During installation of MS-DOS Upgrade Setup does not delete IBM PC-DOS,
Digital DR DOS, or Novell DOS system files; instead, it leaves them in the
root of the startup drive (usually drive C). Their existence can cause a
variety of unexpected behavior including the following:
- The system stops responding (hangs)
- Keyboard problems
- File Manager problems
To avoid these and other problems, delete the IBM, DR DOS, or Novell DOS
system files. To do this, you need to first remove the files' hidden,
system, and read-only file attributes by typing the following at the root
directory MS-DOS command prompt:
After you remove these attributes, you can delete the files with the MS-DOS
DELETE command by typing the following at the root directory MS-DOS command
If you are using MS-DOS 6.0 or later, you can delete the IBM, DR DOS, or
Novell DOS system files using the DELTREE program without having to use the
ATTRIB program. For example, type
deltree /y c:\ibm*.com at the MS-DOS command prompt and then press ENTER.
WARNING: Do not remove the IBM, DR DOS, or Novell DOS system files if you
think you might remove your current version of MS-DOS. After you delete the
IBM, DR DOS, or Novell DOS system files, you cannot remove your current
version of MS-DOS using the Uninstall disk.