Some applications check which version of Microsoft MS-DOS is running when
you start them. Such applications may not run if you are using a version of
MS-DOS that the application was not designed for. For example, an
application designed for MS-DOS version 3.30 may not start if you are
running MS-DOS version 6.0; instead, the application may display a message
similar to the following:
Incorrect DOS version
This message indicates that one of the following problems exists:
- The application is incompatible with your version of MS-DOS.
- The application is compatible; however, the application cannot run
because it interprets the MS-DOS version as incompatible.
Contact the manufacturer of your application to determine whether it
is compatible with MS-DOS versions 5.0, 6.0, or 6.2. If it is
incompatible with these versions, you need to obtain an updated
version of the application.
When to Use SETVER
If the application is actually compatible but interprets your version
of MS-DOS as incompatible, you may be able to work around this problem
by adding the application to the version table. The version table is a
list of applications that need MS-DOS to report a version number other
than 5.0, 6.0, or 6.2. MS-DOS maintains the version table in a file
called SETVER.EXE, which is in your DOS directory.
Installing SETVER.EXE
To use SETVER, you must also have the "DEVICE=C:\DOS\SETVER.EXE"
command in your CONFIG.SYS file. This command installs the SETVER.EXE
file, which contains the version table, each time you start your
computer. Usually, Setup adds this command for you when you install
MS-DOS version 5.0, 6.0, or 6.2 on your computer.
If "DEVICE=C:\DOS\SETVER.EXE" is not in your CONFIG.SYS file, use a
text editor to add it.
You must restart your computer by pressing CTRL+ALT+DEL for the change
to take effect.
NOTE: Make sure you have only one SETVER.EXE file on your hard disk
drive. Each SETVER.EXE file contains a unique version table. If you
have multiple version tables, SETVER may not report the correct
version number to an application.
To display the complete list of applications in the version table,
type "setver" (without the quotation marks) at the MS-DOS command
prompt. The setup programs for MS-DOS 5 Upgrade and MS-DOS 6 Upgrade
add several programs and device drivers to the version table;
therefore, even if you don't add any programs to the version table
yourself, you will see a list of applications when you type the
Adding an Application to the Version Table
To add an application to the version table, use the SETVER command.
The syntax of the SETVER command is as follows:
setver <filename> <n.nn>
where <filename> is the name of the application file, including its
extension (you do not need to specify the location of the application
file), and <n.nn> is the version number you want MS-DOS to report.
Specify the version number of your previous version of MS-DOS. For
example, if your previous version of MS-DOS was 3.20, specify 3.20 on
the SETVER command line.
NOTE: You must restart your system by pressing CTRL+ALT+DEL for the
change to take effect.
Suppose you have an application called EASYEDIT.EXE that requires
MS-DOS to report version 3.30. To work around this version number
problem, type the following command at the MS-DOS command prompt to
add EASYEDIT.EXE to the version table:
Removing an Application from the Version Table
If you install an updated version of the application, you may need to
remove its entry from the version table. You can do this by using
the /D switch with the SETVER command.
For example, to remove the EASYEDIT.EXE application from the version
table, type the following command:
You must restart your computer by pressing CTRL+ALT+DEL for this
change to take effect. Once you do, MS-DOS goes back to reporting the
current version of MS-DOS to the application.
Incompatible Applications
The SETVER command does not affect whether an application is actually
compatible with MS-DOS. The command works only for applications that
are already compatible with MS-DOS version 5.0, 6.0, or 6.2, and
simply need to receive a different version number when they check for
the MS-DOS version at startup.
If an application is incompatible, you must obtain an updated version
from the manufacturer of the application.
CAUTION: You many want to contact your software manufacturer to
determine if your specific program works with MS-DOS 5.0, 6.0, or 6.2.
Some programs rely on outdated MS-DOS functions that may not be
present in later versions of MS-DOS. Adding an incompatible program to
the version table may result in lost or corrupt data or system
instabilities. Microsoft is not responsible for any lost, damaged, or
corrupted data.