LAYOUTS.WRI from Windows Resource Kit Version 3.1 E-K (96976)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Windows 3.1

This article was previously published under Q96976


The following information was taken from the Microsoft Windows Resource Kit version 3.1 LAYOUTS.WRI file. This article contains filenames E-K.


Filename     1.44MB 1.2MB  720K  360K  Expanded File    Description

EGA.3GR       1     1     2     2     14336    EGA 386 enhanced mode
                                               display component
EGA.DRV       1     2     1     2     71552    EGA display driver
EGA.SYS       2     2     3     2     5039     EGA MS-DOS driver
EGA40850.FON  2     2     4     3     8384     Non-Windows application
                                               font for 386 enhanced
                                               mode (International
                                               code page 850)
EGA40WOA.FON  2     2     3     7     8368     Non-Windows application
                                               font for 386 enhanced
                                               mode (USA code page
EGA80850.FON  2     2     3     7     5328     Non-Windows application
                                               font for 386 enhanced
                                               mode (International
                                               code page 850)
EGA80WOA.FON  2     2     3     7     5312     Non-Windows application
                                               font for 386 enhanced
                                               mode (USA code page

EGACOLOR.2GR  1     2     2     2     3260     EGA standard mode
                                               display component
EGAFIX.FON    1     1     2     2     4240     EGA (640x350) or AT&T
                                               (640x400) resolution
                                               monospaced system font
EGAHIBW.DRV   2     2     3     3     45264    EGA black & white
                                               display driver
EGALOGO.LGO   1     2     2     3     1136     EGA display logo screen
EGALOGO.RLE   1     2     3     2     17082    EGA display logo screen
EGAMONO.2GR   2     2     4     3     3030     EGA monochrome standard
                                               mode display component
EGAMONO.DRV   2     2     3     3     45328    EGA monochrome display
EGAMONO.LGO   2     2     3     3     1104     EGA monochrome startup
                                               logo code
EGAMONO.RLE   2     3     4     3     15966    EGA monochrome logo
EGAOEM.FON    1     2     2     2     4176     EGA (640x350) or AT&T
                                               (640x400) resolution
                                               terminal font
EGASYS.FON    1     2     2     2     5264     EGA (640x350) or AT&T
                                               (640x400) resolution
                                               system font
EGYPT.BMP     3     5     6     6     630      Egypt wallpaper TYPE??
EMM386.EXE    4     4     6     6     110174   Microsoft MS-DOS
                                               Expanded-Memory Manager
EPL75523.WPD  6     7     B     8     4714     Windows PostScript de-
                                               scription file for
                                               Epson EPL-7500
Epson24.DRV   6     7     C     9     14960    Epson 24-pin printer
Epson9.DRV    6     7     C     9     22192    Epson 9-pin printer
ESCP2.DRV     6     7     C     9     7904     Epson ESCP2 dot-matrix
EXECJET.DRV   6     7     C     9     20240    IBM ExecJet printer
EXPAND.EXE    3     3     5     2     15285    MS-DOS-based file
                                               expansion utility
FINSTALL.DLL  6     7     B     A     200368   Soft Font installer for
                                               HPPCL5/A printer driver
FINSTALL.HLP  6     7     C     9     19202    Soft Font installer
                                               for HPPCL5/A printer
                                               driver Help
FLOCK.BMP     3     3     6     6     1630     Flock wallpaper
FUJI24.DRV    6     7     C     9     17088    Fujitsu 24-pin printer
FUJI9.DRV     6     7     C     9     8576     Fujitsu 9-pin printer
GDI.EXE       1     1     3     2     220480   Windows Graphics Device
                                               Interface core
GENDRV.DLL    6     7     B     A     99328    Generic printer driver
GLOSSARY.HLP  3     3     6     4     46570    Windows Help glossary
HERC.3GR      2     2     3     3     9216     Hercules monochrome 386
                                               enhanced mode display
HERC850.FON   2     2     3     7     8880     Non-Windows application
                                               font for 386 enhanced
                                               mode (International
                                               code page 850)
HERCLOGO.LGO  2     2     3     2     1008     Hercules monochrome
                                               startup logo code
HERCLOGO.RLE  1     2     2     3     15808    Hercules display logo
HERCULES.2GR  1     2     2     2     2155     Hercules monochrome
                                               display standard mode
                                               display component
HERCULES.DRV  3     2     3     2     47296    Hercules display driver
HERCWOA.FON   2     2     3     7     8864     Non-Windows application
                                               font for 386 enhanced
                                               mode (USA code page

HERMES_1.WPD  6     6     B     8     1937     Windows PostScript de-
                                               scription file for
                                               Hermes H606 PS (13
HERMES_2.WPD  6     6     B     8     4411     Windows PostScript de-
                                               scription file for
                                               Hermes H606 PS (35
HIMEM.SYS     5     4     7     3     13824    Microsoft MS-DOS Ex-
                                               tended-Memory Manager
HONEY.BMP     4     4     6     6     854      Honey wallpaper
HPDSKJET.DRV  6     7     C     9     61856    HP DeskJet Series
                                               printer driver
HPEBIOS.386   1     3     4     3     9348     EBIOS virtual device
                                               for HP machines in 386
                                               enhanced mode
HPELI523.WPD  6     6     B     8     4899     Windows PostScript de-
                                               scription file for HP
                                               LaserJet IIISi
HPIID522.WPD  6     6     B     8     4799     Windows PostScript de-
                                               scription file for HP
                                               LaserJet IID PostScript
HPIII522.WPD  6     6     B     8     4725     Windows PostScript de-
                                               scription file for HP
                                               LaserJet III PostScript
HPIIP522.WPD  6     6     B     8     4762     Windows PostScript de-
                                               scription file for HP
                                               LaserJet IIP PostScript
HPMOUSE.DRV   2     2     4     3     4896     HP HIL mouse driver
HPPCL.DRV     6     7     C     9     153120   HP LaserJet II Series
                                               printer driver
HPPCL5A.DRV   6     7     C     9     428736   HP LaserJet III Series
                                               printer driver
HPPCL5A.HLP   6     7     C     9     21805    HP LaserJet III Series
                                               printer driver Help
HPPCL5OP.HLP  6     7     C     9     13195    HP LaserJet III Series
                                               printer driver Help
HPPLOT.DRV    6     6     B     9     66680    HP Plotter printer
HPSYSTEM.DRV  2     2     3     3     2832     HP Vectra system driver
                                               for Windows
HP_3D522.WPD  6     6     B     8     4988     Windows PostScript de-
                                               scription file for HP
                                               LaserJet IIID
HP_3P522.WPD  6     7     B     8     4784     Windows PostScript de-
                                               scription file for HP
                                               LaserJet IIIP
IBM17521.WPD  6     6     B     8     2695     Windows PostScript de-
                                               scription file for IBM

                                               4019 (17 fonts)
IBM39521.WPD  6     7     B     8     5165     Windows PostScript de-
                                               scription file for IBM

                                               4019(39 fonts)
IBM4019.DRV   6     7     C     A     68368    IBM Laser Printer 4019
                                               printer driver
IBM5204.DRV   6     7     C     A     16304    IBM Quickwriter 5204
                                               printer driver
IBMCOLOR.DRV  6     7     C     9     21424    IBM Color printer
IPX.OBJ       2     2     4     3     20340    Novell NetWare work-
                                               station communications
                                               driver (dedicated
IIPXODI.COM   2     3     4     3     20903    Novell NetWare work-
                                               station communications
                                               driver (ODI model)
KBDBE.DLL     2     2     4     3     2449     Belgian keyboard layout
KBDCA.DLL     2     2     4     3     2673     French-Canadian key-
                                               board layout library
KBDDA.DLL     2     2     4     3     2364     Danish keyboard layout
KBDDV.DLL     2     3     4     3     1332     US-Dvorak keyboard lay-
                                               out library
KBDFC.DLL     2     2     4     3     2769     Canadian multilingual
                                               keyboard layout library
KBDFI.DLL     2     2     4     3     2404     Finnish keyboard layout
KBDFR.DLL     2     2     4     3     2353     French keyboard layout
KBDGR.DLL     2     2     4     3     2481     German keyboard layout
KBDHP.DRV     1     1     3     3     8480     Windows keyboard driver
                                               for Hewlett-Packard
KBDIC.DLL     2     2     4     3     1724     Icelandic keyboard lay-
                                               out library
KBDIT.DLL     2     2     4     3     2146     Italian keyboard layout
KBDLA.DLL     2     2     4     3     2465     Latin-American keyboard
                                               layout library
KBDMOUSE.DRV  2     3     4     3     1408     Olivetti/AT&T keyboard
                                               mouse driver
KBDNE.DLL     2     2     4     3     2358     Dutch keyboard layout
KBDNO.DLL     2     2     4     3     2402     Norwegian keyboard lay-
                                               out library
KBDPO.DLL     2     2     4     3     2352     Portuguese keyboard
                                               layout library
KBDSF.DLL     2     2     4     3     2489     Swiss-French keyboard
                                               layout library
KBDSG.DLL     2     2     4     3     1653     Swiss German keyboard
                                               layout library
KBDSP.DLL     2     3     5     3     2401     Spanish keyboard layout
KBDSW.DLL     2     3     4     3     2374     Swedish keyboard layout
KBDUK.DLL     2     2     4     3     1428     British keyboard layout
KBDUS.DLL     2     3     4     3     1300     US keyboard layout
KBDUSX.DLL    2     2     4     3     1641     US-International key-
                                               board layout library
KEYBOARD.DRV  2     2     2     2     7568     Windows keyboard driver
KRNL286.EXE   2     2     3     4     71682    Windows Kernel core
                                               component for std. mode
KRNL386.EXE   2     2     4     6     75378    Windows Kernel core
                                               component for 386 enh.

KBCategory: kbnetwork kbdisplay kb3rdparty kbref

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:9/25/1999