Novell Internet Messaging System Version 3.0 README.TXT IMPORTANT: Reading this document before installing NIMS might save you a call to technical support! Please read the whole document before installing NIMS 3.0, it contains vital information you need to be aware of. This Readme contains the following sections: Section 1 - Install Notes Section 2 - New installations of NIMS 3.0 Section 3 - Upgrading NIMS 2.6 to NIMS 3.0 Section 4 - Upgrading Distributed NIMS Systems Section 5 - New Features Section 6 - Documentation/Help Changes Section 7 - Things to look out for Section 8 - Known Issues Section 9 - Support Resources and Updates Section 10 - Acknowledgments Section 1 - Install Notes NIMS 3.0 is a paid upgrade from any previous version of NIMS. It can be installed on a server where NIMS has never run or it can be installed over NIMS 2.6 or higher. While NIMS 3.0 may install over previous versions of NIMS, the upgrade has not been tested on versions older than 2.6. NIMS 3.0 automatically takes advantage of multiple processors on Linux and Solaris. NIMS 3.0 will only use the first processor when running on any version of Netware including NetWare 6. A special build of NIMS 3.0, compiled to take full advantage of the multi-processor support available in NetWare 6.x, will be made available on around the time NetWare 6 ships. Section 2 - New installations of NIMS 3.0 1. Make sure NDS is synchronized and error free. [Check TIDs 10012858 and 10060600 for more information] 2. Use the following utilities to install NIMS 3.0: - Install.NLM on NetWare 4.x - NWConfig.NLM on NetWare 5.x and NetWare 6.x - pinstall.lin on Linux - pinstall.sol on Solaris 3. Select the following options - First-time Directory Install - Configure Server for NIMS - Novell Internet Messaging System Files 4. Start NIMS - "ims" on NetWare - "/etc/rc.d/init.d/nims start" on Linux - "/etc/init.d/nims start" on Solaris Section 3 - Upgrading NIMS 2.6 to NIMS 3.0 1. If you are running NIMS 2.5, you should first upgrade to NIMS 2.6. While it is possible to upgrade directly from version 2.5 to 3.0, any installed SSL certificates will not automatically be upgraded by the NIMS 3.0 installation. 2. Make sure NDS is synchronized and error free. [Check TIDs 10012858 and 10060600 for more information] 3. Stop NIMS. - "ims unload" on NetWare - "/etc/rc.d/init.d/nims stop" on Linux - "/etc/init.d/nims stop" on Solaris All NIMS binaries from previous versions must be unloaded. Any binaries left running on the server will cause NIMS to abend/crash when it restarts. 4. If you have installed any third-party add-ons to NIMS, please make sure that you have a version that is compatible with NIMS 3.0. If you do not have compatible versions please un-install the agent from your NDS configuration before upgrading. (Add-ons that are incompatible with NIMS 3.0 are the NMAPsh browser, the PlusPack NLM and the AutoSignature NLM.) 5. Exit NWAdmin. Make sure there are no instances of NWAdmin running from the server you are installing. The NIMS install process will update the NIMS Snap-In, and it cannot install the new version if a copy of NWAdmin is still running. 6. Use the following utilities to install NIMS 3.0: - Install.NLM on NetWare 4.x - NWConfig.NLM on NetWare 5.x and NetWare 6.x - pinstall.lin on Linux - pinstall.sol on Solaris 7. Select the following options - Directory Schema Update - Novell Internet Messaging System Files 8. Upgrade the SCMS directory The NIMS 3.0 install will prompt the administrator for the path of the SCMS directory. The installation will move SCMS messages found in this path to the directory structure required by NIMS 3.0. NIMS MUST NOT BE RUNNING WHILE THESE FILES ARE BEING MOVED! 9. Set any desired options in the modular web agent. If Webmail is currently configured to run on this server, the update will: - Disable the webmail agent object under the messaging server object. - Create a modular web agent object under the messaging server object. - Create a mail module under the modular web agent. - Create a calendar module under the modular web agent. - Create a preference module under the modular web agent. - Create a task management module under the modular web agent. Some configuration options in the webmail agent object do not directly translate to options in the modular web agent object and can not be transfered automatically. Be sure to check these options before proceeding. 10. Restart NIMS - "ims" on NetWare - "/etc/rc.d/init.d/nims start" on Linux - "/etc/init.d/nims start" on Solaris Section 4 - Upgrading Distributed NIMS Systems 1. Stop ims on every server running NIMS. - "ims unload" on NetWare - "/etc/rc.d/init.d/nims stop" on Linux - "/etc/init.d/nims stop" on Solaris All NIMS binaries from previous versions must be unloaded. Any binaries left running on the server will cause NIMS to abend when it restarts. 2. Follow installation instructions in Section 3 for the first server to be upgraded to NIMS 3.0. For all additional NIMS servers in the tree, do the following: 3. Use the following utilities to install NIMS 3.0: - Install.NLM on NetWare 4.x - NWConfig.NLM on NetWare 5.x and NetWare 6.x - pinstall.lin on Linux - pinstall.sol on Solaris 4. Select the following options - Directory Schema Update* - Novell Internet Messaging System Files * This option extends the schema and adds the modular web agent objects. If webmail is not configured on this server or if you wish to create the modular web agent objects by hand, do not select this option. Re-extending the schema will not cause problems unless the first schema extension is happening simultaneously. 5. Upgrade the SCMS directory (Servers with NMAP Agents only) This step need only be performed on servers that have an NMAP agent that stores messages. Launch the scmsmove utility from the server console: - "load scmsmove" on NetWare - "/usr/nims/bin/scmsmove" on Linux - "/opt/NOVLnims/bin/scmsmove" on Solaris NIMS MUST NOT BE RUNNING WHILE THESE FILES ARE BEING MOVED! 6. Set any desired options in the modular web agent. If Webmail is currently configured to run on this server, the update will: - Disable the webmail agent object under the messaging server object. - Create a modular web agent object under the messaging server object. - Create a mail module under the modular web agent. - Create a calendar module under the modular web agent. - Create a preference module under the modular web agent. - Create a task management module under the modular web agent. Some configuration options in the webmail agent object do not directly translate to options in the modular web agent object and can not be transferred automatically. Be sure to check these options before proceeding. 7. Restart NIMS - "ims" on NetWare - "/etc/rc.d/init.d/nims start" on Linux - "/etc/init.d/nims start" on Solaris Section 5 - New Features and since 2.6. A) Modular Web Agent NIMS 3.0 contains a new web-based email-interface called the "Modular Web Agent", or Modwebd. This agent replaces the webmail agent that was used in NIMS 2.x. Highlights of the new modweb agent are: - Allows to display HTML email - Clickable links and mailto: addresses, with mailto: addresses being handled directly by the modweb agent - Support for selecting the charset of outgoing messages - Template-driven display, with support for multiple templates to be used simultaneously - User-selectable templates The modweb agent ships with two templates, the first is a slight redesign of the look-n-feel of the original webmail agent, the second template is modeled after the GroupWise WebAccess UI. B) Support of parent objects and ability to enable/disable certain NIMS features. NIMS 3.0 supports the ability to group users under "Parent Objects". Access to NIMS features can now be controlled on a per-user and on a per-parent object level. It is now also possible to provide certain NIMS defaults not only on an agent level but also on a parent-object level. C) Improved handling/formatting of bounced messages While NIMS always supported the Delivery Status Notification (DSN) RFC on handling bounced messages, it now also uses the bounced-message format specifed in the RFC. NIMS 3.0 also has more detailed reporting of errors back to the user. D) GateKeeper with username tracking When using the POP-before-SMTP feature, NIMS will now track the users name when relaying messages, and the Received: header will provide the username the user used when relaying a message. E) Unicode/UTF8 support for all DS values The NIMS 3.0 NDS interface is now fully unicode enabled. This allows for better support of non-US-ASCII attribute values such as Fullname and vacation-reply messages. This will now allow email addresses to be non-ASCII since such addresses are not allowed by any email standard RFCs. F) Much improved listserver support The NIMS 3.0 listserver allows for full moderation via any email client, including the new modular webagent. It is now also possible for moderators to control all list parameters and user settings via email. G) Better handling of message-flags (Sent items, IMAP msg move) Before NIMS 3.0, message flags and dates would not be kept when messages where moved between folders and messages copied into "Sent Items" folders by certain mail clients would show up as new messages. With NIMS 3.0 this will no longer happen. It is now possible to control message flags and dates via IMAP as well as directly in the delivery queue. H) Calendaring NIMS 3.0 supports the new Internet-calendaring standard iCal (RFC2445). This allows users to exchange scheduling information not only on the same server but with any other server or client that supports iCal. Currently, NIMS 3.0 does not allow for real-time scheduling with other systems, calendaring information is exchanged via SMTP. This is due to the lack of a ratified real-time calendar protocol. As soon as the proposed standard protocol (CAP) is ratified, we will provide an update to NIMS allowing for such real-time scheduling and busy-searching. I) Shared mailboxes (Multiple read-write connections to a single folder) NIMS 3.0 no longer has the restriction of a single read/write connection to a folder; all connections are now allowed to make changes to a single folder. IMAP support for shared folders is also provided, changes made by any client will automatically be propagated to all other IMAP and Modweb clients. J) Task-Oriented Management of user accounts. It is now possible to delegate certain account management tasks to NIMS users. Those tasks can be performed via an option in the webaccess template of the modular web agents and include changing of user preferences, creation and deletion of users and even mass-import of users. The system administrator has full control over what rights a user has inside the Task-Oriented Management (TOM). K) Improved LDAP support in the web client (Now supports authentication and port-numbers) Section 6 - Documentation/Help Changes The NIMS 3.0 manual has been completely redesigned with emphasis on teaching the administrator the various concepts implemented by NIMS rather than just providing a "click this to enable" guide. Section 7 - Things to look out for A) Selecting "Enabled" for Forwarding or AutoReply on the parent object will cause NIMS to use the attributes configured on the parent object for any user who is a child of this parent object. This can be useful to e.g. redirect messages for all users in a particular domain to a single account. Most of the time, "Deferred" should be selected on parent object feature tabs. B) Only the organizer of a meeting will see who has accepted or declined an appointment/task/note. The attendees will only see their own name as accepted and every other attendee as pending. This behaviour is by design, to avoid large spikes of traffic if every attendee would be updating every other attendee status. C) When scheduling users, a fully qualified domain must always be provided with the user's address, even if the user is hosted on the same server. (E.g. '' instead of just 'jason') D) The 'Purge All' action is now performed by the 'Quick Delete' button in the webmail template. 'Quick Delete' will also remove any checked messages at the same time. E) HTML messages that contain absolute positioning tags or style-sheets that use absolute positioning cannot be displayed properly. F) Mouse-overs in Netscape before version 6.0 are not properly displayed. This is due to a limitation in Netscape. Section 8 - Known Issues A) When creating a recurring rule and selecting a start-date that matches the first occurrence of the recurring rule, this start-date will not be part of the rule. B) In the monthly view, appointments, tasks and notes are currently not differenciated by an icon. C) Several BETA sites, including, experienced memory leaks using the E100B LAN drivers that came with NW 5.1 SP3. The leaks were resolved by configuring LAN speed and duplex settings instead of allowing the driver to auto detect them. D) Partial logins and NMAP to NMAP transfer failures were experienced on myrealbox when the e100b lan drivers lost frame alignment. This usually happened after cables were temporarily unplugged. The problem was resolved by restarting the server, and permanently resolved by getting a different card. E) The NetWare IP stack has a default limit of 1024 small ecbs. A busy NIMS server can easily need more than this limit. When a server has reached this limit, the number of client connections grows abnormally high. An administrator can over-ride this limit by adding the following set command near the end of the autoexec.ncf: set tcp ip maximum small ecbs = 2048 Section 9 - Support Resources and Updates Beside the standard Novell support resources (, the NIMS team is running several mailing-lists and a web-site dedicated to providing information about and updates to NIMS. The mailing-lists are maintained by the team and technical questions are answered directly by the team. Please make sure you have exhausted all other resources, like reading the manual and checking the FAQ at before asking questions on the mailing lists. Whenever there are updates available for NIMS, they can be found at in the downloads section. Please make sure to check regularly for any free upgrades available. Alternatively, you may also subscribe to the NIMSAnnounce mailing list (send message to with "subscribe nimsannounce" in the message body) Section 10 - Acknowledgments While countless people worked to improve NIMS, a few people stand out in their efforts. We would like to thank everyone for helping and would particularly like to thank the following individuals: Our (extremely hard working) beta crew: - Jason Brothers - Matthew DeFoor - Joe Flowers - Jason Thomas - Peter Andersén - Ray Poorman Our testers from the GroupWise-side of the house: - Rand Babcock - Michael Luther - Scott Johnson - Morris Blackham - Rick Liljenquist System Test - Brad Ward Kick-ass manual - Kristy Gilbert-Oahib Moral support - Bill Street - John Pugh Our special thanks go to all MyRealbox users who had to endure lengthy downtimes during debugging.