ZENworks for Desktops 3.2 Preboot Services
Download Information Page

Preboot Services fully supports all PXE-enabled workstations. By installing Preboot Services, the administrator makes full use of Wired for Management PXE-enabled workstations, and can ease management and configuration of the workstations by applying ZENworks™ policy-based management of the images on the workstations.

Prerequisites and System Requirements

Download Instructions

  1. Create an installation directory. (For example, /SMARTCERT/PXE.)
  2. Download the Preboot Services self-extracting .ZIP file.
    1. Click Download.
    2. Save the file to the installation directory you created in Step 1.
  3. In your installation directory, extract the file and follow the on-screen instructions. You are now ready to install the Preboot Services software.

Preboot Services Installation

  1. Complete the steps in Download Instructions above.
  2. Run the ZENworks for Desktops 3.2 installation from the ZfD 3.2 Program CD. For more information about installing ZfD 3.2, see the Installation and Setup section in the Getting Started guide on the ZfD 3.2 product documentation Web site.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions. During the installation, you will select to install PXE Support and will be prompted for the location of the Preboot Services (PXE) files. Browse to the installation directory you created above.

For additional information about this product, refer to the ZENworks for Desktops Preboot Services Install guide and the other guides on the ZfD 3.2 Preboot Services product documentation Web site.

Web Links

The following links provide additional information about this product on the Internet:

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