Download Information Page

Novell Client for Windows 95/98
Download Information Page

Novell* Client* v3.31 for Windows** 95/98 is available for download in a self-extracting file (.EXE).

Download Instructions

  1. Download the client self-extracting file to a temporary directory.
  2. In your temporary directory, double-click the file and specify the path where you want the files extracted. A specific directory structure will be created in the path you specify.
  3. Click Unzip and follow the on-screen instructions. You are now ready to install the client software.

Client Installation

  1. Complete the steps in Download Instructions above.
  2. Double-click SETUP.EXE in the your_path\NOVELL\language \WIN95.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the setup.

    The client can also be automatically deployed to workstations without end-user intervention through Automatic Client Upgrade (ACU). Refer to the Novell Client documentation for additional information on ACU.

For additional information, refer to the product's online Help, Readme, or product documentation.

Web Links

The following links provide additional information about this product on the Internet: