NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT DOCUMENT PROCESSING INFO: FAX, REPLACES FYI-M-1203 TITLE: SUPERSTOR - QUESTIONS & ANSWERS DOCUMENT ID: TID800026 DOCUMENT REVISION: A DATE: 16AUG94 AUTHOR: SBASSIR;KBANTA ALERT STATUS: Yellow DISTRIBUTION: Public INFORMATION TYPE: Issue README FOR: NA NOVELL PRODUCT CLASS: Desktop Products NOVELL PRODUCT and VERSION: DR DOS 6.0 CATEGORY: Compression ABSTRACT: N/A ----------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ISSUE SYMPTOM: QUESTIONS REGARDING SUPERSTOR ISSUE/PROBLEM: COMMON QUESTIONS SOLUTION: ANSWERS TO COMMON SUPERSTOR QUESTIONS FOLLOW: Q: CAN SUPERSTOR BE USED ON A NETWORK SERVER TO COMPRESS THE HARD DISK PARTITION? A: No, SuperStor is not designed to be used on a network server. Q: IF A PREVIOUS VERSION OF DOS HAD A PARTITION WHICH WAS CREATED USING SUPERSTOR, CAN IT BE USED UNDER DR DOS 6.0? A: Possibly. AddStor retail version 1.3 partitions will be recognized by the DR DOS 6.0 SuperStor drivers. Q: CAN THE VERSION OF SUPERSTOR WHICH COMES WITH DR DOS 6.0 WORK WITH ANOTHER VERSION OF DOS? A: ABSOLUTELY NOT! DR DOS 6.0's version of SuperStor was designed specifically for DR DOS 6.0 and may cause severe disk corruption if used with any other DOS version. Q: WHAT IS THE LARGEST COMPRESSED PARTITION I CAN CREATE WITH SUPERSTOR? A: Physical partitions up to 256 MB can be compressed to create a 512 MB SuperStor partition. Partitions larger than 256 MB have to be divided into smaller partitions with FDISK before they can be compressed. NOTE: All data MUST be backed up prior to running FDISK. Q: CAN I USE A THIRD PARTY DISK OPTIMIZER ON MY SUPERSTOR PARTITION? A: It is not recommended to use a third party disk optimizer on a SuperStor partition as data may be lost or corrupted. This is because third party optimizers might not properly recognize the structure of the SuperStor partition. Therefore, they can cause more fragmentation than that which existed prior to the optimization process. It is recommended that you use the DR DOS 6.0 DISKOPT utility, which will properly handle the SuperStor partition. Q: HOW LARGE IS THE CLUSTER SIZE FOR THE SUPERSTOR PARTITION? A: The cluster size is 512 bytes. Therefore, 512 bytes is the smallest size compressed file possible. Q: WHAT IF THERE ARE 30 MB OF ALREADY COMPRESSED (ZIP'D OR ARC'D) FILES ON A 30 MB HARD DISK PARTITION THAT HAS BEEN COMPRESSED WITH SUPERSTOR? A: There will be very little hard disk partition space left for other files. This is a very inefficient use of a compressed hard disk partition. The best files to compress are data, document, or ASCII files. The files which compress the least are .COM or .EXE files and files that have already been compressed (eg. arc'd or zip'd files). The compression ratios will show using the XDIR command or the Statistics option in the SSTOR.EXE utility. Q: HOW DOES SUPERSTOR WORK? A: SuperStor automatically compresses and decompresses files as they are read from or written to the partition. On the average system SuperStor should not cause any reduction in speed with respect to file execution. Q: DOES SUPERSTOR AFFECT DATA GOING TO TAPE OR FLOPPY DISKS? A: No. It will require that you have as much backup space as is shown in the SuperStor partition. For example, if the SuperStor partition reports 45 MB used out of 60 MB, you will need 45 MB of floppy or tape storage to backup the hard disk partition. SuperStor automatically uncompresses the files before they are written to tape or floppy. In this sense, it is compatible with your existing backup software. Q: CAN I TRY SUPERSTOR ON A DISKETTE BEFORE TRYING IT ON MY HARD DISK PARTITION? A: No. The DR DOS 6.0 version of SuperStor will only work on media which is considered fixed. ADDITIONAL REFERENCES: DR DOS 6.0 Optimization and Configuration Tips Guide & DR DOS 6.0 User Guide, FYI-M-1200, 1201, 1202, 1204 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Any trademarks referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Consult your product manuals for complete trademark information. -----------------------------------------------------------------