Modesty2 Levels 17th April 1996 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In MODESTY2.ZIP you should have the following levels; PUB TNT HENGE CHEESE ISLANDS All the files from MODESTY2.ZIP should be copied into the data\custom\gfx directory, you may need to rename files if you already have other levels of the same name that are not by me. Quick Notes ~~~~~~~~~~~ These levels (I hope) are better levels than the ones in MODESTY.ZIP as I've spent a little more time over them. PUB & TNT: are standard levels. Henge: is based on Stonehenge, and features some nice Celtic knotwork. Cheese: has been designed for the DARKSIDE (or cheesy) player, see cheese.inf for info on how we play it. Islands: introduces the `Prod Game' which is described in islands.inf, it can also be played as a standard level, but you may want to change the gravity and friction settings in the islands.inf file. Again the levels were produced using 3DStudio4, Photoshop, PSP & L-View. If anyone wants to contact me for info on how to get the palettes to work or needs help putting together a FAQ please feel free to contact me at the e-mail address below. About Modesty ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Modesty is currently panicking, but there's nothing new there. Hobbies include; sitting around drinking hot blackcurrent, sitting around eating HobNobs, sitting around playing boardgame (any by Steve Jackson Games). Sitting around watching B-Movies, and thinks the future of computers lies with B-Media. Sitting around wearing black & dying my hair odd colours. Standing around looking for a chair to sit on. If you wish to contact me for any reason I can be E-Mailed at: You can also find me mooching around being moody on The Hive BBS: Telnet: Login: bbs (lower case) Web: (It may be hive1.html) EOF -----------------------------------------------------------------------