Technical Information Document
Readme and File; DSRIGHT2.EXE - TID2924751 (last modified 20AUG2004)
2924751 2924751
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dsright2.exe; 272497 bytes; Date/Time: 08-20-2004/04:30PM


DSRights is a utility that displays the Directory Services rights one object has to another and how the rights were derived from the tree.

NOTE: This utility was created to help system administrators troubleshoot Directory Services rights problems and is provided free of charge as a courtesy. It is not a Novell supported product. 8/20/2004 readme change only


Copy DSRIGHTS.EXE to the SYS:\PUBLIC directory on your server.


     DSRights <object A> <object B>

     This displays a flow diagram of Object A and its equivalents with
     their rights to Object B. It shows Object, All Property, and
     Selected Property rights.



     DSRights <object A> <object B>

        This displays a flow diagram of Object A and its equivalents with
        their rights to Object B. It shows Object, All Property, and
        Selected Property rights.

Related Technical Information Documents:

-------------- -------------------------------------------
2924520 Understanding Effective Rights of NDS
2913776 File and NDS Rights
2913794 File System Directory and File Rights

Known Issues:

DSRights has not been tested in non-English languages.

Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: What rights do I need in the tree to run DSRights?

A: You must have rights to read
        1) The ACL property for Object B and its parents including [Root],
        2) The Security Equivalent property for Object A.

Q: Why are some rights displayed in upper case and some in lower case?

A: Some explicit rights imply other rights. Here are some examples:
        1) Object [S----] implies Object [Sbwrc],
                                            All Property [scrwa],
                                            Selected Property [scrwa].
         2) All Property [---W-] implies All Property [---Wa]
              All Property [--R-- ] implies All Property [-cR--]
         3) Selected Property [---W-] implies Selected Property [---Wa]
              Selected Property [--R-- ] implies Selected Property [-cR--]

            The uppercase letters show explicit rights given while the
            lowercase letters show that a right is in effect or implied.

Q: Why are Selected properties only displayed relative to object B?

A: Object and All Property rights can be inherited, but Selected Property rights cannot. Therefore, the only Selected Property rights that object A has to object B are those rights that object A (or its equivalents) is explicitly given to object B.

Q: Why does this utility show equivalences of object A that are not shown as Security Equivalents in NetAdmin or NWAdmin?

A: By default, All objects are security equivalent to 1) [Public], 2) all of its parents including [Root]. For example, for an object whose full name is LMinser.eng.newyork.acme , we see that LMinser is a security equivalent to [Public], eng, newyourk, acme, and [Root]. The significance of this it that these equivalents are NOT inherited, and therefore, CANNOT be blocked by an inherited rights filter.

Novell Product and Version:
NetWare 4.1
NetWare 4.11 1.1
intraNetWare 4.11
intraNetWare for Small Business 4.11


Self-Extracting File Name:  dsright2.exe

Files Included       Size   Date         Time    Version   Checksum

  DSRIGHT2.TXT       4995   08-20-2004   04:30PM
  DSRIGHTS.EXE     519000   05-02-1997   10:07AM
Document Title: Readme and File; DSRIGHT2.EXE
Document ID: 2924751
Creation Date: 02MAY1997
Modified Date: 20AUG2004
Document Revision: 2
Novell Product Class: NetWare
Novell Product and Version: NetWare 4.2


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