1 Self-Extracting File Name: 223200.EXE Revision: A
Files Included Size Date Time
223200.TXT (This File)
ANE320A1.LAN 566 8-01-91 9:07a
ANE320A2.LAN 566 8-01-91 9:07a
ANE320A1.OBJ 7313 7-16-91 4:05p
BNE320A1.OBJ 7313 7-16-91 4:06p
CNE320A1.OBJ 7313 7-16-91 4:06p
DNE320A1.OBJ 7313 7-16-91 4:06p
ANE320A2.OBJ 8360 7-16-91 4:06p
BNE320A2.OBJ 8360 7-16-91 4:06p
CNE320A2.OBJ 8360 7-16-91 4:06p
DNE320A2.OBJ 8360 7-16-91 4:07p
This README file of 223200.EXE accompanies the NE3200 OS drivers for NetWare v2.2.
To install the NE3200 v1.01EC drivers complete the following.
1) Copy the *.LAN files to the SYSTEM-1 diskette.
2) Copy the *.OBJ files to the LAN_DRV_001 diskette.
3) Using INSTALL.EXE link the OS with the new drivers.