1 Self-Extracting File Name: NDSPX.EXE Revision: A
Files Included Size Date Time
NDSPX.TXT (This File)
SPXCOUNT.EXE 12209 8-12-91 9:55a
CHGSPX.EXE 28508 8-12-91 9:55a
This README file of NDSPX.EXE accompanies SPXCOUNT.EXE and CHGSPX.EXE for NetWare v2.2.
CHGSPX.EXE This is a menu driven utility and contains instructions on how the program works. This program will configure the 1.obj files for ADV NetWare V2.15C and V2.2 so that the DOS process on a non dedicated file server versions 2.15C and 2.2(5,10,50,100) will support more than 15 SPX CONNECTIONS. Since it is menu driven, executing chgspx.exe will not effect the system until the user specifies the modifications to be made. This patch may be used on the 5, 10, 50, and 100 user versions of NetWare 286 V2.2.
SPXCOUNT.EXE: This is a utility that determines the number of SPX connections that a workstation is configured for.