DOCUMENT:Q105829 21-NOV-1999 [msdos] TITLE :MS-DOS 6.2 Setup May Overwrite Stacker DBLSPACE.BIN File PRODUCT :Microsoft Disk Operating System PROD/VER:MS-DOS:6.2 OPER/SYS: KEYWORDS: ====================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The information in this article applies to: - Microsoft MS-DOS operating system version 6.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYMPTOMS ======== If you have STAC Electronics Stacker version 3.11 or 4.0, and there is enough space on your host drive to install the MS-DOS 6.2 files, MS-DOS 6.2 Upgrade replaces your Stacker version of DBLSPACE.BIN. As a result, you cannot access your Stacker-compressed drives. NOTE: This information does not apply to MS-DOS 6.2 Step-Up. CAUSE ===== At the time MS-DOS 6.2 was released, the current version of Stacker was 3.10. Microsoft ensured that MS-DOS 6.2 Upgrade and MS-DOS 6.2 Step-Up can detect Stacker 3.10 and do not overwrite it. This ensures you can access your Stacker-compressed drives (even though Stacker 3.1 replaces a core component of MS-DOS [DBLSPACE.BIN]). Since Microsoft cannot guarantee how MS-DOS will interact with future versions of Stacker, MS-DOS 6.2 Setup was designed to detect and avoid Stacker version 3.10 only. For Stacker version 3.11, the box and disks still indicate version 3.10. You can tell the difference between Stacker 3.10 and 3.11 by the file dates and sizes. The file date for Stacker version 3.11 is 9/08/93 and the files are marked with the time 3:11 A.M. RESOLUTION ========== To work around this problem, contact STAC Electronics to obtain the 62STAC.EXE file, or follow the procedure below. You can order the 62STAC.EXE file from STAC Electronics, or you can download it from the STAC Electronics bulletin board service at (619) 431-7405. If you are going to obtain the 62STAC.EXE file, use your Uninstall disk to uninstall MS-DOS 6.2, run 62STAC.EXE, and then reinstall MS-DOS 6.2. 62STAC.EXE temporarily updates the Stacker driver in memory, not on disk, so you will need to run MS-DOS 6.2 setup immediately after running the patch. To replace the MS-DOS 6.2 DBLSPACE.BIN file with the Stacker version of DBLSPACE.BIN: 1. Use the DELTREE command to delete the DBLSPACE.BIN file in the root of your C drive. For example, type "deltree c:\dblspace.bin" (without the quotation marks) at the MS-DOS command prompt and then press ENTER. 2. Put your MS-DOS 6.2 Uninstall disk in drive A and copy DBLSPBIN.HST to your C drive (renaming it DBLSPACE.BIN in the process). For example, type "copy a:\dblspbin.hst c:\dblspace.bin" (without the quotation marks) at the MS-DOS command prompt and then press ENTER. 3. Insert a blank floppy disk in drive A and use the SYS command to transfer your MS-DOS system files and the Stacker version of DBLSPACE.BIN to the floppy disk. For example, type "sys c: a:" (without the quotation marks) at the MS-DOS command prompt and then press ENTER. 4. Leave the floppy disk in drive A and restart your computer. 5. Delete the copy of COMMAND.COM on the compressed drive using the DELTREE command located on your host drive. For example, if your host drive is H, type "h:\dos\deltree c:\" (without the quotation marks) at the MS-DOS command prompt and then press ENTER. 6. Copy COMMAND.COM from your host drive to the root of your compressed drive. For example, type "copy h:\ c:\" (without the quotation marks)at the MS-DOS command prompt and then press ENTER. 7. Move your MS-DOS 6.2 DOS directory from your host drive to your compressed drive using the MOVE command. For example, if your host drive is H, type "move h:\dos\*.* c:\dos" (without the quotation marks) at the MS-DOS command prompt and then press ENTER. When you are given the "Overwrite (Yes/No/All)?" prompt, press A and then press ENTER. 8. Remove the floppy disk from drive A and restart your computer. 9. Use DELTREE to delete the MS-DOS 6.0 versions of IO.SYS and MSDOS.SYS. For example, type the following commands at the MS-DOS command prompt, pressing ENTER after each line: " deltree /y c:\io.sys deltree /y c:\msdos.sys " (without the quotation marks) 10. Use the ATTRIB command to clear the IO.SYS and MSDOS.SYS file attributes on the host drive. For example, type the following commands at the MS-DOS command prompt, pressing ENTER after each line: " attrib -r -s -h h:\io.sys attrib -r -s -h h:\msdos.sys " (without the quotation marks) 11. Copy the MS-DOS 6.2 versions of IO.SYS and MSDOS.SYS to drive C. For example, type the following commands at the MS-DOS command prompt, pressing ENTER after each line: " copy h:\io.sys c:\ copy h:\msdos.sys c:\ " (without the quotation marks) 12. Use the ATTRIB command to reset the IO.SYS and MSDOS.SYS file attributes on both drives. For example, type the following commands at the MS-DOS command prompt, pressing ENTER after each line: " attrib +r +s +h c:\io.sys attrib +r +s +h c:\msdos.sys attrib +r +s +h h:\io.sys attrib +r +s +h h:\msdos.sys " (without the quotation marks) MORE INFORMATION ================ Additional query words: ====================================================================== Keywords : Technology : kbMSDOSSearch kbMSDOS620 Version : MS-DOS:6.2 ============================================================================= THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THE MICROSOFT KNOWLEDGE BASE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. MICROSOFT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES SO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY. Copyright Microsoft Corporation 1999.