ACC: Sending a MAPI Mail Message Using Access Basic (1.x/2.0) (99403)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Access 1.0
  • Microsoft Access 1.1
  • Microsoft Access 2.0

This article was previously published under Q99403


Advanced: Requires expert coding, interoperability, and multiuser skills.

This article demonstrates how to use the Mail Application Programming Interface (MAPI) in Access Basic to send a mail message from a form. You can send mail to one or more persons using the To and CC (carbon copy) fields in the example below.


This article assumes that you are familiar with Access Basic and with creating Microsoft Access applications using the programming tools provided with Microsoft Access. For more information about Access Basic, please refer to the "Building Applications" manual.

The following procedure explains how to use this sample module:
  1. Create new, unbound form with multiple controls for entering recipient addresses and message text, for example:
          Form: Test
          Caption: TestForm
          Text box: Subject
             ControlName: Subject
          Text box: To
             ControlName: To
          Text box: CC
             ControlName: CC
          Text box: Attach
             ControlName: Attach
          Text box: Message
             ControlName: Message
          Command button: Button0
             Caption: Send Message
             OnPush: =Mail()
       NOTE: In version 2.0, the OnPush property is called the OnClick
  2. Create a new module and enter the following code:

    NOTE: In the following sample code, an underscore (_) is used as a line continuation character for easier reading. Remove the underscore from the end of the line when re-creating this code in Access Basic.
       'Declarations section of the module.
       Option Explicit
       Option Compare Database   'Use database order for string comparisons
       Type MAPIMessage
          Reserved As Long
          Subject As String
          NoteText As String
          MessageType As String
          DateReceived As String
          ConversationID As String
          Flags As Long
          RecipCount As Long
          FileCount As Long
       End Type
       Type MapiRecip
          Reserved As Long
          RecipClass As Long
          Name As String
          Address As String
          EIDSize As Long
          EntryID As String
       End Type
       Type MapiFile
          Reserved As Long
          Flags As Long
          Position As Long
          PathName As String
          FileName As String
          FileType As String
       End Type
       Declare Function MAPISendMail Lib "MAPI.DLL" Alias "BMAPISendMail" _
       (ByVal Session&, ByVal UIParam&, Message As MAPIMessage, Recipient _
       As MapiRecip, File As MapiFile, ByVal Flags&, ByVal Reserved&) As Long
       Global Const SUCCESS_SUCCESS = 0
       Global Const MAPI_TO = 1
       Global Const MAPI_CC = 2
       Global Const MAPI_LOGON_UI = &H1
       ' End of declarations section
       ' FUNCTION NAME: Mail
       ' PURPOSE:
       '   Passes information on the active forms To, Subject, CC,
       '   Attach, and Message text boxes to the SendMail function.
       '   It ensures that each box does not have a NULL value. It also
       '   displays an error message if SendMail fails.
       '   This function is called from the OnPush property of the form.
       '   None
       ' RETURN
       '   None
       Function Mail ()
          Dim F As Form, Result
          Set F = Screen.ActiveForm
          ' Make sure user has something in the To: box
          If IsNull(F!To) Or F!To = "" Then Exit Function
          ' Make sure no Null values are in the other boxes
          If IsNull(F!Subject) Then F!Subject = ""
          If IsNull(F!CC) Then F!CC = ""
          If IsNull(F!Attach) Then F!Attach = ""
          If IsNull(F!Message) Then F!Message = ""
          ' Send the message, passing information from the form
          Result = SendMail((F!Subject), (F!To), (F!CC),_
                   (F!Attach), (F!Message))
          ' Test the result for any errors
          If Result <> SUCCESS_SUCCESS Then
             MsgBox "Error sending mail: " & Result, 16, "Mail"
             MsgBox "Message sent successfully!", 64, "Mail"
          End If
       End Function
       ' FUNCTION NAME: SendMail
       ' PURPOSE:
       '   This is the front-end function to the MAPISendMail function. You
       '   pass a semicolon-delimited list of To and CC recipients, a
       '   subject, a message, and a delimited list of file attachments.
       '   This function prepares MapiRecip and MapiFile structures with the
       '   data parsed from the information provided using the ParseRecord
       '   sub. Once the structures are prepared, the MAPISendMail function
       '   is called to send the message.
       '   sSubject: The text to appear in the subject line of the message
       '   sTo:      Semicolon-delimited list of names to receive the
       '             message
       '   sCC:      Semicolon-delimited list of names to be CC'd
       '   sAttach:  Semicolon-delimited list of files to attach to
       '             the message
       ' RETURN
       '   SUCCESS_SUCCESS if successful, or a MAPI error if not.
    '*********************************************************** **
       Function SendMail (sSubject As String, sTo As String, sCC As String, _
                       sAttach As String, sMessage As String)
          Dim i, cTo, cCC, cAttach          ' variables holding counts
          Dim MAPI_Message As MAPIMessage
          ' Count the number of items in each piece of the mail message
          cTo = CountTokens(sTo, ";")
          cCC = CountTokens(sCC, ";")
          cAttach = CountTokens(sAttach, ";")
          ' Create arrays to store the semicolon delimited mailing
          ' .. information after it is parsed
          ReDim rTo(0 To cTo) As String
          ReDim rCC(0 To cCC) As String
          ReDim rAttach(0 To cAttach) As String
          ' Parse the semicolon delimited information into the arrays.
          ParseTokens rTo(), sTo, ";"
          ParseTokens rCC(), sCC, ";"
          ParseTokens rAttach(), sAttach, ";"
          ' Create the MAPI Recip structure to store all the To and CC
          ' .. information to be passed to the MAPISendMail function
          ReDim MAPI_Recip(0 To cTo + cCC  - 1) As MapiRecip
          ' Setup the "TO:" recipient structures
          For i = 0 To cTo - 1
             MAPI_Recip(i).Name = rTo(i)
             MAPI_Recip(i).RecipClass = MAPI_TO
          Next i
          ' Setup the "CC:" recipient structures
          For i = 0 To cCC - 1
             MAPI_Recip(cTo + i).Name = rCC(i)
             MAPI_Recip(cTo + i).RecipClass = MAPI_CC
          Next i
          ' Create the MAPI File structure to store all the file attachment
          ' .. information to be passed to the MAPISendMail function
          ReDim MAPI_File(0 To cAttach) As MapiFile
          ' Setup the file attachment structures
          MAPI_Message.FileCount = cAttach
          For i = 0 To cAttach - 1
             MAPI_File(i).Position = -1
             MAPI_File(i).PathName = rAttach(i)
          Next i
          ' Set the mail message fields
          MAPI_Message.Subject = sSubject
          MAPI_Message.NoteText = sMessage
          MAPI_Message.RecipCount = cTo + cCC
          ' Send the mail message
          SendMail = MAPISendMail(0&, 0&, MAPI_Message, MAPI_Recip(0), _
                         MAPI_File(0), MAPI_LOGON_UI, 0&)
       End Function
       ' FUNCTION NAME: CountTokens
       ' PURPOSE:
       '   Given a string of delimited items and the delimiter, the number
       '   of tokens in the string will be returned. This function is useful
       '   for dimensioning an array to store the delimited items prior to
       '   calling ParseTokens.
       '   sSource: A delimited list of tokens
       '   sDelim:  The delimiter used to delimit sSource
       ' RETURN
       '   The number of tokens in sSource, which is the number of delimiters
       '   plus 1. If sSource is empty, 0 is returned.
       Function CountTokens (ByVal sSource As String, ByVal sDelim As String)
          Dim iDelimPos As Integer
          Dim iCount As Integer
          ' Number of tokens = 0 if the source string is empty
          If sSource = "" Then
             CountTokens = 0
          ' Otherwise number of tokens = number of delimiters + 1
             iDelimPos = InStr(1, sSource, sDelim)
             Do Until iDelimPos = 0
                iCount = iCount + 1
                iDelimPos = InStr(iDelimPos + 1, sSource, sDelim)
             CountTokens = iCount + 1
          End If
       End Function
       ' FUNCTION NAME: GetToken
       ' PURPOSE:
       '   Given a string of delimited items, the first item will be
       '   removed from the list and returned.
       '   sSource: A delimited list of tokens
       '   sDelim:  The delimiter used to delimit sSource
       ' RETURN
       '   sSource will have the first token removed. The function
       '   returns the token removed from sSource.
       Function GetToken (sSource As String, ByVal sDelim As String) _
       As String
          Dim iDelimPos As Integer
          ' Find the first delimiter
          iDelimPos = InStr(1, sSource, sDelim)
          ' If no delimiter was found, return the existing string and set
          ' .. the source to an empty string.
          If (iDelimPos = 0) Then
             GetToken = Trim$(sSource)
             sSource = ""
          ' Otherwise, return everything to the left of the delimiter and
          ' .. return the source string with it removed.
             GetToken = Trim$(Left$(sSource, iDelimPos - 1))
             sSource = Mid$(sSource, iDelimPos + 1)
          End If
       End Function
       ' SUB NAME: ParseTokens
       ' PURPOSE:
       '   Extracts information from a delimited list of items and places
       '   it in an array.
       '   Array(): A one-dimensional array of strings in which the parsed
       '   tokens will be place
       '   sTokens: A delimited list of tokens
       '   sDelim:  The delimiter used to delimit sTokens
       ' RETURN
       '   None
       Sub ParseTokens (Array() As String, ByVal sTokens As String, ByVal _
                        sDelim As String)
          Dim i As Integer
          For i = LBound(Array) To UBound(Array)
             Array(i) = GetToken(sTokens, sDelim)
       End Sub


Microsoft Mail "Technical Reference," Chapter 4

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:5/9/2003
Keywords:kbinfo kbinterop kbProgramming KB99403