;kdewin installer configuration file @format 1.3 ; this format is *prelimary* and may be changed without prior notice @minversion 0.9.1 @timestamp 200803160830 ; category notes @categorynotes qt Qt related packages @categorynotes devel-tools tools required or usefull for development @categorynotes debug-tools tools required or usefull for debugging @categorynotes KDE KDE packages ; to which category packages belongs to @categorypackages win32libs aspell expat giflib iconv jasper jpeg lcms libbzip2 libidn libintl libintl libpng libxml2 libxslt openslp openssl tiff zlib shared-mime-info @categorypackages win32libs pcre-msvc dbus-msvc @categorypackages win32libs pcre-mingw dbus-mingw @categorypackages tools findutils grep mingw-utils @categorypackages kdesupport kdewin32-msvc kdewin-installer-msvc vcredist qimageblitz-msvc qca-msvc strigi-msvc soprano-msvc taglib-msvc qt-msvc phonon-msvc fontconfig-msvc freetype-msvc poppler-msvc @categorypackages kdesupport kdewin32-mingw kdewin-installer-mingw runtime-mingw qimageblitz-mingw qca-mingw strigi-mingw soprano-mingw taglib-mingw qt-mingw phonon-mingw fontconfig-mingw freetype-mingw poppler-mingw @categorypackages KDE amarok-msvc kdelibs-msvc kdepimlibs-msvc kdebase-apps-msvc kdebase-runtime-msvc kdeedu-msvc kdegames-msvc kdegraphics-msvc kdenetwork-msvc kdesdk-msvc kdewebdev-msvc @categorypackages KDE amarok-mingw kdelibs-mingw kdepimlibs-mingw kdebase-apps-mingw kdebase-runtime-mingw kdeedu-mingw kdegames-mingw kdegraphics-mingw kdenetwork-mingw kdesdk-mingw kdewebdev-mingw @categorypackages qt qt-msvc qt-mingw qt-static-msvc @categorypackages kde-i18n-en_GB ;------------------------------------------------------ ; all packages on the mirror ;------------------------------------------------------ @site all ;@type apachemodindex ;@url http://downloads.sourceforge.net/kde-windows ;@url-list http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=214730 @type apachemodautoindex @url http://ftp.randomnet.dyndns.org/pub/Mirrors/kde-4.0.66/win32/ @url-list http://ftp.randomnet.dyndns.org/pub/Mirrors/kde-4.0.66/win32/ @exclude config.txt ; compiler independent deps @deps findutils libintl @deps grep pcre-mingw @deps update-mime-database libintl libxml2 iconv @deps strigi-msvc libbzip2 openssl zlib iconv libxml2 ; mingw dependencies @deps dbus-mingw expat @deps amarok-mingw kdebase-runtime-mingw phonon-mingw @deps kdelibs-mingw pcre-mingw dbus-mingw kdewin32-mingw qimageblitz-mingw qca-mingw strigi-mingw soprano-mingw taglib-mingw aspell libbzip2 expat giflib iconv jasper jpeg libintl libpng libxml2 libxslt openssl tiff zlib shared-mime-info @deps kdepimlibs-mingw kdelibs-mingw @deps kdebase-runtime-mingw kdepimlibs-mingw kdelibs-mingw @deps kdebase-apps-mingw kdebase-runtime-mingw @deps kdeedu-mingw kdebase-runtime-mingw kdelibs-mingw @deps kdegames-mingw kdebase-runtime-mingw kdelibs-mingw phonon-mingw @deps kdegraphics-mingw kdebase-runtime-mingw kdelibs-mingw fontconfig-mingw freetype-mingw poppler-mingw @deps kdenetwork-mingw kdebase-runtime-mingw kdelibs-mingw @deps kdesdk-mingw kdebase-runtime-mingw kdelibs-mingw kdepimlibs-mingw @deps kdetoys-mingw kdebase-runtime-mingw kdelibs-mingw @deps kdewebdev-mingw kdebase-runtime-mingw kdelibs-mingw @deps kdewin-installer-mingw qt-mingw @deps kdewin32-mingw qt-mingw @deps qt-mingw dbus-mingw runtime-mingw @deps strigi-mingw libbzip2 openssl zlib iconv libxml2 ; msvc dependencies @deps amarok-msvc kdebase-runtime-msvc phonon-msvc ; dbus may be compiled with libxml2 or expat, so use both dependencies @deps dbus-msvc libxml2 iconv expat @deps kdebase-runtime-msvc kdepimlibs-msvc kdelibs-msvc @deps kdebase-apps-msvc kdebase-runtime-msvc @deps kdeedu-msvc kdebase-runtime-msvc kdelibs-msvc @deps kdegames-msvc kdebase-runtime-msvc kdelibs-msvc phonon-msvc @deps kdegraphics-msvc kdebase-runtime-msvc kdelibs-msvc fontconfig-msvc freetype-msvc poppler-msvc @deps kdelibs-msvc pcre-msvc vcredist qt-msvc dbus-msvc kdewin32-msvc qimageblitz-msvc qca-msvc strigi-msvc soprano-msvc taglib-msvc aspell libbzip2 expat giflib iconv jasper jpeg libintl libpng libxml2 libxslt openssl tiff zlib shared-mime-info @deps kdenetwork-msvc kdebase-runtime-msvc kdelibs-msvc @deps kdepimlibs-msvc kdelibs-msvc @deps kdesdk-msvc kdebase-runtime-msvc kdelibs-msvc @deps kdewebdev-msvc kdebase-runtime-msvc kdelibs-msvc @deps kdewin-installer-msvc qt-msvc @deps kdewin32-msvc qt-msvc @deps kdetoys-msvc kdebase-runtime-msvc kdelibs-msvc @deps qt-msvc dbus-msvc vcredist @deps strigi-msvc libbzip2 openssl zlib iconv libxml2 ; compiler independent @pkgnotes clucene high-performance, full-featured text search engine (required for compiling strigi) ; mingw @pkgnotes amarok-mingw media player @pkgnotes fontconfig-mingw library for font customization and configuration @pkgnotes freetype-mingw A Free, High-Quality, and Portable Font Engine @pkgnotes kdelibs-mingw KDE libraries (support applications) @pkgnotes kdebase-runtime-mingw KDE runtime package @pkgnotes kdebase-apps-mingw KDE base applicaton package @pkgnotes kdesdk-mingw software development package (umbrello, kate) @pkgnotes kdegames-mingw KDE games @pkgnotes kdeedu-mingw KDE education apps @pkgnotes kdepimlibs-mingw KDE PIM library @pkgnotes kdenetwork-mingw KDE Networking applications @pkgnotes kdetoys-mingw collection of several programs in KDE @pkgnotes kdewebdev-mingw KDE Web Development applications @pkgnotes kdewin32-mingw kde supplementary package for win32 @pkgnotes poppler-mingw PDF rendering library based on the xpdf-3.0 @pkgnotes qca-mingw Qt Cryptographic Architecture (QCA) @pkgnotes qimageblitz-mingw KDE image effect library @pkgnotes qt-mingw C++ GUI application framework @pkgnotes soprano-mingw RDF storage solutions library @pkgnotes strigi-mingw desktop search engine @pkgnotes taglib-mingw audio meda-data library ; msvc @pkgnotes amarok-msvc media player @pkgnotes fontconfig-msvc library for font customization and configuration @pkgnotes freetype-msvc A Free, High-Quality, and Portable Font Engine @pkgnotes kdelibs-msvc KDE libraries (support applications) @pkgnotes kdebase-runtime-msvc KDE runtime package @pkgnotes kdebase-apps-msvc KDE base applicaton package @pkgnotes kdesdk-msvc software development package (umbrello, kate) @pkgnotes kdegames-msvc KDE games @pkgnotes kdeedu-msvc KDE education apps @pkgnotes kdepimlibs-msvc KDE PIM library @pkgnotes kdenetwork-msvc KDE Networking applications @pkgnotes kdetoys-msvc collection of several programs in KDE @pkgnotes kdewebdev-msvc KDE Web Development applications @pkgnotes kdewin32-msvc kde supplementary package for win32 @pkgnotes poppler-msvc PDF rendering library based on the xpdf-3.0 @pkgnotes qca-msvc Qt Cryptographic Architecture (QCA) @pkgnotes qimageblitz-msvc KDE image effect library @pkgnotes qt-msvc C++ GUI application framework @pkgnotes qt-static-msvc static release of qt package, which is used for build kdewin installer @pkgnotes soprano-msvc RDF storage solutions library @pkgnotes strigi-msvc desktop search engine @pkgnotes taglib-msvc audio meda-data library ;other @pkgnotes aspell A powerful spell checker, designed to replace ispell @pkgnotes boost-headers portable C++ libraries @pkgnotes cfitsio library for the FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) file format @pkgnotes dbus-mingw Freedesktop message bus system (daemon and clients) @pkgnotes dbus-msvc Freedesktop message bus system (daemon and clients) @pkgnotes expat XML parser library written in C (development/documentation package) @pkgnotes giflib GIF file manipulation library (utilities and docs) @pkgnotes gpgme GnuPG cryptography support library (runtime) @pkgnotes iconv GNU character set conversion library and utilities @pkgnotes jasper JPEG-2000 Library @pkgnotes jpeg A library for manipulating JPEG image format files @pkgnotes lcms A small-footprint, speed optimized color management engine @pkgnotes libbzip2 shared libraries for bzip2 (runtime) @pkgnotes libidn internationalized domain names library @pkgnotes libintl native language support library @pkgnotes libpng PNG library (runtime) @pkgnotes libxml2 XML C parser and toolkit (runtime and applications) @pkgnotes libxslt The GNOME XSLT C library and tools @pkgnotes openslp openslp client and libraries @pkgnotes openssl The OpenSSL runtime environment @pkgnotes pcre-mingw Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions (utilities) @pkgnotes pcre-msvc Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions (utilities) @pkgnotes redland Resource Description Framework (RDF) @pkgnotes shared-mime-info common mimetype library @pkgnotes tiff TIFF image library (utilities) @pkgnotes zlib The zlib compression and decompression library ; language packages @pkgnotes kde-i18n-en_GB British English language package ;------------------------------------------------------ ; debugging tools ;------------------------------------------------------ @package dbg_x86 @category debug-tools @version @notes msvc Debugging Tools @url-bin http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols/debuggers/dbg_x86_6.6.07.5.exe @package regmon @category debug-tools @version 7.04 @notes registry monitor @url-bin http://download.sysinternals.com/Files/Regmon.zip @relocate ^ bin/ @package filemon @category debug-tools @version 7.04 @notes filesystem monitor @url-bin http://download.sysinternals.com/Files/Filemon.zip @relocate ^ bin/ @package procmon @category debug-tools @version 7.04 @notes process monitor @url-bin http://download.sysinternals.com/Files/ProcessMonitor.zip @relocate ^ bin/ @package gdb @category debug-tools @version 6.3-2 @notes mingw debugger @url-bin http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/mingw/gdb-6.3-2.exe @package debugview @category debug-tools @version 4.64 @notes debug message monitor @url-bin http://download.sysinternals.com/Files/DebugView.zip @relocate ^ bin/ @package Process Explorer @category debug-tools @version 11.04 @notes Process Explorer @url-bin http://download.sysinternals.com/Files/ProcessExplorer.zip @relocate ^ bin/ @package perl @notes Perl Installer @category tools @version 5.8.8 @url-bin http://downloads.activestate.com/ActivePerl/Windows/5.8/ActivePerl- ;@packageoptions @package zip @category tools @version 2.31 @notes zip tool @url-bin http://switch.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/gnuwin32/zip-2.31-bin.zip @url-lib http://switch.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/gnuwin32/zip-2.31-lib.zip @url-doc http://switch.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/gnuwin32/zip-2.31-doc.zip @url-src http://switch.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/gnuwin32/zip-2.31-src.zip ;------------------------------------------------------ ; devel-tools ;------------------------------------------------------ @package cmake @category devel-tools @notes platform independent build tool @version 2.4.7 @url-bin http://www.cmake.org/files/v2.4/cmake-2.4.7-win32-x86.zip cmake-2.4.7-bin.zip @url-src http://www.cmake.org/files/v2.4/cmake-2.4.7.zip cmake-2.4.7-src.zip @relocate cmake-2.4.7-win32-x86 . ;@options @package astyle @category devel-tools @notes source code formatter @version 1.20.2 @url-bin http://mesh.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/astyle/astyle_1.20.2_windows.zip astyle-1.20.2-bin.zip @relocate astyle/ ./ @package depends @notes Dependency Walker @category debug-tools @version 2.2 @url-bin http://www.dependencywalker.com/depends22_x86.zip depends-2.2-bin.zip @relocate ^ bin/ @package doxygen @notes Source code documentation generator tool @category devel-tools @version 1.5.4 @url-bin http://ftp.stack.nl/pub/users/dimitri/doxygen-1.5.4.windows.bin.zip doxygen-1.5.4-bin.zip @relocate ^ bin/ @package psdk-msvc @category devel-tools @notes MS Platform SDK 2003 @version r2 @url-bin http://download.microsoft.com/download/f/a/d/fad9efde-8627-4e7a-8812-c351ba099151/PSDK-x86.exe @package gcc-mingw @version 5.1.3 @category devel-tools @notes gcc for windows @url-bin http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/mingw/MinGW-5.1.3.exe @package subversion @version 1.4.5 @category devel-tools @notes software revision system @url-bin http://subversion.tigris.org/files/documents/15/39559/svn-1.4.5-setup.exe @package tortoisecvs @category devel-tools @version 1.8.31 @notes cvs explorer integration @url-bin http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/tortoisecvs/TortoiseCVS-1.8.31.exe @package tortoisesvn @category devel-tools @version 1.4.3 @notes svn explorer integration @url-bin http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/tortoisesvn/TortoiseSVN- @package upx @notes Ultimate Packer for eXecutables with lzma support @category devel-tools @version 3.0.0 @url-bin http://upx.sourceforge.net/download/upx300w.zip upx-3.0.0-bin.zip ; relocate directories in zip files @relocate upx300w bin @package vcexpress-en-msvc @category devel-tools @version 2005 @notes Visual Studio Express 2005 (english version) @url-bin http://download.microsoft.com/download/8/3/a/83aad8f9-38ba-4503-b3cd-ba28c360c27b/ENU/vcsetup.exe @package vcexpress-de-msvc @category devel-tools @version 2005 @notes Visual Studio Express 2005 (german version) @url-bin http://download.microsoft.com/download/8/3/a/83aad8f9-38ba-4503-b3cd-ba28c360c27b/DEU/vcsetup.exe @package vcredist @category devel-tools @version 8.0.50727.762 @notes Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86) @url-bin http://download.microsoft.com/download/e/1/c/e1c773de-73ba-494a-a5ba-f24906ecf088/vcredist_x86.exe @package winscp @category devel-tools @version 3.8.2 @notes secure transfer copy tool @url-bin http://kent.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/winscp/winscp382setup.exe