NetWare NFS Services 3.0 Support Pack 7

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NetWare NFS Services 3.0 Support Pack 7 Readme
February 2005


     This Support Pack contains updates for all components
     contained in the NFS Services 3.0 Support Pack 7 only.

     The purpose of this Support Pack is to provide a bundle of
     fixes that have all been tested together. These files have
     undergone component testing, core OS testing, and
     integration testing with other Novell products.

     This Support Pack includes all fixes from previous Support
     Packs; therefore, you do not need to install earlier Support
     Packs before installing this Support Pack. Do not install
     individual files from the Support Pack.

     Install the NetWare Support Pack before installing other
     Novell product support packs like GroupWise and BorderManager.
     These Support Packs are included with the Consolidated Support
     Pack, or they can be downloaded individually from

Installation Instructions

Table of Contents

1.0 Prerequisites
     1.1 For Installing NetWare NFS Services 3.0 SP7
     1.2 For Correct Functionality of NFS Gateway
     1.3 For Correct Functionality of NFS Server
2.0 Support Pack Installation
     2.1 Installing the Support Pack through NWCONFIG
     2.2 On Installing the Support Pack
3.0 Uninstalling the Support Pack
4.0 Known Issues
     4.1 General
     4.2 ConsoleOne
     4.3 NFS Server
     4.4 NIS Services
     4.5 NFS Gateway
5.0 Changes Since Last Support Pack
6.0 Legal Information
     6.1 Disclaimer, Patents, Copyright, and Export Notice
     6.2 Trademarks

1.0 Prerequisites
  1.1 For Installing NetWare NFS Services 3.0 SP7

      - Install the NetWare 5.1 Support Pack 8 on the server
          before installing this Support Pack.
          The NFS Gateway is tied to the NSS version, hence
    NFS gateway will not load until the NetWare 5.1 SP8 version of
        NSS is installed.
      - For correct functionality of NetWare NFS Services 3.0 SP7, it is
        recommended that all servers running NFAU or NFS 3.0 in the tree be
        updated with the latest available Support Packs.

            - For NFS 3.0 SP7 to function with other NFAU and NFS 3.0 servers, the
                minimum support packs for those other servers are:
           - For NetWare 5.1 with Native File Access Pack: NetWare 5.1 SP4 (or later)
             and Native File Access Protocols 1.0.1 (NFAP 1.0 SP1) or later.

           - For NetWare 5.1 with NFS 3.0: NetWare 5.1 SP4 (or later) and NFS 3.0 SP3a (or later).

           - For NetWare 6 running NFAU: NetWare 6 SP1 (or later).
             The NFS 3.0 or Native File Access for UNIX services on all other servers
             will be functional only after they are upgraded.

      - Install the Novell Cluster Services Support Pack 4 on the server
          before installing this Support Pack for correct functionality
    of NFS on cluster.

      - Before installing NetWare NFS Services 3.0 SP7, stop the
        already running NFS Services by executing NFSSTOP.
      - ConsoleOne version 1.3.2 or above, available from, is installed on either
        the NetWare server or a Windows workstation. This version
        of ConsoleOne requires JVM 1.2 or higher to be already
        installed. You can download JVM 1.2.2 and JVM 1.3 from or if you have the
        Consolidated Support Pack CDs, JVM 1.3 is included on
        CD 2.

        NFS 3.0 SP7 updates the ConsoleOne Snap-ins on the
        NetWare server. If ConsoleOne on a workstation needs to
        be updated, extra steps will be necessary. For more
        information on adding NFS Snap-ins to ConsoleOne,
        refer to the TID 10055844 on the Web at

      - When upgrading to a cluster enabled setup, ensure that the
        resource object for the product is created and the shared volume
        is mounted on the server.
      - Install NetWare NFS Services 3.0 SP7 on all nodes in the
        cluster one after another.
      - NDS (Novell Directory Services) 8.0 or later is installed.
        In addition to running the Support Pack on an NDS 8.x server,
        NDS 8 should be running on:

     - A server holding a read-write copy of the root
     - Any nearby replica server that NFS will need to
           contact to get DS information about objects within
           or below the SEARCH_ROOT contexts displayed in
         - Any nearby replica server that NFS will need to
           contact to get DS information about the

         Note: To reduce the number of servers than might require
               updates to NDS 8 or above, the server running NFS
               can have local replicas of the partitions in
               question. This way, there will be no need for
               NFS to contact other servers that might
               not be running NDS 8. Besides reducing the potential
               need for NDS updates, this also improves NFS performance,
               as tree walking is reduced.
   1.2 For Correct Functionality of NFS Gateway
      - Modify the Btrieve settings for NFS Gateway
       1. Remove the read-only attribute of the file
       2. Modify the parameter CacheSize=32768 (the second
          parameter from the top under the [MicroKernel] section)
       3. Reboot the server.
      - Increase the cache size of the shadow file by editing
        the SYS:ETC\GATEWAY.CFG file and setting the parameter
        MAX_CACHE_SIZE=<size in KB>

        The best size varies based on the system. Determine
        the number of file/directory entries existing
        in the largest directory with the NFS Gateway volumes
        that are being mounted on the server and then set the
        parameter equal to that number.

        For example, if the largest directory contains 32000
        file and directory entries, allocate 32000 KB (32 MB)
        of cache, MAX_CACHE_SIZE=32000.
        However, if many large directories exist that will be
        accessed frequently and simultaneously, performance will
        benefit from having this set much higher, provided there
        is enough RAM available on the server.

        This enables NFS Gateway to list the directory
    entries of a single directory in the imported path having
        a large number of entries (25000 or greater) from
    Explorer or
        If this is not done, the task might fail with the
        message "Error : Drive is not accessible"
        because the shadow file cache size is inadequate
        to hold all the records corresponding to those entries.

      - Do not delete shadow files, when NFS Gateway is loaded.

      - Ensure that there is plenty of space on the volume
        where the new shadow files are held. These
        files could be twice as large as the shadow files
        used in NFS 3.0 SP2 or lower. They will be
        approximately the same size as NFS 3.0 SP3 or higher.

    One shadow record (for a single file or directory entry)
        requires approximately 850 bytes.

      - Reload NFS Gateway if the imported UNIX path is reshared.

      - Before mounting a Gateway Volume, make sure that system
        time of the NetWare machine and the corresponding UNIX
        machine is in sync.

  1.3 For Correct Functionality of NFS Server
       To be able to give Modify and Root access to all clients,
       you need to explicity add a trustee, enter '*' in the Name field
       and allow R/W and/or Root access using ConsoleOne.

2.0 Support Pack Installation

    - Overlay install (simultaneously installing the base product and the
      support pack) is not supported for NFS 3.0. NFS 3.0 must be
      present on the server before installing the Support Pack.
    2.1 Installing the Support Pack through NWCONFIG
       To install the Support Pack on a single server using
       NWCONFIG, complete the following steps. If you are
       installing from CD, start with Step 2.

       You can also refer to the TID 2962697 titled NFS 3.0
       NWCONFIG-based install, and TID 10073250 on the Web at

       1) At a workstation DOS prompt, explode the file by entering
            Explode the file on the server's volume SYS: or on
            another server volume. This compressed file contains
            directory paths that could exceed the DOS limits.
            The file must be extracted in a root-level directory
            on your local drive or on a NetWare volume that
            accepts longer paths.
       2) At the server console prompt, enter NWCONFIG.
       3) Select Product Options > Install a Product Not Listed.
       4) Depending on where the NetWare Support Pack files are
            located, complete one of the following:
            - From the local volume SYS:, press F3 and then specify the
               path, including the volume name (for example,
            - From a different server on the network, press F3 and then
               specify the full path, including the server name (for example,
               <server_name>\VOL1:\<directory_name>). You will be prompted for a
               login name and password for the other server.
            The F4 option in RCONSOLE does not apply to this
            Support Pack.
       5) Press Enter to continue the installation.
       6) Enter the Administrator's FDN and password.

       7) If Novell Cluster Services is not installed on the server,
            complete the installation by following the on-screen prompts.

            If Novell Cluster Services is installed on the server,
            the installation screen prompts to select regarding
            Cluster enabling. In this case proceed with Step 8.
       8) Select one of the following options:

            1. Upgrade to NFS30SP7 and Cluster enable NFS.
            2. Upgrade to NFS30SP7 over Cluster enabled NFS.
            3. Upgrade to NFS30SP7 without Cluster enabling.
            Complete Step 8a through Step 8c only if Options 1, or 2
            is selected.

        8a) Enter the Cluster Volume Resource name, and press Esc to
            save and continue.
        8b) Enter the Shared Volume Name by pressing F3.
            Specify Volume Name with a colon (:). For example, NFSVol:
            Press Esc to save and continue.
        8c) Enter the Cluster Volume Resource IP Address, and press Esc to
            save and continue.
  2.2 On Installing the Support Pack

       During the Support Pack installation, the following happens:
     - The Support Pack installs only if NFS 3.0 or later is
     - A record is added to the PRODUCTS.DAT file in the Installed
       Products section, and the following changes appear:
          NFS 3.0.7 NetWare NFS3.0 Support Pack 7
          NFS-GWY 1.0.7 NFS Gateway
          NFS-SVR 1.0.7 NFS Server
          NFS-NIS 1.0.7 NIS Services
     - This product supports automatic upgrade from the
       NetWare NFS Services 3.0 or later Support Pack. The
       appropriate old configuration parameters for the
       components NFS Server, NFS Gateway, and NIS are retained.

     - The Support Pack installation automatically upgrades
       from the previously cluster-enabled installation.

     - During the Support Pack install, you can cluster enable
       NetWare NFS Services 3.0.

 3.0 Uninstalling the Support Pack
       To remove only the NFS 3.0 Support Pack 7, without removing
       the base NFS product, complete the following steps:

    1) IN the NWCONFIG, follow the "Install a Product Not Listed" procedure.
    2) Point to SYS:SYSTEM\NFS30SP7, the backup location of
       the files replaced by NFS 3.0 SP7.

       This launches a script to roll-back NFS to the previous configuration
       and deletes the SYS:SYSTEM\NFS30SP7 directory and all its contents.

    3) (Conditional) When rolling back to NFS 3.0 Support Pack 2 or earlier,
       after completing the roll-back, load SCHINST to re-create the
       NISUserDef object that the earlier Support Packs require. You can
       verify the NFS Support Pack version in the installed products list.
4.0 Known Issues

  4.1 General

     1) Uninstalling the base NFS product does not remove
        the jar files under the NISNFS directories.

    This is because the base product did not supply files
        in those locations. These files are added by NFS Support Pack 3 and above.
    Doing a roll-back of the Support Pack handles the jar files.
    (Refer Section 3.0).

        If the complete NFS product is being removed, manually check and remove
    the files in the the following directories:


     2) If JVM 1.3 is installed on NetWare 5.1, the original release
        of NetWare NFS Services 3.0 cannot be installed.

     3) Downgrade is supported only from NFS30sp5 to NFS30sp4.
        Downgrading of the product to the earlier support packs
        is not supported.

     4) On uninstalling the product, you need to delete the IP Address
        of the server from the address restriction of NFAUUser
        using ConsoleOne.

        To do this, right-click NFAUUser Properties
        in ConsoleOne > Restriction Tab > Address Restrictions and
        remove the old IP address.
     5) When NDSILIB is autoloaded during some operation, at times
        it might not load and will give the Error 9600.
        To continue with the operation, perform NFSSTOP and then
        execute the operation again.

     6) If the server's IP Address changes, you need to
        manually add the new IP address to the list of addresses
        specified in the address restrictions for NFAUUser
        and remove the old IP address through the ConsoleOne.
        To do this, you need to right-click NFAUUser Properties
        in ConsoleOne > Restriction Tab > Address Restrictions and
        add the new IP address and remove the old IP address.

     7) At times, when upgrading to the second node cluster, the
        NISSERVER object is created with the local node, but with
        the IP address of the virtual server. Delete such objects.

     8) Even in a clustered environment,the configuration
        parameter LOG_FILE_PATH in NIS.CFG should point to
        SYS:\ETC\NIS for MAKENIS.LOG to be created.

     9) In a clustered environment, the IBM-AIX machine does
        not become a slave to the virtual server.
  4.2 ConsoleOne
     1) When managing the NFS Gateway through ConsoleOne on the
        GUI, if you try to import a volume without
        logging into the NDS tree, instead of displaying
        the message, "Not logged into the tree", a message similar
        to the following is displayed erroneously:

        "Naming exception occured while getting config info.
        Config file is curently opened by some other resource."

        Login into the NDS tree to be able to import a volume.

     2) If connection to the administered server under NFSAdmin
        server is lost, logout and login again for correct
        functionality of ConsoleOne administration.

     3) While administering multiple servers and switching
    between them, it's possible that the data you view is
    for the previous server.
        Click the corresponding server object to display its data.

  4.3 NFS Server

     - If the CD-ROM is mounted with V3 TCP or UDP, the non-root user
       cannot access the mount point.
  4.4 NIS Services
    1) Do not use makenis to delete users and groups from an
       NIS domain. Use ConsoleOne instead. For information on
       deleting users and groups through ConsoleOne, refer to the
       NetWare NFS Service 3.0 documentation at
    2) When the NetWare server is made a slave NIS Server and
       users/groups are deleted from the master NIS Server,
       you will need to do the following to remove the users/groups
       from NetWare NIS Slave server:

       1. From the ConsoleOne main menu, right-click the User or
          Group object.

       2. Click Properties > Other.

       3. Under Attributes, select nisUserGroupDomain and
          then select the specific domain.

       4. Click Delete.

  4.5 NFS Gateway

    1) If the directories in the Gateway volume contain
       more than 30,000 entries, then the NCP clients like
       Windows Client32 might timeout before obtaining the
       complete directory list. The number of entries varies
       based on the environment.

       To ensure better performance, before the clients
       begin using the system, use the NSNSHELL
       or TOOLBOX.NLM to build the shadow files at the server.

         1) Enter CHDIR <volname>:
         2) Enter DIR /S to get a directory list
            of the entire Gateway volume.

       With this, NFS Gateway will create shadow records for
        the entries and the directory listings by NetWare
        clients will be obtained more quickly. The occurence
        of timeouts will be unlikely.

     2) If the changes done to a file from a UNIX machine
        are not visible from an NCP client, you need to
        load NSS with NoNameCache option.

     3) When a file is being transferred to a NFS Gateway volume
    from a FTP client, if target machine runs out of disk
        space, FTP client may not return proper error message.

        This might also occur when using other clients to write
        files to the NFS Gateway volume. For example, in some
        environments, when Windows copies a file to a NFS Gateway
        volume, the Windows to NetWare transfer may complete
        significantly earlier than the NetWare to UNIX transfer.
        If an error occurs late in the NetWare to UNIX transfer,
        the Windows client may not give an error, because from its
        perspective, the data transfer is complete.

     4) User level space restriction is not supported on
        NFS Gateway volume.

     5) In a cluster enabled environment the Gateway volume name
        must not be longer than three characters.

        If the volume name is longer than three characters, then
        the NFS Gateway does'nt load and the
        error message "Error in migrating.." displays.
5.0 Changes Since Last Support Pack
     For a list of the changes made since the last Support Pack,
     see the NFS30SP7\NFS_CHG.TXT file. This file is not
     available for Beta releases.

6.0 Legal Information
  6.1 Disclaimer, Patents, Copyright, and Export Notice
     Novell, Inc. makes no representations or warranties with respect to the
     contents or use of this documentation, and specifically disclaims any
     express or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any
     particular purpose. Further, Novell, Inc. reserves the right to revise
     this publication and to make changes to its content, at any time,
     without obligation to notify any person or entity of such revisions or

     Further, Novell, Inc. makes no representations or warranties with
     respect to any software, and specifically disclaims any express or
     implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular
     purpose. Further, Novell, Inc. reserves the right to make changes to
     any and all parts of Novell software, at any time, without any
     obligation to notify any person or entity of such changes.

     You may not use, export, or re-export this product in violation of any
     applicable laws or regulations including, without limitation, U.S.
     export regulations or the laws of the country in which you reside.

     Copyright 2005 Novell, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this
     publication may be reproduced, photocopied, stored on a retrieval
     system, or transmitted without the express written consent of the

     Novell, Inc. has intellectual property rights relating to technology
     embodied in the product that is described in this document. In
     particular, and without limitation, these intellectual property rights
     may include one or more of the U.S. patents listed at and one or more additional
     patents or pending patent applications in the U.S. and in other

  6.2 Trademarks
       Novell, NetWare, and Novell Directory Services and NDS
       are registered trademarks of Novell, Inc. in the United
       States and other countries.
       ConsoleOne, eDirectory, NetWare Core Protocol and NCP, and
       NetWare Loadable Module and NLM, Novell Client are
       trademarks of Novell, Inc. All third-party trademarks are
       the property of their respective owners.



File Contents

Self-Extracting File Name:  nfs30sp7.exe

Files Included       Size   Date         Time    Version   Checksum

  NFS30SP7.TXT      24388   08Mar2005    10:42AM
     NFS30.ZIP    1296690   07Mar2005    01:51AM
  NFS30SP7.TXT      22330   18Feb2005    04:22PM
     SPACK.IPS       1047   11Mar2002    09:28AM
      UNIX.TXT       9369   18Feb2005    04:24PM
    APPEND.NLM        965   29Sep1998    02:26PM
    SILENT.ICS      11784   11Aug2004    01:26PM
   STARTUP.ICS       6033   11Aug2004    01:25PM
   BACKOUT.IPS       1105   11Aug2004    01:27PM
    BACKUP.LST       5489   23Jan2002    08:18PM
   DELLIST.TXT        418   17Dec2001    01:05PM
  DELLIST1.TXT       1211   23Jan2002    07:57PM
    SPUTIL.NLM      27241   16Oct2001    02:48PM
    MSGVAR.RCF       2892   07Jan2005    10:40AM
    SPACKA.ILS        297   11Aug2004    01:26PM


Document Title: NetWare NFS Services 3.0 Support Pack 7
Document ID: 2970957
Creation Date: 08Mar2005
Modified Date: 08Mar2005
Revision: 1
Novell Product Class:Connectivity Products


The Origin of this information may be internal or external to Novell. Novell makes all reasonable efforts to verify this information. However, the information provided in this document is for your information only. Novell makes no explicit or implied claims to the validity of this information.
Any trademarks referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Consult your product manuals for complete trademark information.