10. YaPI::MailServer

This package is the public Yast2 API to configure the postfix. Representation of the configuration of mail-server. Input and output routines.

10.1. List of Global Functions

10.2. Functions

10.2.1. $GlobalSettings = ReadGlobalSettings($$AdminPassword)


Example 296. 

 Dump the mail-server Global Settings to a single hash
 Return hash Dumped settings (later acceptable by WriteGlobalSettings ())

 $GlobalSettings is a pointer to a hash containing the basic settings of 
 the mail server.

 %GlobalSettings = (
       'Changed'               => 0,
            Shows if the hash was changed. Possible values are 0 (no) or 1 (yes).

       'MaximumMailSize'       => 0,
            Shows the maximum message size in bytes, the mail server will accept 
            to deliver. Setting this value 0 means there is no limit.

       'Banner'                => '$myhostname ESMTP $mail_name'
            The smtpd_banner parameter specifies the text that follows the 220
            code in the SMTP server's greeting banner. Some people like to see
            the mail version advertised. By default, Postfix shows no version.
            You MUST specify $myhostname at the start of the text. That is an
            RFC requirement. Postfix itself does not care.

       'Interfaces'            => ''
            The inet_interfaces parameter specifies the network interface
            addresses that this mail system receives mail on.  By default,
            the software claims all active interfaces on the machine. The
            parameter also controls delivery of mail to user@[ip.address]
       'SendingMail'           => {
            In this hash you can define the type of delivery of outgoing emails.
            'Type'          => '',
                Shows the type of the delivery of the outgoing mails. Possible 
                values are: 
                DNS : Delivery via DNS lookup of the MX records of the
                      destination domain.
                relayhost : Delivery using a relay host
                NONE : There is no delivery of outgoing mails. In this case
                       some other funcions are not avaiable. For example
                       setting of mail transport.
            'TLS'           => '',
                If delivery via DNS is used you can set how TLS will be used
                for security. Possible values are:
                NONE    : don't use TLS.
                MAY     : TLS will used when offered by the server.
                MUST    : Only connection with TLS will be accepted.
                MUST_NOPEERMATCH  : Only connection with TLS will be accepted, but
                          no strict peername checking accours.
            'RelayHost'     => {
                If the type of delivery of outgoing emails is set to "relayhost",
                then you have to define the relyhost in this hash.
                  'Name'     => '',
                        DNS name or IP address of the relay host.
                  'Auth'     => 0,
                        Sets if SASL authentication will be used for the relayhost.
                        Possible values are: 0 (no) and 1 (yes).
                  'Account'  => '',
                        The account name of the SASL account.
                  'Password' => ''
                        The SASL account password

Example 297. 

    my $AdminPassword   = "VerySecure";

Example 298. 

    my $AdminPassword   = "VerySecure";
    my $MailPrevention  = [];

    if( $MailPrevention = ReadMailPrevention($AdminPassword) ) {
        print "Basic BasicProtection : $MailPrevention->{BasicProtection}\n";
        foreach(@{$MailPrevention->{RBLList}}) {
          print "Used RBL Server: $_\n";
        foreach(@{$MailPrevention->{AccessList}}) {
          print "Access for  $_{MailClient} is $_{MailAction}\n";
          print "Virus scanning is activated\n";
        } else {
          print "Virus scanning isn't activated\n";
    } else {
        print "ERROR in ReadMailPrevention\n";

Example 299. 

 Dump the mail-server server side relay settings to a single hash
 @return hash Dumped settings (later acceptable by WriteMailRelaying ())

 $MailRelaying is a pointer to a hash containing the mail server
 relay settings. This hash has following structure:

 %MailRelaying    = (
           'Changed'               => 0,
             Shows if the hash was changed. Possible values are 0 (no) or 1 (yes).

           'TrustedNetworks' => [],
             An array of trusted networks/hosts addresses

           'RequireSASL'     => 1,
             Show if SASL authentication is required for sending external eMails.
           'SMTPDTLSMode'    => 'use',
             Shows how TLS will be used for smtpd connection.
             Avaiable values are:
             'none'      : no TLS will be used.
             'use'       : TLS will be used if the client wants.
             'enfoce'    : TLS must be used.
             'auth_only' : TLS will be used only for SASL authentication.

           'UserRestriction' => 0
             If UserRestriction is set, there is possible to make user/group based 
             restrictions for sending and getting eMails. Strickt authotentication
             is requiered. To do so an 2nd interface for sending eMails for internal
             clients will be set up. The system administrator have to care that the
             other interface (external interface) can not be accessed from the internal


10.2.2. boolean = WriteGlobalSettings($GlobalSettings)

Write the mail-server Global Settings from a single hash @param settings The YCP structure to be imported. @return boolean True on success

Example 300. 

    my $AdminPassword   = "VerySecure";

    my %GlobalSettings = (
                   'Changed'               => 1,
                   'MaximumMailSize'       => 10485760,
                   'Banner'                => '$myhostname ESMTP $mail_name',
                   'SendingMail'           => {
                           'Type'          => 'relayhost',
                           'TLS'           => 'MUST',
                           'RelayHost'     => {
                                   'Name'     => 'mail.domain.de',
                                   'Auth'     => 1,
                                   'Account'  => 'user',
                                   'Password' => 'password'

   if( ! WriteGlobalSettings(\%GlobalSettings,$AdminPassword) ) {
        print "ERROR in WriteGlobalSettings\n";

Example 301. 

    my $AdminPassword   = "VerySecure";
    my $MailPrevention  = [];

    if( $MailPrevention = ReadMailPrevention($AdminPassword) ) {
        print "Basic BasicProtection : $MailPrevention->{BasicProtection}\n";
        foreach(@{$MailPrevention->{RBLList}}) {
          print "Used RBL Server: $_\n";
        foreach(@{$MailPrevention->{AccessList}}) {
          print "Access for  $_{MailClient} is $_{MailAction}\n";
          print "Virus scanning is activated\n";
        } else {
          print "Virus scanning isn't activated\n";
    } else {
        print "ERROR in ReadMailPrevention\n";

Example 302. 

 Dump the mail-server server side relay settings to a single hash
 @return hash Dumped settings (later acceptable by WriteMailRelaying ())

 $MailRelaying is a pointer to a hash containing the mail server
 relay settings. This hash has following structure:

 %MailRelaying    = (
           'Changed'               => 0,
             Shows if the hash was changed. Possible values are 0 (no) or 1 (yes).

           'TrustedNetworks' => [],
             An array of trusted networks/hosts addresses

           'RequireSASL'     => 1,
             Show if SASL authentication is required for sending external eMails.
           'SMTPDTLSMode'    => 'use',
             Shows how TLS will be used for smtpd connection.
             Avaiable values are:
             'none'      : no TLS will be used.
             'use'       : TLS will be used if the client wants.
             'enfoce'    : TLS must be used.
             'auth_only' : TLS will be used only for SASL authentication.

           'UserRestriction' => 0
             If UserRestriction is set, there is possible to make user/group based 
             restrictions for sending and getting eMails. Strickt authotentication
             is requiered. To do so an 2nd interface for sending eMails for internal
             clients will be set up. The system administrator have to care that the
             other interface (external interface) can not be accessed from the internal


10.2.3. $MailTransports = ReadMailTransports($AdminPassword)


Example 303. 

  Dump the mail-server Mail Transport to a single hash
  @return hash Dumped settings (later acceptable by WriteMailTransport ())

  $MailTransports is a pointer to a hash containing the mail transport

  %MailTransports  = (
       'Changed'      => 0,
             Shows if the hash was changed. Possible values are 0 (no) or 1 (yes).

       'Transports'  => [],
             Poiter to an array containing the mail transport table entries.
       'TLSSites'  => {},
             Poiter to an hash containing the mail transport TLS per site table entries.
       'SASLAccounts'  => {},
             Poiter to an hash containing the client side authentication accounts.
   Each element of the arry 'Transports' has following syntax:

   %Transport       = (
       'Destination'  => '',
           This field contains a search pattern for the mail destination.
           Patterns are tried in the order as listed below:

              Mail for user+extension@domain is delivered through
              transport to nexthop.

              Mail for user@domain is delivered through transport
              to nexthop.

              Mail  for  domain is delivered through transport to

              Mail for  any  subdomain  of  domain  is  delivered
              through  transport  to  nexthop.  This applies only
              when the string transport_maps is not listed in the
              parent_domain_matches_subdomains configuration set-
              ting.  Otherwise, a domain name matches itself  and
              its subdomains.

           Note 1: the special pattern * represents any address (i.e.
           it functions as the wild-card pattern).

           Note 2:  the  null  recipient  address  is  looked  up  as
           $empty_address_recipient@$myhostname (default: mailer-dae-

       'Nexthop'      => '',
           This field has the format transport:nexthop and shows how
           the mails for the corresponding destination will be

           The transport field specifies the name of a mail  delivery
           transport (the first name of a mail delivery service entry
           in the Postfix master.cf file).
           The interpretation  of  the  nexthop  field  is  transport
           dependent. In the case of SMTP, specify host:service for a
           non-default server port, and use [host] or [host]:port  in
           order  to  disable MX (mail exchanger) DNS lookups. The []
           form is required when you specify an IP address instead of
           a hostname.
           A  null  transport  and  null nexthop result means "do not
           change": use the delivery transport and  nexthop  informa-
           tion  that  would  be used when the entire transport table
           did not exist.
           A non-null transport  field  with  a  null  nexthop  field
           resets the nexthop information to the recipient domain.
           A  null  transport  field with non-null nexthop field does
           not modify the transport information.

           For a detailed description have a look in man 5 trnsport.

    %TLSSites       = {
       'TLSSite'          => ''
                The name or IP of the mail server (nexthop).

       'TLSMode'          => '',
             You can set how TLS will be used for security. Possible values are:
                NONE    : don't use TLS.
                MAY     : TLS will used when offered by the server.
                MUST    : Only connection with TLS will be accepted.
                MUST_NOPEERMATCH  : Only connection with TLS will be accepted, but
                          no strict peername checking accours.

    %SASLAccounts = {
       'Server1' => ['Account1','Password1'],
       'Server2' => ['Account2','Password2']


Example 304. 

    my $AdminPassword   = "VerySecure";

    my $MailTransorts   = [];

    if (! $MailTransorts = ReadMailTransports($AdminPassword) ) {
       print "ERROR in ReadMailTransports\n";
    } else {
       foreach my $Transport (@{$MailTransports->{'Transports'}}){
            print "Destination=> $Transport->{'Destination'}\n";
            print "    Nexthop=> $Transport->{'Nexthop'}\n";
       foreach my $TLSSite (keys %{$MailTransports->{'TLSSites'}}){
            print "TLSSite: $TLSSite => ";
            print "TLSMode: $MailTransports->{'TLSSites'}->{$TLSSite}\n";
       foreach my $SASLAccount (keys %{$MailTransports->{'SASLAccounts'}}){
            print "Nexthop: $SASLAccount => ";
            print "Account: $MailTransports->{'SASLAccounts'}->{$SASLAccount}->[0] ";
            print "Passord: $MailTransports->{'SASLAccounts'}->{$SASLAccount}->[1]\n";

Example 305. 

    my $AdminPassword   = "VerySecure";
    my $MailPrevention  = [];

    if( $MailPrevention = ReadMailPrevention($AdminPassword) ) {
        print "Basic BasicProtection : $MailPrevention->{BasicProtection}\n";
        foreach(@{$MailPrevention->{RBLList}}) {
          print "Used RBL Server: $_\n";
        foreach(@{$MailPrevention->{AccessList}}) {
          print "Access for  $_{MailClient} is $_{MailAction}\n";
          print "Virus scanning is activated\n";
        } else {
          print "Virus scanning isn't activated\n";
    } else {
        print "ERROR in ReadMailPrevention\n";

Example 306. 

 Dump the mail-server server side relay settings to a single hash
 @return hash Dumped settings (later acceptable by WriteMailRelaying ())

 $MailRelaying is a pointer to a hash containing the mail server
 relay settings. This hash has following structure:

 %MailRelaying    = (
           'Changed'               => 0,
             Shows if the hash was changed. Possible values are 0 (no) or 1 (yes).

           'TrustedNetworks' => [],
             An array of trusted networks/hosts addresses

           'RequireSASL'     => 1,
             Show if SASL authentication is required for sending external eMails.
           'SMTPDTLSMode'    => 'use',
             Shows how TLS will be used for smtpd connection.
             Avaiable values are:
             'none'      : no TLS will be used.
             'use'       : TLS will be used if the client wants.
             'enfoce'    : TLS must be used.
             'auth_only' : TLS will be used only for SASL authentication.

           'UserRestriction' => 0
             If UserRestriction is set, there is possible to make user/group based 
             restrictions for sending and getting eMails. Strickt authotentication
             is requiered. To do so an 2nd interface for sending eMails for internal
             clients will be set up. The system administrator have to care that the
             other interface (external interface) can not be accessed from the internal


10.2.4. boolean = WriteMailTransports($adminpwd,$MailTransports)


Example 307. 

 Write the mail server Mail Transport from a single hash.


 All transport defintions not contained in the hash will be removed
 from the tranport table.

Example 308. 

    my $AdminPassword   = "VerySecure";

    my %MailTransports  = ( 
                           'Changed' => '1',
                           'Transports'  => [] 
    my %Transport       = (
                             'Destination'  => 'dom.ain',
                             'Transport'    => 'smtp',
                             'Nexthop'      => '[mail.dom.ain]',
                             'TLS'          => 'MUST',
                             'Auth'         => 1,
                             'Account'      => 'user',
                             'Password'     => 'passwd'
    push @($MailTransports{Transports}), %Transport; 
    %Transport       = (
                             'Destination'  => 'my-domain.de',
                             'Nexthop'      => 'uucp:[mail.my-domain.de]',
                             'TLS'          => 'NONE',
                             'Auth'         => '0'
    push @($MailTransports{Transports}), %Transport; 

    %Transport       = (
                             'Destination'  => 'my-old-domain.de',
                             'Nexthop'      => "error:I've droped this domain"
    push @($MailTransports{Transports}), %Transport; 

    if( ! WriteMailTransports(\%Transports,$AdminPassword) ) {
        print "ERROR in WriteMailTransport\n";

Example 309. 

    my $AdminPassword   = "VerySecure";
    my $MailPrevention  = [];

    if( $MailPrevention = ReadMailPrevention($AdminPassword) ) {
        print "Basic BasicProtection : $MailPrevention->{BasicProtection}\n";
        foreach(@{$MailPrevention->{RBLList}}) {
          print "Used RBL Server: $_\n";
        foreach(@{$MailPrevention->{AccessList}}) {
          print "Access for  $_{MailClient} is $_{MailAction}\n";
          print "Virus scanning is activated\n";
        } else {
          print "Virus scanning isn't activated\n";
    } else {
        print "ERROR in ReadMailPrevention\n";

Example 310. 

 Dump the mail-server server side relay settings to a single hash
 @return hash Dumped settings (later acceptable by WriteMailRelaying ())

 $MailRelaying is a pointer to a hash containing the mail server
 relay settings. This hash has following structure:

 %MailRelaying    = (
           'Changed'               => 0,
             Shows if the hash was changed. Possible values are 0 (no) or 1 (yes).

           'TrustedNetworks' => [],
             An array of trusted networks/hosts addresses

           'RequireSASL'     => 1,
             Show if SASL authentication is required for sending external eMails.
           'SMTPDTLSMode'    => 'use',
             Shows how TLS will be used for smtpd connection.
             Avaiable values are:
             'none'      : no TLS will be used.
             'use'       : TLS will be used if the client wants.
             'enfoce'    : TLS must be used.
             'auth_only' : TLS will be used only for SASL authentication.

           'UserRestriction' => 0
             If UserRestriction is set, there is possible to make user/group based 
             restrictions for sending and getting eMails. Strickt authotentication
             is requiered. To do so an 2nd interface for sending eMails for internal
             clients will be set up. The system administrator have to care that the
             other interface (external interface) can not be accessed from the internal


10.2.5. $MailPrevention = ReadMailPrevention($adminpwd)


Example 311. 

    my $AdminPassword   = "VerySecure";
    my $MailPrevention  = [];

    if( $MailPrevention = ReadMailPrevention($AdminPassword) ) {
        print "Basic BasicProtection : $MailPrevention->{BasicProtection}\n";
        foreach(@{$MailPrevention->{RBLList}}) {
          print "Used RBL Server: $_\n";
        foreach(@{$MailPrevention->{AccessList}}) {
          print "Access for  $_{MailClient} is $_{MailAction}\n";
          print "Virus scanning is activated\n";
        } else {
          print "Virus scanning isn't activated\n";
    } else {
        print "ERROR in ReadMailPrevention\n";

10.2.6. $MailRelaying = ReadMailRelaying($adminpwd)

Reads the LDAP Configuration: The LDAP Base The LDAP Base for the User Configuration The LDAP Base for the Group Configuration The LDAP Base for the DNS Configuration The LDAP Base for the MAIL Configuration The LDAP Template for the MAIL Configuration If the last two does not exist this will be created.

Example 312. 

 Dump the mail-server server side relay settings to a single hash
 @return hash Dumped settings (later acceptable by WriteMailRelaying ())

 $MailRelaying is a pointer to a hash containing the mail server
 relay settings. This hash has following structure:

 %MailRelaying    = (
           'Changed'               => 0,
             Shows if the hash was changed. Possible values are 0 (no) or 1 (yes).

           'TrustedNetworks' => [],
             An array of trusted networks/hosts addresses

           'RequireSASL'     => 1,
             Show if SASL authentication is required for sending external eMails.
           'SMTPDTLSMode'    => 'use',
             Shows how TLS will be used for smtpd connection.
             Avaiable values are:
             'none'      : no TLS will be used.
             'use'       : TLS will be used if the client wants.
             'enfoce'    : TLS must be used.
             'auth_only' : TLS will be used only for SASL authentication.

           'UserRestriction' => 0
             If UserRestriction is set, there is possible to make user/group based 
             restrictions for sending and getting eMails. Strickt authotentication
             is requiered. To do so an 2nd interface for sending eMails for internal
             clients will be set up. The system administrator have to care that the
             other interface (external interface) can not be accessed from the internal


10.2.7. $LDAPMap = ReadLDAPDefaults($AdminPassword)

Reads the LDAP Configuration: The LDAP Base The LDAP Base for the User Configuration The LDAP Base for the Group Configuration The LDAP Base for the DNS Configuration The LDAP Base for the MAIL Configuration The LDAP Template for the MAIL Configuration If the last two does not exist this will be created.

Example 313. 

   $ldapMap = {
         'ldap_server'    => ...,
         'ldap_port'      => ...,
         'bind_pw'        => ...,
         'bind_dn'        => ...,
         'mail_config_dn' => ...,
         'dns_config_dn'  => ...,
         'user_config_dn' => ...,
         'group_config_dn'=> ...,

10.2.8. boolean = ResetMailServer($AdminPassword,$LDAPMap)

Funktion to reset the mail server configuration: Needed Parameters are: $AdminPassword the Adminstrator Psssword $LDAPMap the LDAP map returned by ReadLDAPDefaults

Example 314. 

   Sets Maximum Mail Size to 10MB
   Sets Sending Mail Type to DNS
   Sets Mail Server Basic Protection to off
   Sets Mail Local Delivery Type to local
   Sets up the needed LDAP lookup tables
   Sets the postfix variables: