The documentation for the Microsoft Mail Gateway to 3Com, version 1.0,
contains an error that might make installing the product more difficult.
On page 38, in the Preliminary Steps, the example for Step 2 is as
The domain and organization are incorrectly listed as PO1/NET1. A more
likely domain and organization are MSMAIL:MS, which would use the new
domain MSMAIL and the original organization MS. The computer would log
into the 3Com XNS Name/Mail service as _GATEWAY:MSMAIL:MS.
The example is not correct even if you want to use domain PO1 in the
NET1 organization because the 3Com XNS Name service does not support
the slash (/) character as a delimiter. You must use the colon (:)
Page 40 correctly demonstrates using the colon as a delimiter, but, as
stated above, you are more likely to use MSMAIL:MS rather than PO1:NET1
as indicated in the documentation.