Novell* Portal Services Product Overview

Today's business environment demands that organizations make better use of their information so they can boost their efficiency, build value and achieve competitive advantage. Novell Portal Services provides the framework for bringing together all of the enterprise applications and information resources necessary to make those critical business process improvements.

Novell Portal Services, coupled with other security and identity Net Services software from Novell, gives professional service providers the tools they need to bring an integrated and individually relevant view of an organization's information and processes to that organization's workforce, customers and business partners.

System Requirements:

Supported operating system
Supported Web server
Supported Web application server
Web application server or servlet engine on the server platform
Java Virtual Machine (JVM) on the server platform
eDirectory on an accessible server

Operating Systems Supported by Novell Portal Services

Windows 2000
NetWare* 6.0 Linux (Redhat 7.1) Solaris 8

Minimum Memory Requirements

512 MB RAM 140 MB free space

Minimum Upgrade Requirements

You do not need to have a previous version of Novell Portal Services to run 1.5. If you have NPS 1.0, you must have service pack 1 installed before you can upgrade to NPS 1.5.

Web Browsers Supported by Novell Portal Services

Netscape Navigator 6.1 or later Internet Explorer 5.0 or later for Macintosh; Internet Explorer 5.01 or later for a PC

Possible Operating System, Web Server, Web Application Server and JVM Combinations

Windows 2000 Server service pack 2 Solaris Linux

Important Notes:

This evaluation product is functional until August 1, 2002.

This evaluation copy is not available to users in France due to local import restrictions.