ITMU and MBSA use the file to support offline scanning
by managed systems. The file has grown with each new security release. After August 8, 2006, the files that are contained in this file have approached the maximum for a single .cab file.
Therefore, Microsoft is reducing the size of the file by removing security updates for unsupported platforms, superseded security updates, and tools that are no longer needed.
We will repeat this reduction to keep the file size well within the limit. These reductions will not affect the security of customers' systems. Also, these reductions will not affect customers' ability to keep systems up to date. In support of the October security update, we have reduced the size of the .cab file to support the latest security updates. The updates that are being removed are listed in the "Updates with multiple newer updates" table.
Windows Server Update Services (WSUS), Automatic Update (AU), Microsoft Update, and Windows Update are not affected by these changes because these services use an online mechanism for distribution. Additionally, WSUS maintains a local database for update information. Users of new WSUS installations of WSUS will notice that these deprecated updates no longer synchronize with Microsoft Update.
Systems Management Server 2003 customers who use the Inventory Tool for Microsoft Updates will notice that deprecated updates are removed from the SMS database because of this change. This behavior is by design and occurs naturally when newer updates replace older updates. An older update is removed from the database when a newer update is installed. Then, the update status is reported up the SMS hierarchy.
This change will be immediately noticeable as older versions of the Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool (MSRT) are removed from the SMS database after an SMS client scans by using the latest catalog. Because the MSRT is a cumulative release, each new version replaces the earlier version.
The following list of deprecated updates will be updated every time we remove older updates from the file.
Security Update, December 17, 2001 | 315000 | MS01-059 |
Security Update, February 12, 2002 | 314147 | MS02-006 |
Q311967: Security Update | 311967 | MS02-017 |
Q318138: Security Update (Windows XP) | 318138 | MS02-029 |
Q320920: Security Update (Windows Media Player for Windows XP) | 320920 | MS02-032 |
Q313450: Security Update | 313450 | MS02-012 |
Q323172: Security Update (Windows XP) | 323172 | MS02-048 |
October 2003, Cumulative Patch for Internet Explorer 5.01 for Windows 2000 Service Pack 3 (KB828750) | 828750 | MS03-040 |
Security Update, February 22, 2002 | 313450 | MS02-012 |
Security Update, February 14, 2002 (Internet Explorer 5.01) | 318089 | MS02-009 |
817606: Security Update (Windows 2000) | 817606 | MS03-024 |
814078: Security Update (Microsoft Jscript version 5.5, Windows 2000) | 814078 | MS03-008 |
Q320206: Security Update | 320206 | MS02-024 |
Security Update (326886) | 326886 | MS02-042 |
Security Update for Windows 2000 (329834) | 329834 | MS02-063 |
Q329414: Security Update (MDAC 2.6) | 329414 | MS02-065 |
329170: Security Update (Windows 2000) | 329170 | MS02-070 |
Q323255: Security Update (Windows 2000) | 323255 | MS02-055 |
Security Update, February 13, 2002 (MSXML 4.0) | 317244 | MS02-008 |
Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer 5.01 Service Pack 3 (KB832894) | 832894 | MS04-004 |
Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer 5.01 Service Pack 3 (KB834707) | 834707 | MS04-038 |
Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer 5.01 Service Pack 3 (KB867282) | 867282 | MS05-014 |
Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer 5.01 Service Pack 3 (KB867801) | 867801 | MS04-025 |
Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer 5.01 Service Pack 3 (KB883939) | 883939 | MS05-025 |
Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer 5.01 Service Pack 3 (KB890923) | 890923 | MS05-020 |
Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer 5.01 SP3 (KB824145) | 824145 | MS03-048 |
Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer 6 (KB824145) | 824145 | MS03-048 |
Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer 6 (KB832894) | 832894 | MS04-004 |
Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer 6 (KB834707) | 834707 | MS04-038 |
Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer 6 (KB867801) | 867801 | MS04-025 |
Q326830: Security Update (Windows 2000) | 326830 | MS02-045 |
Q324096: Security Update (Windows XP) | 324096 | MS02-053 |
Security Update, February 13, 2002 (MSXML 2.6) | 318202 | MS02-008 |
Security Update, February 13, 2002 (MSXML 3.0) | 318203 | MS02-008 |
October 2003, Cumulative Patch for Internet Explorer 6 (KB828750) | 828750 | MS03-040 |
Q327696: Internet Information Services Security Roll-up Package | 327696 | MS02-062 |
Security Update for Microsoft Data Access Components (KB823718) | 823718 | MS03-033 |
October 2003, Cumulative Patch for Internet Explorer 5.5 Service Pack 2 (KB828750) | 828750 | MS03-040 |
October 2003, Cumulative Patch for Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1 (KB828750) | 828750 | MS03-040 |
Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer 5.5 SP2 (KB824145) | 824145 | MS03-048 |
Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer 5.01 SP3 (KB824145) | 824145 | MS03-048 |
Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer 5.01 SP4 (KB824145) | 824145 | MS03-048 |
Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer 6 SP1 (KB824145) | 824145 | MS03-048 |
Q328310: Security Update (Windows 2000) | 328310 | MS02-071 |
822679: Security Update (Windows 2000) | 822679 | MS03-025 |
Security Update, February 14, 2002 (Internet Explorer 6) | KB318089 | MS02-009 |
330994: April 2003, Security Update for Outlook Express 6 SP1 | KB330994 | MS03-014 |
330994: April 2003, Security Update for Outlook Express 5.5 Service Pack 2 | 330994 | MS03-014 |
Security Update for Windows 2000 (815021) | 815021 | MS03-007 |
Security Update for Windows 2000 (KB824141) | 824141 | MS03-045 |
811493: Security Update (Windows 2000) | 811493 | MS03-013 |
Security Update for Microsoft Windows (819696) | 819696 | MS03-039 |
Security Update for Windows 2000 (819696) | 819696 | MS03-030 |
Security Update for Microsoft Windows (KB819696) | 819696 | MS03-030 |
Security Update for Windows 2000 (KB824146) | 824146 | MS03-039 |
Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer 5.01 Service Pack 3 (KB834707) | 834707 | MS04-038 |
Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer 5.01 Service Pack 4 (KB834707) | 834707 | MS04-038 |
Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1 (KB834707) | 834707 | MS04-038 |
811493: Security Update (Windows XP) | 811493 | MS03-013 |
Security Update for Windows XP (KB821557) | 821557 | MS03-027 |
330994: April 2003, Security Update for Outlook Express 6 | 330994 | MS03-014 |
Security Update for Windows XP (KB828741) | 828741 | MS04-012 |
Security Update for Windows XP (KB824146) | 824146 | MS03-039 |
Security Update for Windows XP (KB810217) | 810217 | MS03-051 |
Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1 (KB834707) | 834707 | MS04-038 |
Q329048: Security Update | 329048 | MS02-054 |
Q324096: Security Update (Windows 2000) | 324096 | MS02-053 |
Q327696: Internet Information Services Security Roll-up Package | 327696 | MS02-062 |
Q328676: Security Update (Outlook Express 6) | 328676 | MS02-058 |
Q328676: Security Update (Outlook Express 5.5 SP2) | 328389 | MS02-058 |
329170: Security Update | 329170 | MS02-070 |
331953: Security Update (Windows XP) | 331953 | MS03-010 |
810833: Security Update (Windows 2000) | 810833 | MS03-001 |
810577: Security Update | 810577 | MS03-005 |
814078: Security Update (Microsoft Jscript version 5.6, Windows 2000, Windows XP) | 814078 | MS03-008 |
Flaw in Windows Media Player may allow Media Library Access (819639) | 819639 | MS03-021 |
817606: Security Update (Windows XP) | 817606 | MS03-024 |
Security Update for Windows XP (819696) | 819696 | MS03-030 |
MS03-026: Security Update for Windows XP (823980) | 823980 | MS03-026 |
MS03-026: Security Update for Windows Server 2003 (823980) | 823980 | MS03-026 |
MS03-026: Security Update for Windows 2000 (823980) | 823980 | MS03-026 |
Security Update for Microsoft Windows (KB824141) | 824141 | MS03-045 |
October 2003, Cumulative Patch for Internet Explorer 5.01 for Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (KB828750) | 828750 | MS03-040 |
October 2003, Cumulative Patch for Internet Explorer for Windows Server 2003 (KB828750) | 828750 | MS03-040 |
Security Update for Microsoft Windows XP (KB825119) | 825119 | MS03-044 |
Windows Blaster Worm Removal Tool (KB833330) | | |
Sasser (A-D) Worm Removal Tool (KB841720) | | |
Mydoom, Zindos, and Doomjuice Worm Removal Tool (KB836528) | | |
Malicious Software Removal Tool - January 2005 (KB890830) | | |
Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool - February 2005 (KB890830) | | |
Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool - March 2005 (KB890830) | | |
Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool - April 2005 (KB890830) | | |
Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool - May 2005 (KB890830) | | |
Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool - June 2005 (KB890830) | | |
Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool - July 2005 (KB890830) | | |
Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool - August 2005 (KB890830) | | |
Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool - September 2005 (KB890830) | | |
Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool - October 2005 (KB890830) | | |
Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool - November 2005 (KB890830) | | |
Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool - December 2005 (KB890830) | | |
Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool - January 2006 (KB890830) | | |
Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool - February 2006 (KB890830) | | |
Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool - March 2006 (KB890830)
| | |
Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool - April 2006 (KB890830) | | |
Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool - May 2006 (KB890830) | | |
Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool - June 2006 (KB890830) | | |
Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool - July 2006 (KB890830) | | |
For more information about these updates and about other Microsoft security updates, visit the following Microsoft Web site:
For more information about the support lifecycles of Microsoft products, visit the following Microsoft Web sites: