appliation - Entries fail to refresh when reconfiguring a web application - "WEB APPLICATION WEB PATH" field information differs - WebSphere Application Server 3.022 causes DB2 schema name conacatenates TBL name and DB2 table names without '-' - Errors when removing application servers and servlet engine from config - STOREDRESPONSE.JAVA doesn't transfer cookies before sendredirect - Web application not alive - Cannot modify Max Connections in ServletEngine Model - Beans with same name but different application servers are undistinguishable - Unable to add two beans with same short name into one application. - Can't distinguish the beans with same short name. - Check in the Tivoli integration files - EJB Deployment Failed and the Error Msg Failed to Indicate Why - Both start and stop icon are active for a stopped Model - EXCLUSIVE database access for entity beans does not work. - Better error message needed for ZipException - Active datasource attribute value should not change right away - Cannot start administrative server in background as non-root user - add node's dependent class on classpath in ActiveFileBrowser. - Bad clone index generated for ServletEngine clone - Update Needs to have tasks.jar on the classpath. - On WebSphere Application Server re-install, extra lines get written in httpd.conf - Control M in apache1312aix makefile - Case error in specfiles - Install doc for Advanced lists the DB2 properties in wrong case - Bump the package revision number by one for Fix Pack - Install on Suse fails to change httpd.conf - Change the DB2 restriction for Suse for Advanced install guide Web Server Plug-in - WebSphere Application Server crashes, creates core and Java core files in /bin directory - Gif files are not served via DSAPI domino5 plugin and WebSphere - Win2k Domino new dll domino5.dll causes Domino 5.02b crash. - Check_protect always testing with port 80 - Expand OSE client/server trace data. - Security failed on plug-in IIS 5.0 on Win2k for HTML files - Clones are marked dead when failures occur - File Name Truncated - IHS as_read_serv function fails to detect error from IHS - Enabling SSL on IBM HTTP causes error on WebSphere Application Server resources - Netware: socket blocking select must be handled specially - AppServer plugin does not detect "client" failure - Add better logging to queue.c - Remove error messages when writes fail - HTTPD cores when running IHS - HOST HEADER >1092 crash HTTPD process when WebSphere Application Server in HTTPD.conf - Do load balancing across clones - JAPAN Only 100 concurrent connections allowed - Various problems in Domino DSAPI plugin - JSP with query string using Lotus Notes(DSAPI FIlter) plugin fails - EBADF not handled from select - WebSphere Application Server Domino plug-in throws challenge - Protected HTML page in Web servers root can not be accessed - WebSphere Application Server 3.5 WLM http session affinity problem - Protected HTML page in WebServers root can not be accessed - Performance problems when some clones inactive Security - Security Support for Invoker Servlet - Security risk allowing the view of source code of any file - ASV302 only: clear both cookies during logout - Redirect user to referrer URL in Custom Login - Clear the referer URL information during CustomLogin - Implement authentication cache - improve performance - ValidationCache not initialized - Searching valid but non-searchable DN fail normalization of DN - Incorporate new SAS API to solve 84203 - Need LTPA Token cache at Security Server level - Authentication cache should not return expired credentials - Relink files that are common between ASV302 and ASV35 - User can logon even though the password is expired - Set to Anonymous Credentials when access an unprotective servlet - Prevent System.exit() from succeeding - sessions can be lost for long-running applications - notifyBrokenConnection only deletes the first Session - Client connections allowed prior to securityEnabled = true - "Null" client credential does not get passed downstream - Credential expiration should be in milliseconds - (Domino)Implement request_login() for LTPA token - (Domino) Implement request_login() for LTPA token - Valid login followed by valid uid, invalid password still works - Relink files that are common between orbs - Allow detailed messages to be passed into Corba Exceptions - LTPA basic authentication: default server fails to start - Secure servlet to CB fails: StackOverflowError exception - Why is in the orbs tree? - SessionDoesNotExist Exceptions During Server Startup - Credential is invalid errors causing instabilities on Administrative server - nwsaa-16724Programmatic Login w/Invalid UID/PW uses server credentials - Random SessionDoesNotExist Errors After Admininstrative server Startup - Change marshal to locatedIOR in SecurityConnectionInterceptor - Random SessionDoesNotExist Errors After Administrative server Startup - Long run: Unable to initialize security context: 'p' builds - PERF:AdminGUI performance problem with security enabled Servlet Support - Forward of request dispatcher doesn't work with servlet error page - Fix for JSP gererated class file name on Netware - Unable to change Web application properties on Model in 3.02.2 - Change nativeTranslateID2Message error to debug - Fix doc root problems with Standalone Servlet Engine - Netware: Merge default host alias creation - Backport security and enterprise applicatioin to R302 - Servlet redirector fails due to node name case - NativeTranslateID2Message causes hang - InvokerServlet NullPointerException - Several File servlet defects - VAJ Session IDs Being Lost Inside VAJ - Allow serving some static files with mixed case extensions - MICROCASTJarDirClassProvider is exception crazy - Can't start 8 clones on same machine - Servlet engine requests to the session code prior to - Fix URL encoding with query parameters - UBS XMLConfig NullPointer when exporting ServletEngine Model - Servlet classloader does not first check if class is loaded bef - Administrative console allows servlet definition without Servlet class name - WebSphere Applicatin Server security not for customer using servlet invoker - JarFileClassProvider does not cache contents for efficient class loading - JSP repeat tag needs to be buffered output for ArrayIndexOutOfB - as always tries to recreate repos even if initial=false - Starting generic server blank command line NULLPOINTEREXCEPTION - RMIC fails - tag no longer supported in JSP Support - Performance optimization to allow ".." in JSP includes/forwards - Error while invoking JSP from browser - Errors during JSP compilation - GetCanonicalPath was causing an extra \ to be appended - Unable to specify variable in start attribute of tsx:repeat - Possible problem on STD if no EJB support class exists - JSP calls another JSP fails in JSP 0.91 engine - JSP 1.0 doesn't work with filename extenstions > 3 characters. - Parsing of JSP commnet tag incorrect - Cannot turn off JSP reload - The servlet code produced by the JSP compiler that WebSphere Application Server ships is arranged different from code produced by other JSP compilers - WebSphere Application Server - JSP INCLUDE NOT AS NOTED IN 1.0 SPEC W/WebSphere Application Server - JSP compile error not handled by WebSphere Application Server default error page - Adding Web Resource with JSP in HTDOCS, replaced with 0K File - WebSphere Application Server 3.021 - JSP:PARAMS does not work with JSP 1.0 processor - Attempt to clear a buffer that has already been flushed - 1.x: PageContext is accessing a session when scope is off - JSP .91 in V2 needs CODE=file.class, V3 only accepts CODE=FILE - jsp:setProperty, setting boolean value - Fix file descriptor problem in .91 - Case insensitivity in Pagecompile Servlet EJB Support - BVT:HP:Startup exceptions 85399 - EJB Classloader getResourceAsStream performance problem - synchronize _ConnMgrBaseImpl.getConnectionPool - Fix non-root running and process priority - ActivatorCacheFullException while creating Stateful Session bean - NullPointerException while removing stateful session bean - Deploying multiple EJB's with Server Wizard, some EJB's don't start - EJBs deployed while WebSphere Application Server is created have the word bean appended - GNUMake fixes - Sybase dead connection detection - NoSuchObjectException while calling valid stateful session bean - Problems with passivated EJB's reactivated and removed - Polymorphic behavior in WebSphere Application Server 3.02 - Multipackage EJB Code can't be deployed by WebSphere Application Server Admin - WebSphere and JProbeProfiler - Uuid does not create unique values - Add 1012 to list of error codes - Resource Analyzer unable to display more than 20 EJB's - JTA 2PC transactions hang with multiple clients - idleCollection alarm handler bug - Administrative Console takes very long to refresh - Connection Manager doesn't indicate stale connection after failover - invalid oracle URL error with remote 8.0.5 database as datasource - Need an improved Stale Connection detection algorithm - DBMgr.executePreparedUpdate() doesn't throw exception - EJB failure if # of entities exceed abs. cach size w/in a txn - JarClassLoader does not support getResource. - Need to set classpath explicitly when calling EJB to EJB - Unprotected trace in CNContextImpl - Application server fails to start, no such file or directory - Unguarded tracing in JTS code - BinaryHeap fails at close to 1000 entries Self-Extracting File Name: FP3023A.EXE Files Included Size Date Time ..\ FP3023A.TXT (This file) ..\FP3023A\ CPPOS2.DLL 44032 12-7-2000 3:58:34 pm CPPWIN32.DLL 68608 12-7-2000 3:58:34 pm DATA.ZIP 18338058 1-10-2001 11:32:56 am FIXPACK.JAR 100092 1-10-2001 11:31:52 am INSTALL.JAR 406182 12-7-2000 3:58:34 pm INSTALL.NCF 869 12-7-2000 3:58:42 pm UNINSTALL.NCF 869 12-7-2000 3:58:42 pm ----------------------------------------------------------------- Any trademarks referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Consult your product manuals for complete trademark information. -----------------------------------------------------------------