Description of COMTOKR Stack Configurable Parameters (99293)

This article was previously published under Q99293


This article describes the undocumented COMTOKR stack configurable parameters:
Parameter       Minimum   Maximum     Default
---------       -------   -------     -------
users              1        255          4
saps               1        255          8
stations           1        255         32
commands           1        255         32
packets            1       1000         50
datagrampackets    1       1000          4
looppackets        1       1000          2
selectors          2         32          8
maxlocks           1        100          8
bufqelements       1      65000         80
timers             1        255         10
unlocktime         1       6500          2
adaptrate          0      65000       1000
trxbuffers         1         32          1
maxin              1        127          1
maxout             1        127          1
t1_tick_one        1        255          5
t2_tick_one        1        255          1
ti_tick_one        1        255         25
t1_tick_two        1        255         25
t2_tick_two        1        255         10
ti_tick_two        1        255        125
dlcretries         1      65000          5
syspath            -          -
nodeaddress        -          -    adapter burned in addr



Specifies the maximum number of users/applications that may use DLCAPI at one time.


Specifies the maximum number of Service Access Points that may be open at one time.


Specifies the maximum number of link stations that the DLCAPI can have open simultaneously.


Specifies the maximum number of commands that may be outstanding at one time.


Specifies the number of I-frame buffers the DLCAPI allocates to handle transmission of I-frames.


Specifies the number of UI-frame buffers the DLCAPI allocates to handle transmission of UI-frames and direct frames.


Specifies the number of buffers the DLCAPI allocates to handle loopback frames (loopback frame = frame whose destination equals its source).


Specifies the number of GDT selectors the DLCAPI allocates at driver initialization.


Specifies the maximum number of segments that can be locked at one time.


Specifies the number of buffer queue elements the DLCAPI allocates to handle user's/application's buffers. This value also specifies the maximum number of SAP buffers the DLCAPI can handle.


Specifies the maximum number of user timers (sarted with DIR_TIMER_SET command) the DLCAPI supports.


Specifies the seconds between the unlock algorithm. The unlock algorithm unlocks those locked segments whose lock count has dropped to zero.


Specifies the milliseconds between adaptive algorithm. If this value is zero the adaptive algorithm is not run.


Specifies the number of internal transmit buffers the DLCAPI allocates. These buffers are used only if the transmitted frame does not fit into eight user buffers. One is needed to handle test frames.


Specifies the maximum number of I-frames that can be received on a link without sending an acknowledgement.


Specifies the maximum number of I-frames that can be transmitted on a link without waiting for an acknowledgement.


Specifies the short timer tick value for the dlc T1 timer (retry timer). Each timer tick is 40 milliseconds.


Specifies the short timer tick value for the dlc T2 timer (acknowledgment timer). Each timer tick is 40 milliseconds.


Specifies the short timer tick value for the dlc Ti timer (idle timer). Each timer tick is 40 milliseconds.


Specifies in milliseconds the long tick value for the dlc T1 timer (retry timer). Each timer tick is 40 milliseconds.


Specifies the long timer tick value for the dlc T2 timer (acknowledgment timer). Each timer tick is 40 milliseconds.


Specifies the long timer tick value for the dlc Ti timer (idle timer). Each timer tick is 40 milliseconds.

Additional Information on xx_tick_one and xx_tick_two Usage

The DLC protocol uses three timers:

T1 = response timer
T2 = acknowledgment timer
Ti = inactivity timer

The values for these timers depend on two things:
  • The tick values in PROTOCOL.INI file
  • The timer values specified in DLC_OPEN_SAP, DLC_OPEN_STATION or DLC_MODIFY commands.
The PROTOCOL.INI parameters specify the number of 40 ms timer ticks for each timer. Each timer requires a short timer tick (tick_one) and a long timer tick (tick_two). Both ticks are 40ms long.

The actual length of each timer (T1, T2, Ti) is selected with parameters provided when the DLC_OPEN_SAP, DLC_OPEN_STATION or DLC_MODIFY command is issued. In these commands the timer value is selected with a number between 1 and 10. If it is between 1 and 5, the short timer tick (tick_one) is used. The timer value equals the number selected multiplied by the short timer tick value:

timer value = number selected * short tick value * 40ms

If the selected number is between 6 and 10, the long timer tick (tick_two) is used. The timer value equals the number selected minus 5 multiplied by the long timer tick value:

timer value = (number selected - 5) * long tick value * 40ms


Specifies the number of retries that the DLCAPI makes for failed transmissions of I-frames.


Specifies the pathname and file name of the DLCAPI system process (that is, syspath = c:\comman\dev\unlock.exe).


Overrides the burned in address of the adapter. The value of this entry is a hexadecimal string of exactly 12 digits in double quotes (for example, nodeaddress = "4000000000FD").

It is recommended that you specify administrator-defined TR addresses with the "nodeaddress" parameter, so that your TR network does not depend upon the burned in address if an adapter must be replaced. When you configure a TR link to an IBM mainframe or front-end processor, this parameter must correspond to the VTAM PU macro's "MACADDR=" parameter defined for this Comm WS machine. Note that the TR address of the IBM host or front-end processor is specified in the Comm WS TR connection parameter, NOT in "nodeaddress".

The "burned in" address as well as the current "nodeaddress" for the Token Ring adapter is written to the NODEADDR.TXT file on the root directory when the UNLOCK.EXE program is executed. The Comm WS SETUP program automatically configures the system to run the UNLOCK program from the STARTUP.CMD file.

Optional PROTOCOL.INI Parameters for IBMTOK.SYS

This list summarizes the possible optional entries and their default, minimum and maximum values. If an optional entry is not specified in the PROTOCOL.INI file, then the default entry is used.
Entry           Minimum      Maximum         Default
-----           -------      -------         -------
drivername         -            -            IBMTOK$
earlyrelease       -            -               -
netaddress         -       12 hex digits        -
maxtransmits       6            50              6
primary or         -            -            See notes
productid          -       36 hex digits     See notes
ram              0xA000      0xF000 hex      See notes
recvbufs           2            60              2
recvbufsize     256 bytes     2040 bytes     256 bytes
xmitbufs           1            2               1
xmitbufsize     256 bytes     2040 bytes     256 bytes

Modification Type: Major Last Reviewed: 2/19/2002
Keywords: KB99293