
SMPTE SMPTE , the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, is at the forefront of video standards work. Their site has information on obtaining these vital documents, as well as information about their Journal, their Officers, their Conferences, and many other activities releated to the field of Video Engineering.
FCC The Federal Communications Commission regulates broadcast standards in the United States. This site contains information on Spectrum auctions, compliance testing, and the 1996 Communcations act. Many policy decisions originating from the FCC imapct the direction of video engineering.
NAB NAB is the National Association of Broadcasters. They sponsor the major video tradeshow in Las Vegas every spring. Here is where the new technology for the year gets announced and purchased.
SIGGRAPH Siggraph is the ACM Special Interest Group on graphics. We attended their show every year. They sponsor research on the frontiers of video/graphics technology. The correct pronunciation is "Sig graf", not "See Graf", the latter will immediately lose you all credibility with the pros.
SPIE SPIE has been more and more involved in DV research. They have a large site, and you can register for their conferences and obtain reprints there.
ITU The International Telecommunications Union coordinates worldwide standards efforts.
ITVA ITVA homepage from the International Television Association has a directory of video services. It has information about ITVA, and a short list of video/multimedia links.
WWUG Digital Video Worldwide Users Group represents the users of Desktop Digital video production tools. Cool site, lots of articles. Requires registration.
MacWorld MacWorld is the premeire show for Apple solutions. And the coolest Apple partner video solutions are always on display there.
1394 The 1394 Trade Association promotes the IEEE 1394 "Firewire" standard.
CEMA The Consumer Electronics Show takes place every year in Las Vegas. Digital Television products and technologies are becomming more prevlent here as digital video invades the desktop.
CGIX The CGIX Conference takes place in Barcelona, Spain this year. All of the major video/graphics players will be there.
Rick Davis <>

Last modified by: Rick 11/09/98

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