PC DB: Database Maintenance Utilities [Complete] (99419)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Mail for Windows 2.1x
  • Microsoft Mail for Windows 3.0
  • Microsoft Mail for Windows 3.2

This article was previously published under Q99419


This document describes operational details for utilities used to repair and maintain the database for Microsoft Mail for PC Networks. We recommend that the use of these programs be restricted to Mail administrators. The procedures described apply to versions 2.1 and later of Microsoft Mail, except where noted.

To prevent the possibility of data loss, always back up the Mail database before you use any of the utilities included with this document and described below:
     Utility name    Description
     ACCTONME.EXE    Creates an ADMIN.NME file from the existing
                     ACCESS files (ACCESS.GLB, ACCESS2.GLB, and
     DUMPFLD.EXE     Displays the contents of a folder (.FLD)
     DUMPIDX.EXE     Displays the contents of a folder index file
                     (.IDX files, including FOLDROOT.IDX).
     DUMPKEY.EXE     Lists owners for calendar files.
     ESCNTLR.EXE     Removes, installs, and displays the status
                     of enhanced security on a version 3.0 or 3.2
     FIXFLD.EXE      Recovers corrupted folder (.FLD) files.
     FIXIDX.EXE      Re-creates a user's folder index (.IDX)
     GIMPORT.EXE     Creates a group from a file.
     LISTUSER.EXE    Displays the mailbox names and their
                     associated eight-digit ID numbers.
     MOVEFOLD.EXE    Allows a user's folders to be transferred to
                     another postoffice.
     MVCAL.EXE       Renames a corrupted calendar file located on
                     the server.
     NETDUMP.EXE     Displays the external postoffice and gateway
                     routing files.
     REVERT.EXE      Resets the unread count for the Mail message
                     file (MMF).



The ACCTONME utility rebuilds the postoffice address list (POL) from scratch and works on Mail 2.1 and later postoffices. ACCTONME does not directly access the global address list (GAL) in versions 3.0 and 3.2, but because the GAL contains the names from the local postoffice, it will require rebuilding after this process is complete. See the Microsoft Mail" Administrator's Guide" for assistance with rebuilding the GAL.

When to Use

Use this utility only when both the ADMIN.NME and ADMINSHD.NME files are deleted or irrevocably damaged. If only one of the files is damaged or missing, you can replace the damaged file with a copy of the undamaged file.

For more information on recovering the POL, see the "Alternatives" section below. You can use this information if running ACCTONME is not possible or practical.

Side Effects

Running this utility will result in the loss of all external postoffice names, gateway names, and local group names in the POL. Because of the structure of the address list file and its connection to the group subsystem of the database, you must delete all postoffice groups before proceeding.




As with all Microsoft Mail utilities, we highly recommend that you back up your Mail database before running ACCTONME. You must also back up the ADMIN.NME file in the NME subdirectory using the following command from the root of the Mail database:

copy \nme\admin.nme \nme\admin.old

  1. Use the GIMPORT utility included with this document to extract the list of groups and the group's users. GIMPORT can then use the file to recreate the groups. See the section on GIMPORT in this document for more information about using GIMPORT.

    As an alternative, print a report of all postoffice groups by starting the Mail Administrator program (ADMIN.EXE) and selecting Local-Admin, Group, Print, <File or Printer>. This list will be used later to help you re-create the groups.
  2. Delete all postoffice groups by starting the Mail Administrator program (if you haven't already) and selecting Local-Admin, Group, Delete for each group on the postoffice. If the group has an associated group folder, you will be prompted to delete the folder.
  3. Go to the drive where the Mail database is located and set the ADMIN.NME file in the NME subdirectory to zero bytes by using the following MS-DOS command: (When you use this command, you may receive a "File not found" error from MS-DOS. Disregard this error message.)

    type nul > \nme\admin.nme

  4. From the root of the Mail database, run the ACCTONME utility. It will rebuild the POL so that it contains only local mailbox names (no messages are generated upon completion).
  5. Copy the ADMIN.NME file to ADMINSHD.NME by typing the following command from the root of the Mail database:

    copy \nme\admin.nme \nme\adminshd.nme

  6. To re-create the postoffice groups, select Local-Admin, Group, Create in the Mail Administrator program. Use the list generated in step 1 as a guide to help you in re-creating the postoffice groups.
  7. To re-create the lost external user names, use the Address menu option in the Mail Administrator program or use the Import utility.
  8. Run REBUILD.EXE to re-create the GAL if you are using Mail 3.0 or 3.2. REBUILD can be found in the executables directory.


  1. Restore the ADMIN.NME, ADMINSHD.NME, ACCESS.GLB, ACCESS2.GLB, and ACCESS3.GLB files from the backup files. (Any changes in the POL since the backup, such as new users, will be lost.)
  2. If you are rebuilding the ADMIN.NME file because a record is missing (for example, you see a particular user from the Mail Administrator program, but you do not see the user when you try to compose a message), use the following procedure to add the name back into the address list:
  3. If you are rebuilding the ADMIN.NME file because you are trying to remove a record (for example, you see a particular user when you try to compose a message, but you do not see the user from the Mail Administrator program), use the following procedure:

    1. If there is not a 00000000.NME file in the NME subdirectory of the Mail database, create a new user and substitute that user's eight-digit ID number for 00000000 in the following procedure. You can use LISTUSER.EXE located on the database utilities disk to determine the ID number for that user.
    2. In the NME subdirectory of the Mail database, copy 00000000.NME to 00000000.OLD. (If the file is zero bytes long, do not perform this step.)
    3. In the same directory, copy ADMIN.NME to 00000000.NME, then make the current directory the root of the Mail database.
    4. Run the Mail program and log on as the Admin user (or as the new user created in step 3a).
    5. To remove the record, select Address, Delete (Remove for Mail 2.x users), select the user, and press ENTER.
    6. Quit Mail, go to the drive where the Mail database is located, go to the NME subdirectory, and copy 00000000.NME to ADMIN.NME and ADMINSHD.NME.
    7. Restore 00000000.NME from 00000000.OLD, or if the file was zero bytes long, you can zero out the file by using the following command:

      type aaa > 00000000.nme



The DUMPFLD utility generates a diagnostic dump of a folder file. DUMPFLD will work with version 2.1 and later postoffices. It will not dump information from Microsoft Mail 3.0 or 3.2 Mail message files (MMFs).

When to Use

Use this utility to verify the contents and/or the integrity of a folder file.

Side Effects

None; this utility performs a read-only function on the folder file.


dumpfld [-ml] <folder_filename>

   -m                   Tells the utility to display all items in
                       the folder file, including deleted items.
   l                   Tells the utility to print extended record
  <folder_filename>    Is the folder file in the current directory
                       for which information is to be dumped.


The following command dumps all information about all items in the folder file 00000002.FLD to the computer screen. Typically, .FLD files are stored in the FOLDERS subdirectory. Private folders are stored in the LOC\000xxxxx directory, where 000xxxxx is the ID number for that user. Public, group, and shared folders are stored in the PUB subdirectory. Folder files can also be stored locally on a user's hard disk drive or on an alternate network location.

dumpfld -ml 00000002.fld

To direct the output to a file, use the MS-DOS redirection symbol ">" and a filename. The following command will direct the output of DUMPFLD to the file RESULTS.TXT:

dumpfld -ml 00000002.fld > results.txt

Other Notes

When you use the -m option, you may receive the error message "Error: Failure to read record." Disregard this error message.



The DUMPIDX utility generates a diagnostic dump of a folder index file. DUMPIDX will work with Mail 2.1 and later postoffices. It will not dump information from Microsoft Mail 3.0 or 3.2 Mail message files (MMFs).

When to Use

Use this utility to verify the contents and/or the integrity of a folder index file.

Side Effects

None; this utility performs a read-only function on the folder index file.


dumpidx -[ecpns] <index_filename>

  -e                 Displays the same information as the -c
                     option, along with information about the
                     associated folder file. This includes the
                     name of the folder, access rights, and the
                     number of items in the folder.

  -c                 Displays the header information for the
                     selected file. This includes the location
                     in the file, attributes, and name, comment,
                     and owner fields for each record in the
                     index file.

  -p                 Displays the folder names for each of the
                     records in the index file.

  -n                 Displays the folder filenames associated
                     with each record in the index file.

  -s                 Displays the same information as the -c
                     option, along with size information for
                     each folder file.

<index_filename>    Is the index file in the current directory
                    for which information is to be dumped.


The following command will dump folder size information about all items in the index file 00000002.IDX to the computer screen. Typically, .IDX files are stored in the FOLDERS subdirectory. Private folder indexes are stored in the LOC\000xxxxx directory, where 000xxxxx is the ID number for that user. Public, group, and shared folders are stored in the PUB subdirectory. Index files can also be stored locally on a user's hard disk drive or on an alternate network location.

dumpidx -s 00000002.idx

To direct the output to a file, use the MS-DOS redirection symbol ">" and a filename. The following command will direct the output of DUMPIDX to the file RESULTS.TXT:

dumpidx -s 00000002.idx > results.txt



A user's online calendar file is not named with the same eight-digit ID number as the user's mail message file (MMF), nor is it named with the user's name (for security reasons). You can use the DUMPKEY utility to find out which online calendar files belong to which users.

To use this utility, use the following MS-DOS command to copy the DUMPKEY.EXE file to the CAL subdirectory of the postoffice (this example assumes that the Mail database is located on drive M):

copy dumpkey.exe m:\cal\dumpkey.exe

When to Use

Use this program if you want to find the owner of a particular calendar (.CAL) file on the server.

Side Effects

None; this is a read-only utility.


dumpkey schedule.key



The ESCNTLR utility allows you to turn enhanced security off and on for the postoffice. This utility only works on Mail 3.0 and 3.2 postoffices. Enhanced security is a double-encrypted password that stops Mail 2.x clients from accessing the postoffice and is unrelated to Advanced Security, which is a method of creating a connection to the postoffice that the user cannot access.

When to Use

Use this program to display or change the status of enhanced security.

Side Effects

Enhanced security will be added or removed, and the files containing the user accounts will be modified.


escntlr <admin> -p<password> [-s] [-r or -i] [-d<drive>] [-?]

  <admin>            Is the name of the administrator for this
                     postoffice [required].

  -p<password>       Specifies the password for the Admin
                     account [required].

  -s                 Shows status of Enhanced Security only.
                     This overrides all other options, except
                     the drive option (-d).

  -r                 Removes enhanced security if installed.
  -i                 Installs enhanced security if not installed.

  -d<drive>          Is the drive where the Mail database is
                     located (the default is drive M).

  -?                 Shows the usage screen.


As with all Microsoft Mail utilities, we highly recommend that you back up your Mail database before running ESCNTLR. As a minimum, you should back up the GLB subdirectory by typing the following command from the root of the Mail database:

xcopy \glb \bak\ /s /v

This command copies the entire GLB subdirectory to a new directory called BAK.


The setup program for Mail 3.2 removes or adds enhanced security to the postoffice.


To remove enhanced security, type the following command:

escntlr admin -p<password> -r;

To install enhanced security on drive N, type the following command:

escntlr admin -p<password> -i -dn

To view the status of enhanced security on drive N, type the following command:

escntlr -dn -s



The FIXFLD utility attempts to rebuild folder files from their current contents. FIXFLD will work with Mail 2.1 and later postoffices. It has no effect on Mail 3.0 or 3.2 Mail message files (MMFs).

When to Use

Use this utility only when a public or private folder is corrupted.

For more information about recovering folders, see the "Alternatives" section below. You can use this information if running FIXFLD is not possible or practical.

Side Effects

None; this utility affects only the file specified on the command line.


fixfld <saved_folder_file new_folder_file>

  <saved_folder_file>   Is the file where the copy of the old
                        folder file was saved.

  <new_folder_file>     Is the name of the newly created folder


As with all Microsoft Mail utilities, we highly recommend that you back up your Mail database before running FIXFLD. Typically, .FLD files are stored in the FOLDERS subdirectory. Private folders are stored in the LOC\000xxxxx directory, where 000xxxxx is the ID number for that user. Public, group, and shared folders are stored in the PUB subdirectory. Folder files can also be stored locally on a user's hard disk drive or on an alternate network location.

  1. Make a backup of the folder file by typing:

    copy <filename>.fld <filename>.old

  2. Rename the folder file by typing:

    ren <filename>.fld <filename>.sav

  3. Build a new copy of the folder file from the FOLDERS\PUB subdirectory by typing:

    fixfld <filename>.sav <filename>.fld

  4. Start the Mail Administrator program and select Local-Admin, Folders, Compress. This is necessary to ensure that the changes are stored.

Additional Information

You only need to perform one folder-compress step for multiple folder rebuilds. If a folder is no longer referenced by its corresponding index file, it is safe to delete the folder file.


The following procedures assume the Mail user is not running version 3.0 or 3.2 of the Microsoft Mail Windows client software because this program handles folders differently than other clients.

  1. If you are trying to rebuild a user's private folder, you can restore the corrupted folder from the backup copy in one of three ways:

    1. Restore the entire private folder subdirectory, in which case all information placed in any folder since the last backup will be lost.
    2. Restore the corrupted folder file and run FIXIDX to rebuild the index file (see the "FIXIDX.EXE" section for details), in which case you will lose only the information placed in the corrupted folder since the last backup.
    3. You can recover the folders from a backup copy by using the following procedure:

      1. Restore a backup of the entire Mail database to a different location on the server or to a local hard disk.
      2. Run the Mail program with the -d option to specify where the restored database is located. (If Mail is located on the local hard disk, use the SUBST command. For example, type SUBST P: C:\MAILDB, then type MAIL -DP.)
      3. Log on to Mail as the user with the corrupted folder files. Archive all of the user's folders by selecting Options, Folders, Folders, Archive.
      4. On the production postoffice, reset the user's folders (see alternative 2 below), de-archive the folders into the user's active mailbox by selecting Options, Folders, Folders, De- Archive from the Mail program, and then remove the restored copy of the Mail database.
  2. If none of the user's private folders are accessible, you can reset that user's folder from the Mail Administrator program by selecting Local-Admin, Folders, Reset, selecting the user, and pressing ENTER. This will move the folder location back to the postoffice and create a new .IDX file with no folders existing.
  3. If you are trying to rebuild a shared folder, you can restore the folder from the backup copy in one of two ways:

    1. Restore the entire shared folder subdirectory, in which case all information placed in any shared folder since the last backup will be lost.
    2. Restore the corrupted folder file and run FIXIDX to rebuild the index file (see the "FIXIDX.EXE" section below for details), in which case you will lose only the information placed in the corrupted folder since the last backup.



The FIXIDX utility rebuilds the folder index file from records of all of the folders in a subdirectory. FIXIDX will work with version 2.1 and later postoffices. It has no effect on Microsoft Mail version 3.0 or 3.2 Mail message files (MMFs).

When to Use

Use this utility only when a folder index is deleted or irrevocably damaged.

For more information on recovering folders, see the "Alternatives" section below. You can use this information if running FIXIDX is not possible or practical.

Side Effects

Running this program will result in the loss of all folder names. Rebuilding FOLDROOT.IDX when there are group folders on that postoffice will make the group folders inaccessible because FIXIDX resets the group folder type to be that of a shared folder. See the procedure below on how to repair this damage when it occurs.


fixidx< fld_dir idx_file owner>

  <fld_dir>       Indicates the directory that contains the
                  folder (.FLD) files that should be used to
                  build the new index file. For example, to
                  rebuild the index (.IDX) file for the public
                  folders system and the Mail database stored on
                  drive M, use M:\FOLDERS\PUB.

  <idx_file>      Indicates that the file will be used to store
                  the new index file. This can be any name but
                  should be the name of the index file for the
                  directory you are dealing with. For example,
                  with the prior example (for <fld_dir>), use

  <owner>         Is the name of the person who will get
                  ownership of all the folders in the index that
                  is created. This parameter is necessary if you
                  want to allow folders to be modified (using
                  the Options, Folders, Modify command). Other
                  users are given Read, Write, Delete
                  privileges. For example, to give admin access
                  to these folders, this field should be
                  00000000. If you are giving access to a
                  different user, you must know that user's
                  eight-digit Mail ID number.


As with all Microsoft Mail utilities, we highly recommend that you back up your Mail database before running FIXIDX. You must also back up the folder subdirectory you will be working with.

  1. To rebuild the index file for the public folders (assuming your Mail database is on drive M), use the following command:

    fixidx m:\folders\pub m:\folders\pub\foldroot.idx 00000000

  2. To rebuild the index file for a user's private folders, you will need to determine the eight-digit ID number for that user by using the LISTUSER utility included on the database utilities disk.

    Once you know the ID number, type the following command (assuming your Mail database is on drive M), substituting the user's eight- digit ID number for <hexid>:

    fixidx m:\folders\loc\<hexid> m:\folders\loc\<hexid>.idx <hexid>


If the index file for a user's private folders is corrupted or missing, you can reset that user's folder from the Mail Administrator program by selecting Local-Admin, Folders, Reset, selecting the user, and pressing ENTER.

Repair Procedure for Group Folders

The following steps describe how to change the byte to indicate the current status of the folder to be a shared folder. It is not possible to directly change the folder back to a group folder; instead, the folder is designated as a shared folder:

  1. Before you run DEBUG on the .FLD file, you must run FIXFLD on that folder.
  2. Run DEBUG on the folder in question and change the 49th byte from 02 to 03. For example:

    1. Type the following and press ENTER:

      debug 00000003.fld

    2. At the hyphen ( - ) prompt, type the following and press ENTER:


      DEBUG displays the following

      xxxx:0131 02

      where XXXX will vary from machine to machine.
    3. Type the following lines and press ENTER after each line (for clarity, the hyphen prompt is not shown):


      This will reset the folder's internal definition to be that of a shared folder. The administrator must then create a new group folder, move the messages from the old folder to the new folder, and then delete the old folder to restore group access.



The GIMPORT utility creates, deletes, and modifies postoffice address list (POL) groups that contain Microsoft Mail users and X.400, FAX, SMTP, SNADS, PROFS, and MHS gateway users.

GIMPORT.EXE requires that the users being added to a group be present in the POL prior to running GIMPORT. You can automatically add users to the POL by using the IMPORT.EXE utility with the [ASCII 150]a option. IMPORT.EXE ships with Microsoft Mail and is present in the MAILEXE subdirectory. Please refer to the Microsoft Mail Administrator[ASCII 146]s Guide for more information on the IMPORT.EXE program.


The administrator can create groups in the POL that contain users defined on the local postoffice as well as users defined on external postoffices or as gateway addresses. Microsoft Mail has a limitation that any groups that contain external users cannot be exported to other Microsoft Mail postoffices, and these groups cannot be included in directory synchronization. This poses a problem in many organizations that have several Microsoft Mail postoffices and need all their users to be able to send mail to groups containing users on several different postoffices.

There is no method for creating such cross-postoffice groups only once and then exporting these groups to other postoffices. The groups can be exported through the Mail Administrator program, and when a user on the postoffice where the group was created sends mail to the group, all users (local and external) receive the message. However, when a user on another postoffice sends mail to an exported group, only those users defined on the postoffice where the group was created receive the mail message; external users in that group do not. Hence, the only way to allow all users on all postoffices to successfully send mail to the same group of users is to create that group on all postoffices. For large organizations with several postoffices and thousands of users, this process of can be very time consuming and prone to error.

GIMPORT.EXE makes this process easier. Although you still need to create the groups on every postoffice, you can automate this task to a certain degree. To use GIMPORT, manually create the group on one postoffice, and then extract the group information to a text file. The information in the text file can then be imported to other postoffices.

System Requirements

GIMPORT requires the following system hardware and software:

  • An 80286 or higher computer with a minimum of 500K of extended or expanded memory. The actual amount of extended or expanded memory required may be greater than 500K, depending on the number of entries in the POL (ADMINSHD.NME).
  • MS-DOS version 3.3 or later.

When to Use

Use this utility to create, delete, or modify groups on the postoffice. If the group is small (fewer than 20 users), contains only local users, or if the number of groups is small (fewer than 5 groups), the Mail Administrator program can be more efficient in creating and maintaining the group.

Side Effects

New groups are deleted or created, and existing groups are modified.


gimport admin [-d[drive|path]] [-ffilename] [-i[filename]] [-llogfile] - ppassword [-r] [-s] [-v] [-x[filename]] [-y] [-?]

   admin          Is the mailbox sign-on ID of a Mail
                  administrator (required).

 -d[drive|path] Specifies the location of the Mail data files. Drive
                  specifies the drive on which the Mail
                  data files reside (the default is drive M), and path
                  specifies the path to the Mail database files.

  -ffilename     Specifies the output file that contains the
                  group definition and the group users. This file is not
                  compatible with the IMPORT.EXE utility.

   -i[filename]   Specifies an output file that does not contain
                  the group definition. This file is compatible with the
                  IMPORT.EXE utility. The default name for this file is

   -llogfile      Specifies the location of the log file.

   -ppassword     Specifies the mailbox password of the Mail
                  administrator (required).

   -r             Removes all postoffice address list groups and
                  resets all the group files to default values. The
                  following files are reset: ADMIN.GRP, ADMINSHD.GRP,
                  GROUP.GLB, GRPMEM.GLB. In addition, the groups are
                  removed from the ADMIN.NME and ADMINSHD.NME. The records
                  in the ACCESS.GLB file are modified to reset the pointer
                  into the GRPMEM.GLB. All the .MEM files are removed from
                  the .MEM directory.

   -s             Prevents name sorting of the members of the
                  groups extracted from the postoffice. By default, sorting
                  is turned on. This option can be used to speed up
                  execution of the program when you extract extremely large

   -v             Displays/logs detailed logging information.

   -x[filename]   Specifies which groups are to be extracted. If no
                  filename is specified, all groups are extracted.

   -y             Overrides the confirmation message.

   -?             Shows the Help screen.

File Formats

The output file created with the -f option is a text file containing the group transactions, which consists of the group name, followed by the group members. The format of the IMPORT-compatible file created with the -i option is the same, except the group name is not present. The format of the file used by the extract option (-x) is only the alias of the group, with each alias on a separate line.

Group Transaction File

Each group transaction is on a separate line. Each of these lines contains four mandatory entries.

First Entry

The transaction type: G, A, D, R, P, or #.

Note: This transaction type must appear in column 1.

     Transaction      Meaning
     Type Code
         G      Add/modify the following group to the POL. The list
                of members should follow this line. If the group
                does not exist in the POL, it is assumed to be a
                new group and is created. If the group does exist,
                the transactions following this line are assumed to
                be modifications to the existing group.

         A      Add the following address to the last group defined
                by the last G transaction type.

         D      Delete the following address from the last group
                defined by the last G transaction.

         R      Replace the following group with the users defined
                in following transactions. All transactions for this
                group can only be of type A.

         P      Purge (delete) the following group from the POL.

         #      Comment line. Ignored.
Second Entry

The alias. This can be from 1 to 30 characters long. Aliases must start in column 3 or be separated from the first entry by a tab.

Third Entry

The address type. Follow it with a colon (:). This address type must start in column 34 or be separated from the second entry by a tab. Only the following address types are supported: PCM, X400, FAX, SMTP, SNADS, and PROFS.

Fourth Entry

The address. It immediately follows the address type and must be that type of address. For more information about the proper address format, see the "The Import Utility" section in Appendix A of the Microsoft Mail Administrator[ASCII 146]s Guide.

Sample Input File

   # New group to be created
   G Group 1                        PCM:network1/30po1/trial
   A User 0                         PCM:network1/30po1/auto0
   A User 1                         PCM:network1/30po1/auto1

   # Group to be deleted
   P Trial Group                    PCM:network1/30po1/trial

   # New group with gateway addresses
   G Gateway Group 1                PCM:network1/30po1/gtwygrp
   A Sample User 0                  SMTP:user0@dummy.host.edu
   A Sample User 1                  SNADS:SNADSNET/DGN1/user1
   A Sample User 2                  PROFS:VMGATE/NODE1/user2


As with all Microsoft Mail utilities, we highly recommend that you back up your Mail database before you run GIMPORT.EXE. As a minimum, you should back up the following directories.


The following examples describe how GIMPORT.EXE can be used.

Example 1 - Automatically copying a group from one postoffice to another.

This example assumes you have created a group named "Test Group" on Postoffice 1 (on drive M) that contains only the user "Administrator" for Postoffice 1 and you want to create this group on Postoffice 2 (on drive N). Run the following command at the MS-DOS prompt:

gimport -dm admin -ppassword -xgrpext.inf -fgroups.ext -igrpusers.dat

GRPEXT.INF is a text file that contains the name of the group to be extracted. For this example, the GRPEXT.INF file contains the following text:

Test Group

GROUPS.EXT is the file to which the group information is written out. The following is the contents of GROUPS.EXT after the above command is executed:
   # - Microsoft Mail Group Import Program v3.0b
   # - Started: 05/13/94  07:49

   G Test Group                     PCM:NET/PO/TestGroup
   A Administrator                  PCM:NET/PO/Admin
GRPUSERS.DAT is the file to which only user information and not group information is written to. The following is the contents of the GRPUSERS.DAT after the above command is executed:
    # - Microsoft(R) Mail Group Import Program v3.0b
    # - Started: 05/13/94  07:55

    # The data in this file is for use with the Microsoft Mail Import.exe

    A Administrator                  PCM:NET/PO/TestGroup
To import the group into Postoffice 2, all the users in the group must be present in the POL on Postoffice 2. To add these names to the POL on Postoffice 2 run the following command:

import -dn admin -ppassword -a -fgrpusers.dat

After executing this command, you will see warning messages for those users that already exist on the Postoffice 2. These messages can be ignored.

To create the group on Postoffice 2 and add the users to it, use the GROUPS.EXT file (containing the G transaction type) and run the following command:

gimport -dn admin -ppassword -fgroups.ext

Example 2 - Resetting all group files on a postoffice.

In certain cases, it may be necessary to reset all the group files on a Microsoft Mail postoffice. This can be done using GIMPORT.EXE with the following command:

gimport -dm admin -ppassword -r

The above example assumes that the postoffice on which you wish to reset all the group files, exists on drive m.

In the above examples, a log file can be created by using the -l<log file> option. Verbose logging can be turned on by the -v command line option.



The LISTUSER utility displays a list of all users on a given postoffice, including their associated eight-digit user ID numbers (these numbers are used by the Mail system to identify each individual user). LISTUSER will work with version 2.1 and later postoffices. LISTUSER also shows the size of the .MMF files on the server, and can search for a specific name on the postoffice.

When to Use

Use this program whenever you need to know the ID number associated with any of your users.

Side Effects

None; this is a read-only utility.


listuser <admin> -p<password> [-d<drive>] [-f] [-x] [-n<name>] [-s] [-?]

  <drive>         Is the drive where the Mail database is
                  located (the default is m).

  -f              Shows the user's full name in addition to the
                  alias [optional].

  -x              Shows the delete status of the users and any
                  deleted users [optional].

  -n<name>        Displays only those names that match the
                  <name> parameter. This option by itself will
                  search the alias and the hex ID. If the f
                  option is specified, the full name field is

  -s              Shows the size of any .MMF files that are on
                  the server.

  -?              Shows the usage screen.


You can also determine a user's ID number by performing the following steps:

  1. Run Mail and log on as the user.
  2. Select Options, Folders, Private Storage.
  3. Select Local-Storage.
  4. Type c:\ (or whichever local drive is available).
  5. Quit Mail.
  6. Type DIR C:\*.IDX.

    The filename you see is that user's ID number.
  7. To return the folders back to the server, re-run Mail, select Options, Folders, Private Storage, and then select Server.



The MOVEFOLD utility allows a user's private folders to be moved to another postoffice. This utility is typically required when a user is changing physical locations and becomes a member of a new Microsoft Mail postoffice. MOVEFOLD will work only with Mail 2.1x postoffices and Mail 3.0 or 3.2 postoffices that do not have enhanced security enabled, and only affects the MS-DOS client's private folders.

When to Use

You can use this program whenever you move a user's folders from one postoffice to another.

For more information on moving folders, see the "Alternatives" section below. You can use this information if running MOVEFOLD is not possible or practical.

Side Effects

None; this program performs read-only operations on the Mail database files.


movefold <mailbox> -p<password> -d<drive> [-e<exportfile> | -i<importfile>]

  <mailbox>       Is the user's current mailbox name.
  <password>      Is the user's current password.
  <drive>         Is the drive where the Mail database is
  <exportfile>    Is the export filename.
  <importfile>    Is the import filename.


As with all Microsoft Mail utilities, we highly recommend that you back up your Mail database before running MOVEFOLD; you must also make a backup of the folder subdirectory you will be working with.

  1. Make sure each Mail user moves his or her private folders back to the server by running the MS-DOS Mail client and selecting Options, Folders, Private-Storage, Server. Do not proceed until all private folders have been moved back to the file server postoffice.

    Because the MOVEFOLD utility must use the user's password, the Mail system administrator may have to use the Mail Administrator program to use the Local-Admin, Recover command to recover all of the passwords back to the global default password.
  2. The MOVEFOLD utility must be run from a drive where there is enough disk space to store all of an individual's private folders.
  3. All the parameters of the MOVEFOLD utility must be used to guarantee its performance.


To move the folders of a user called Chris, use the following command to export the folders from Chris's user account on the postoffice on drive M to the file CHRFOLD.ARC.

movefold chris -ppassword -dm -echrfold.arc

The following command imports the CHRFOLD.ARC file into Chris's user account on drive N:

movefold chris -ppassword -dn -ichrfold.arc

NOTE: If the destination postoffice is not currently available, the MOVEFOLD import command can be run at a different time.


Folders can also be moved by the owner of the folders using the following procedure:

  1. Run the MS-DOS Mail client and log on to the user's current mailbox.
  2. Select Options, Folders, Folders, Archive. Select each folder and select a filename to store it as, and make a note of the folder name.
  3. Run the MS-DOS Mail client and log on to the user's new mailbox.
  4. To re-create each folder, select Option, Folders, Create, and enter the folder name and the access rights you want associated with that folder.
  5. To restore folders to the archived folders, select Options, Folders, Folders, De-Archive, and then select each folder and select the filename.



A user's online calendar file is not named with the same eight-digit ID number as the user's Mail message file (MMF), nor is it named with the user's name for security reasons. You can use the MVCAL utility to locate a specific user's online calendar file (if the file is damaged, for example).

When to Use

Use this program if you want to find the owner of a particular calendar (.CAL) file on the server if that CAL file is corrupted or damaged in some way.

Side Effects

This utility will find the calendar file for the user name specified and rename it <username>.BAD. After the calendar file is renamed, a new file will be created the next time the user signs in. This new calendar file will be created from the user's local calendar file.


mvcal <username> [-d<drive> -p<password>]

  <username>      Is the user with the corrupted calendar file.
  <drive>         Is the path to the Mail database (the default
                  is m).

  <password>      Is the password for the Schedule+
                  administrator (not the Mail administrator).



To rename JohnDoe's calendar file on drive N, where the Schedule+ administrator's password is "password":

mvcal JohnDoe -dn -ppassword



The NETDUMP utility displays information for all external postoffices and gateways defined on the given postoffice. The utility displays the network/postoffice names, the mailbag (.MBG) file for the external postoffice, whether the postoffice is routed indirectly via another postoffice, the definition (.XTN) file where the external postoffice is located, and the connection type (LAN, modem, or X.25) for the postoffice.

For gateways, the NETDUMP utility displays (1) the gateway name; (2) the gateway postoffice if the given postoffice is a downstream postoffice; (3) the mailbag for the gateway; (4) the definition (.XTN) file for the gateway; and (5) for FFAPI, PROFS, and SNADS gateways, the node name and node mailbag.

The current version of NETDUMP recognizes the PROFS, SNADS, MCI, X.400, MSMAIL (Mail Connection), FAX, SMTP, AT&T, MHS, and FFAPI gateways.

When to Use

Use this program to display the external postoffice and the gateway routing and definition information.

Side Effects

None; this is a read-only utility.


netdump <admin> [-d[<drive>|<path>]] [-f<filename>] [-l<logfile>] -p<password>[-v] [-?]

  <admin>             Is the mailbox sign-on ID of a Mail administrator

  -d[<drive|path>]    Specifies the location of the Mail data files.
                      <Drive> specifies the drive on which the Mail data
                      files reside (the default is drive M), and <path>
                      specifies the path to the Mail database files.

  -f<filename>        Specifies the file in which to save the
                      network/postoffice information that is displayed.

  -l<logfile>         Specifies the file to which logging information is
                      written (optional).

  -p<password>        Specifies the mailbox password of the administrator
                      ID used (required).

  -v                  Displays/logs detailed logging information.
  -y                  Suppresses video output.
  -?                  Displays the help menu.


To display the information for a postoffice located on drive M:

netdump admin -ppassword -dm



The REVERT utility resets the "read"and "new" counters in the Mail Message File (MMF). At times corruption in the MMF can make these counters indicate that a message has not been read, when in fact there are no new or unread messages. The CheckMMF utility that is part of version 3.0b or later of Microsoft Mail for Windows can also reset these numbers, but this method can cause other corruption if the MMF file is not otherwise damaged.

Once these counters are reset, the Microsoft Mail for Windows client will recalculate and display the correct values.

When to Use

Use this program when the "new" or "unread" counters displayed by the Microsoft Mail for Windows client in the MMF are not correct.

Use the LISTUSER utility to determine the hexadecimal ID of the user whose MMF needs to be reset.

Side Effects



revert <filename>

  <filename>     Is the path to the MMF that is to be reset. The full
                 path must be specified.



To reset the counter values in the 00000000.MMF file on drive P:

revert p:\mmf\00000000.mmf


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