NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: NT430P1.EXE; NT client updates TID #: 2943043 README FOR: NT430P1.EXE SUPERSEDES: NT430i1.EXE NOVELL PRODUCTS and VERSIONS: intraNetWare 4.11 Install (Winsetup) - ZEN1 NetWare Client 4.30 for Windows NT GUI Login - NWC43NT Enhancements - NWCL45NT ABSTRACT: This file contains the latest patches for the NT Client v4.30 for Windows NT. Note: This patch should not be applied to the Novell Windows NT Client v4.10 or v4.11. ----------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES ALL REASONABLE EFFORTS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. ----------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: To Apply NT Client Fixes: Extract NT430P1.EXE to a temporary directory on the NT boot drive and run UPDATE.CMD. The files NWMV.EXE & REBOOT.EXE are used for installing this update and can be deleted once UPDATE.CMD is run. Alternatively, the Application Object Template (AOT) file, nt430P1.AOT, can be used to create an Application Object to distribute the NT Client fixes using the Application Launcher or Application Explorer. The SOURCE_PATH variable will need to be modified to properly reflect the source directory of the NT Client fixes. We suggest storing the fixes in a directory path below SYS:PUBLIC so that all users will have rights to the files. To Apply NT Install Fixes: Extract NT430P1.EXE to a temporary directory. Then copy the install fixes (ie *.inf files) located in the extracted \INSTALL subdirectory to the \i386\NLS\ENGLISH subdirectory. The install *.inf fixes will be used when executing SETUPNW.EXE. ISSUE: Patch file for NT Client v4.30 for Windows NT: Symptom: TID 2939779 - When doing an unattended WinNT OS and also the client, upon rebooting, the user would only have a bindery connection. Drive names in "My Computer" did not show up correctly. This was because the Network provider NOVNTNP.DLL which was not being renamed from NOVNPNT.DL~ on reboot. Solution: OEMNPRNW.INF Symptom: TID 2939775 During an unattended install/upgrade from v4.11 to the NT client the preferred server and tree were not being migrated to the default location profile. Solution: OEMNPRNW.INF Symptom: TID 2939776 - When installing WINNT plus the NT Client, if either Workstation Manager or ZENworks Remote Control options are selected such that the Unattend.txt file includes more than one source path in the ServicesSection, the user is prompted for the source path durning the unattended install. The prompt includes the correct path, so that the user just has to hit ENTER, but this is not correct functionality for an unattended installation. Solution: OEMNSVWM.INF OEMNSVWA.INF OEMNSVNS.INF Symptom: TID 2939339 - When a print driver is set up using NWAdmin32 in a NT User Policy Package ( Print jobs will sometimes print out garbage (ie page after page of just-a-few ascii characters per page.) Solution: NWSPOOL.DLL Symptom: TID 2939777 - AutoAdminLogon feature does not work with the NT client. Solution: AXCREDNT.OCX Symptom: TID 2939778 - The NT client will fail to unlock a locked workstation when using a domain user that has no domain administrative rights but is a member of the local administrator group on the workstation. Solution: AXCREDNT.OCX Symptom: TID 2938681 - If the value the following NT registry key HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows nt\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\DontDisplayLastUserName is set to 1 the NT client failed to blank out both the NetWare and the NT user Login name. Solution: AXCREDNT.OCX Symptom: TID 2938678 - With the ZENworks clients Dynamic Local User will fail if minimum password length is defined on the NT box. This worked in Workstation Manager v1.0 This could be an issue in environments where they want DLU's for their users but maintain local accounts for administration of the workstation. Since NT has a maximum password lenght of 14 characters NDS users with passwords 15 characters or longer will fail with DLU. Soluton: NWGINA.DLL Self-Extracting File Name: NT430P1.EXE Files Included Size Date Time ..\ NT430P1.TXT (This file) AXCREDNT.OCX 34304 6-30-1998 11:18:02 am LOGINW32.DLL 116224 6-30-1998 11:22:50 am LOGINW32.RLL 50176 6-30-1998 11:23:02 am NT430P1.AOT 1088 7-23-1998 11:28:40 am NT430P1.TXT 5865 10-6-1998 11:04:08 am NWGINA.DLL 233392 7-1-1998 6:04:42 am NWMV.EXE 13824 8-22-1995 2:12:26 am NWSPOOL.DLL 162816 6-29-1998 9:21:14 am REBOOT.EXE 21024 2-24-1998 5:27:28 am UPDATE.CMD 10410 7-8-1998 11:03:28 am ..\INSTALL\ OEMNPRNW.INF 366134 6-12-1998 4:39:40 am OEMNSVNS.INF 44109 5-19-1998 11:47:44 am OEMNSVWA.INF 46955 5-19-1998 8:37:48 am OEMNSVWM.INF 58134 5-19-1998 8:38:06 am ----------------------------------------------------------------- Any trademarks referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Consult your product manuals for complete trademark information. -----------------------------------------------------------------