4.2. Reporting

The report resource manages 3 types of pop-ups that may appear during installation.

Example 4-2. Reporting Behavior

                <show config:type="boolean">true</show>
                <timeout config:type="integer">10</timeout>
                <log config:type="boolean">true</log>
                <show config:type="boolean">true</show>
                <timeout config:type="integer">10</timeout>
                <log config:type="boolean">true</log>
                <show config:type="boolean">true</show>
                <timeout config:type="integer">10</timeout>
                <log config:type="boolean">true</log>


Depending on your experience, you can skip, log and show (with timeout) those messages. It is recommended to show all messages with timeout. Warnings can be skipped in some places but should not be ignored.

The default, the settings in auto-installation mode is to show all messages without logging and with a timeout of 10 seconds.

NoteCritical system messages

Note that not all messages during installation are controlled by the report resource. Some critical messages concerning package installation and partitioning will still show up ignoring your settings in the report section. Mostly those messages will have to be answered with Yes or No.