NETWARE DOS REQUESTER README (04/22/93) ======================================= Loading VLMs from a Directory Other Than the Current Directory The current directory is used for VLMs. To load VLMs from another directory, use the "VLM =" command in the NET.CFG file. For example VLM=C:\NWCLIENT\CONN.VLM Specifying a NET.CFG File outside the Current Directory To specify a path for the NET.CFG file, type a command similar to the following (or put the command in AUTOEXEC.BAT): VLM /C=C:\NWCLIENT\NET.CFG Disabling VLMs There are three ways to disable a VLM: o Rename the module with a different extension (for example, .SAV). This is the easiest way. o Delete the module (not recommended). o Configure the modules to be loaded in NET.CFG. Below is the syntax that gives the modules required for Directory Services: NETWARE DOS REQUESTER USE DEFAULTS = OFF VLM = CONN.VLM VLM = IPXNCP.VLM VLM = TRAN.VLM VLM = NDS.VLM VLM = BIND.VLM VLM = NWP.VLM VLM = FIO.VLM VLM = GENERAL.VLM VLM = REDIR.VLM Change in NET.CFG Parameter Default for Cache Writes The default for the following parameter under the "NetWare DOS Requester" section heading in Workstation for DOS and Windows has been changed to CACHE WRITES = OFF Don't Use NETX.COM or Related Shells with VLMs You can't load NETX.COM and NETX.VLM simultaneously. Use NETX.VLM rather than NETX.COM and related shells. NETX.COM (and NET3.COM, NETX.EXE, BNETX.EXE, XMSNETX.EXE, etc.) conflicts with REDIR.VLM; REDIR.VLM won©t load if NETX.COM is loaded and vice versa. However, NETX.VLM is designed to replace NETX.COM and related NETX shells, and is compatible with the NetWare DOS Requester. Use NET.CFG Option "LOAD CONN TABLE LOW = ON" for Initial Release of NetWare v4.0 When using the initial release of NetWare v4.0 utilities, you must set the "LOAD CONN TABLE LOW" parameter to ON. If you are not using the v4.0 utilities, leave this parameter at its default setting (OFF) for better memory performance. NetWare DOS Requester LOAD CONN TABLE LOW = ON OFF = CONN.VLM loads the connection table in a UMB, if available. ON = CONN.VLM loads the connection table low (increasing conventional memory requirements) as is required by the initial release of NetWare v4.0 utilities. Avoid Loading VLMs in Expanded Memory with Windows Don't use the expanded memory option (/ME). Run Windows with the NetWare DOS Requester only if you use the extended memory option (/MX, preferred) or the conventional memory option (/MC). Read/Write Calls If an application makes read/write calls on read only files, enter this line under the "NetWare DOS Requester" heading in the NET.CFG file: READ ONLY COMPATIBILITY = ON Path Names Must Be Under 64 Characters VLMs can't support a path name of more than 64 characters. To use longer paths, map a root drive and continue from there. First Available Drive Is Different The conventional NetWare Shell for DOS used drives after the LASTDRIVE parameter; NetWare DOS Requester starts using the first available drive before the LASTDRIVE parameter. Consequently, users often see drive D: as the first NetWare drive rather than drive F:. To maintain compatibility with existing batch files, you may want to add the command like "FIRST NETWORK DRIVE =F" under the NetWare DOS Requester portion of the NET.CFG file. Otherwise, batch files assuming drive F: is the first drive must be altered, or drives D: and E: must be substituted (see DOS SUBST command). In any case, the LASTDRIVE parameter should be adjusted to something above the default value of E:. Login Drive Prompt Appears To Be a Root Mapped Drive Because NetWare DOS Requester is a redirector on the back-end of DOS, no directory path can be in the drive structure maintained by DOS when the parent of the directory is unaccessible. This is the case with an unauthenticated connection and the drive mapped to the SYS:LOGIN directory. Users see "D:\>" instead of "F:\LOGIN>" when they first load the DOS client software. Addition of NET.CFG Option for NETX Section TEMP DRIVE DETECTION = ON Undocumented NET.CFG Options for NetWare DOS Requester Section BIND RECONNECT = OFF OFF = AUTO.VLM does not automatically rebuild bindery connections nor automatically restore drive/printer redirections. ON = AUTO.VLM stores bindery connection information necessary to auto reconnect a bindery connection. NOTE: For this parameter to work, also set AUTO RECONNECT = ON. AUTO RETRY = 0 Number of seconds AUTO.VLM waits before attempting a retry after receiving a network critical error. NOTE: When this parameter is 0, AUTO.VLM makes no retry attempts. AUTO LARGE TABLE = OFF OFF = AUTO.VLM allocates a small table (34 bytes per connection) for bindery reconnects. ON = AUTO.VLM allocates a large connection table (178 bytes per connection) for bindery reconnects. If usernames and/or passwords are larger than 16 characters, set this parameter to ON. Otherwise, users with a password and/or username larger than 16 bytes cannot auto reconnect. NOTE: For this parameter to work, also set BIND RECONNECT = ON. Dos and Windows Workstations (04-22-93 ====================================== Ignore Incorrect Paradox Workshop Message Paradox Workshop gives an incorrect error message indicating it can't test or finish applications. Ignore this message. Avoid Using DR DOS MOVE Command MOVE.EXE in DR DOS causes the loss of the fake root mapping. This is because MOVE obtains the current path and attempts to perform a CD command on that path. NDIR Error in Compaq DOS 5.0 and DR DOS 6.0 In Compaq DOS 5.0 and DR DOS 6.0, the following commands give an error: NDIR servername/volume: DIR servername/volume: CD servername/volume: This is because DOS treats "/" as an option specifier when it does its preprocessing. Users can instead map a drive and use drive letters instead of the server/volume syntax. If Your Windows SYSTEM Directory Is on the Network The workstation installation creates a SYSTEM directory on the workstation and copies files into that directory. Make sure after installation that you copy those files to the Windows SYSTEM directory on the network. DOS Current Directory Structures Aren©t Updated with RENDIR.EXE NCPs that use a path won©t function properly. To fix this problem, RENDIR.EXE will be changed to back up a directory before renaming the current one and will then forward to it. IPXODI.COM Version 2.0 or Greater Required To support the packet burst ODI, the SFT III checksums, and the NetWare management responder, IPXNCP.VLM requires IPXODI.COM version 2.0 or greater to be loaded with support for checksums and GNMA enabled (the version and the API support level are treated separately in IPXODI).