you try to upgrade Microsoft CRM 1.2 to Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 by using the
upgrade wizard, you receive the following error message in the Upgrade
Diagnostic Wizard window:
The foreign key constraints in
the Microsoft CRM database are not consistent with Microsoft CRM 1.2 foreign
key constraints.
Additionally, you see the following details if you
view the installation log file:
09:41:33| Error| remark:
deleted foreign key
09:41:33| Error| tablename: quotebase
Error| columnname: accountid
09:41:33| Error| referencedtablename:
09:41:33| Error| referencedcolumnname: accountid
09:41:33| Error| foreignkeyname: account_quotes
09:41:33| Error|
09:41:33| Error| remark: deleted foreign key
09:41:33| Error| tablename:
09:41:33| Error| columnname: owningbusinessunit
Error| referencedtablename: businessunitbase
09:41:33| Error|
referencedcolumnname: businessunitid
09:41:33| Error| foreignkeyname:
09:41:33| Error|
09:41:33| Error| remark:
deleted foreign key
09:41:33| Error| tablename: quotebase
Error| columnname: opportunityid
09:41:33| Error| referencedtablename:
09:41:33| Error| referencedcolumnname: opportunityid
09:41:33| Error| foreignkeyname: opportunity_quotes
09:41:33| Error|
09:41:33| Error| remark: deleted foreign key
09:41:33| Error|
tablename: quotebase
09:41:33| Error| columnname: pricelevelid
09:41:33| Error| referencedtablename: pricelevelbase
09:41:33| Error|
referencedcolumnname: pricelevelid
09:41:33| Error| foreignkeyname:
09:41:33| Error|
09:41:33| Error| remark: deleted
foreign key
09:41:33| Error| tablename: quotebase
09:41:33| Error|
columnname: contactid
09:41:33| Error| referencedtablename: contactbase
09:41:33| Error| referencedcolumnname: contactid
09:41:33| Error|
foreignkeyname: quote_primary_contact
09:41:33| Error|
Error| remark: deleted foreign key
09:41:33| Error| tablename: quotebase
09:41:33| Error| columnname: owninguser
09:41:33| Error|
referencedtablename: systemuserbase
09:41:33| Error| referencedcolumnname:
09:41:33| Error| foreignkeyname: system_user_quotes
09:41:33| Error|
09:41:33| Error| remark: deleted foreign key
09:41:33| Error| tablename: quotebase
09:41:33| Error| columnname:
09:41:33| Error| referencedtablename: teambase
Error| referencedcolumnname: teamid
09:41:33| Error| foreignkeyname:
09:41:33| Error|
Note The default location of the installation log file is the
following location in which the
System_drive placeholder
represents the actual drive of the system:
System_drive:\Documents and
Settings\User\Application Data\Microsoft\MSCRM\Logs.
To resolve this problem, run the following script to add the
foreign keys to
the Microsoft CRM 1.2 tables.
Note Before you follow the instructions in this article, make sure
that you have a complete backup copy of the database that you can restore if a
problem occurs.
Alter Table <tablename> Add Constraint <foreignkeyname>
Foreign Key <referencedcolumnname> References <referencedtablename> <referencedcolumnname>
Notes - The <tablename> placeholder represents the actual
table name.
- The <foreignkeyname> placeholder represents the
foreign key name.
- The <referencedcolumnname> placeholder represents the
name of the column that is referenced.
- The <referencedtablename> placeholder represents the
name of the table that is referenced.
To determine which foreign key is missing,
view the setup log file.
Note The default location of the setup log file is the
following location in which the
System_drive placeholder
represents the actual drive of the system:
System_drive:\Documents and
Settings\User\Application Data\Microsoft\MSCRM\Logs.
For example, you view the following setup log:
09:41:33| Error| remark: deleted foreign key
Error| tablename: quotebase
09:41:33| Error| columnname: accountid
09:41:33| Error| referencedtablename: accountbase
09:41:33| Error|
referencedcolumnname: accountid
09:41:33| Error| foreignkeyname:
09:41:33| Error|
In this example, run the
following script against the MSCRM database to add the foreign key to the
quotebase table.
alter table quotebase add constraint account_quotes foreign key (accountid) references accountbase (accountid)