An application developed with the Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM) can
define a macro that controls the code generated for the procedure
prologue and epilogue. The prologue macro must return a value.
Page 206 of the Microsoft Macro Assembler "Programmer's Guide" for
MASM 6.0, and page 202 of the same manual for MASM 6.1 includes the
following statement regarding the return value for the prologue macro:
Your macro function must return the parmbytes parameter.
This statement is incorrect and should be corrected to read as follows:
Your macro function should return the localbytes parameter.
The sample prologue macro provided on page 207 for MASM 6.0 and page
203 for MASM 6.1 also contains an error because it returns the
%bytecount parameter instead of the %numlocals parameter. Correct the
EXITM statement in the macro to read as follows: