1 Self-Extracting File Name: TIM286.EXE Revision: A
Files Included Size Date Time
TIM286.TXT (This File)
VAPTIME.VAP 13904 5-01-92 1:56p
VTCONFIG.EXE 14106 5-01-92 11:00a
This README file accompanies VAPTIME.VAP for NetWare v2.15c and v2.2.
This new VAP is intended for the 286 OS v2.x and fixes the problem of the file server losing time. This version of VAPTIME.VAP supersedes the previously released version (910115), and updates the server time without taking a user connection. This version of VAPTIME.VAP periodically reads the real time clock and resets the FileServerTime.
This update process can occur at any given time interval within allowed parameters. The minimum time period that the update can occur is once each minute, or 1092 ticks. The maximum time period that the update can occur is approximately 60 minutes, or 65,535 ticks.
To implement the fix:
1) Copy VAPTIME.VAP and VTCONFIG.EXE into SYS:SYSTEM directory.
2) The default settings are:
UPDATE: 1092 TICKS (1 min)
DISPLAY: ON means VAPTIME parameters are displayed at the filer server each time the vap reads the real time clock and updates the file server time. If you would like to change the update interval or the DISPLAY: ON/OFF, these settings may be changed using VTCONFIG.EXE.
3) To execute VTCONFIG:
Execute VTCONFIG in the directory where VAPTIME.VAP resides at a workstation. Type VTCONFIG at the command prompt. Enter in delay interval minutes. Select "yes" for display of VAPTIME parameters each time the file server vap updates the time, or select no if display is not desired.
4) Reboot file server and select yes to load the VAPS. The message "updating FileserverDateAndTime" is displayed. If the option was chosen, the VAPTIME parameters are displayed on the file server each time the file server time is updated.
5) At the file server console prompt there are three options available to modify this vap:
:VTDISPLAYOFF turn off display of file server time updates.
:VTDISPLAYON turn on display of file server time updates.
:VTCONFIG reconfigure update interval and DISPLAY ON/OFF setting.