Well, yes, of course, definately, absolutely, and absurdly. Yes! A mighty worms level for worms plus! DISCLAIMER IF YOU EMAIL ME ABOUT ANYTHING BAD IN THIS LEVEL, I WILL COME TO YOUR HOUSE AND NAIL YOUR HEAD TO THE FLOOR! Files in this archive of death: GRAIL1.PCX The pisseks file GRAIL1.INF The inf file GRAIL1.BK1 Beekay file no.1 GRAIL1.BK2 Beekay file no.2 SMURF.LALALA If you see this file, your probably delusional this file was not included in the original archive and if you see it please see your optomitrist or stop taking any mind altering substances that you are currently using, if the file still does not go away (or if you're seeing these big marmisets) please report yourself to your local asylum.*