Choosing Colors in MS-DOS Shell Generates a Beep
If your computer beeps when you try to choose Colors from the Options
menu of MS-DOS Shell, the DOSSHELL.INI file is probably corrupt.
To change the colors, MS-DOS Shell looks in the DOSSHELL.INI file for
a section that begins with the line:
color =
If this section does not exist, choosing Color causes a beep. To
correct this problem, expand the file EGA.IN_ (for an EGA or VGA
monitor) on Disk 3 (MS-DOS 5.0 5.25-inch set) or Disk 2 (MS-DOS 6.0
5.25-inch set) or Disk 2 (MS-DOS 5.0 3.5-inch set) or Disk 1 (MS-DOS
6.0 3.5-inch set).
If you have a CGA monitor, the compressed file is CGA.IN_ instead of
EGA.IN_. The EXPAND.EXE utility can be found on Disk 6 (5.25-inch set)
or Disk 3 (3.5-inch set). The EGA.IN_ or CGA.IN_ file contains the
same color information as the original DOSSHELL.INI. To get the color
information into the DOSSHELL.INI, do the following (substitute
"cga.in_" for "ega.in_" if you have a CGA monitor):
- Expand the file. For example:
expand a:\ega.in_ c:\dos\color.txt
- Edit COLOR.TXT so only the color information is left in the file.
To do this, you can use MS-DOS Editor.
- Combine the DOSSHELL.INI file with the COLOR.TXT file. Use the COPY
copy c:\dos\dosshell.ini + c:\dos\color.txt c:\dos\dosshell.ini
You should now be able to change the color scheme in MS-DOS Shell.
Adding New Colors to MS-DOS Shell
To change the colors in MS-DOS Shell, choose Color from the Options
menu. Only certain choices are available; to create more choices, you
must edit the DOSSHELL.INI file.
The currentcolor= section is the color scheme being used. The color
title is placed here. The color= section keeps records of all the
available color schemes.
The color options for the following include:
black brightblack
white brightwhite
red brightred
cyan brightcyan
magenta brightmagenta
green brightgreen
blue brightblue
brown brightyellow
NOTE: There is no yellow or brightbrown color.
The DOSSHELL.INI color settings are as follows:
Setting Description
------- -----------
color= Header for the list of color schemes
selection= Header for a particular color scheme
alert= Color of a warning dialog box
menubar= Color of the menu bar
menu= Color of the menu text
disabled= Color of a disabled menu item
accelerator= Color of a menu accelerator
dialog= Color of a dialog box
button= Color of a button
elevator= Color of the list box elevator
titlebar= Color of the title bars when focused
scrollbar= Color of a scroll bar
borders= Color of the lines around menus and dialog boxes
drivebox= Color of the area around the drive icons
driveicon= Color of the drive icons
cursor= Color of the mouse cursor
You can change any part of the screen by changing the existing color
name. You can create a new color scheme by copying one of the existing
color schemes and changing the title and any of the individual colors.
The name you choose for the new color scheme will be added to the
Color Scheme dialog box.