Check for the following registry key if it is not present export it from any other
exchange server / node or even you can send it from your test box where this key is
present and inport into the exchange server where you have the issue or create one
with the following sub components.
"Library"="C:\\Program Files\\Exchsrvr\\bin\\exprfdll.dll"
"Last Counter"=dword:000043c0
"Last Help"=dword:000043c1
"First Counter"=dword:000043b2
"First Help"=dword:000043b3
Also make sure that you have same version of exchmem.dll present in the both the
locations on the affected server
Exchmem.dll location
(in <Drive letter>:\program files\exchsrvr\bin directory)
(in <Drive Letter>:\program files\microsoft integration \microsoft )
Restart the Exchange server and now you can apply the exchange 2003 servicepack