Random folders may not appear when you use Windows Services for UNIX 3.5 to connect to a Network File System (NFS) 2.0 exported volume (919139)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX 3.5


When you use Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX 3.5 to connect to a Network File System (NFS) 2.0 exported volume, some random folders may not appear in Windows Explorer or in a Command Prompt window. This problem is identified as a server-side issue.


Before this problem occurs, a folder list may resemble the following at a command line:
 Volume in drive F has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 78A5-6A78

 Directory of F:\

11/11/2004  15:15    <DIR>          .
11/11/2004  15:15    <DIR>          ..
06/07/2004  09:52    <DIR>          BMS
06/10/2004  15:32    <DIR>          zip
28/10/2004  00:45    <DIR>          software
17/05/1999  23:00            95.146 command.com
30/09/1998  11:49            41.472 xcopy32.exe
30/08/2004  10:33    <DIR>          util
27/10/2004  17:23    <DIR>          appdata
11/11/2004  12:54    <DIR>          cookies
10/11/2004  09:28    <DIR>          desktop
20/08/2004  15:36    <DIR>          temporary internet files
18/10/2004  11:07    <DIR>          audit
04/10/2004  17:09    <DIR>          ghost
27/10/2004  17:06    <DIR>          test
08/11/2004  13:44    <DIR>          PUBLIC
11/04/2001  19:41    <DIR>          test2
27/10/2004  17:23    <DIR>          history
02/09/2004  15:29    <DIR>          test3
08/10/2004  12:29    <DIR>          documents
17/06/2004  16:28    <DIR>          TMx
29/06/2004  17:41    <DIR>          winsrv
24/08/2004  12:53    <DIR>          lenny
06/07/2004  10:26    <DIR>          start menu
22/10/2004  17:15    <DIR>          application data
05/09/2001  11:08    <DIR>          models
22/09/2004  10:12    <DIR>          nethood
22/09/2004  17:28    <DIR>          image
11/11/2004  15:16    <DIR>          mstemp
02/10/2003  15:23    <DIR>          public
10/11/2004  09:28    <DIR>          recent
24/09/2004  16:14    <DIR>          programs
22/09/2004  17:28    <DIR>          profiles
10/11/2004  09:28    <DIR>          favorits
27/10/2004  17:23    <DIR>          my documents
10/11/2004  09:28    <DIR>          menu tst
23/09/2004  09:21    <DIR>          Start
22/07/1999  11:42    <DIR>          lost+found
24/08/2004  11:32    <DIR>          Centinel
13/07/2004  17:23    <DIR>          ATI

    2 File(s)              136,573 bytes
    38 Dir(s)   5,423,888,384 bytes free
When this problem occurs, the folder list resembles the following at the command line:
Volume in drive F has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 78A5-6A78

 Directory of F:\

11/11/2004  15:15    <DIR>          .
11/11/2004  15:15    <DIR>          ..
17/05/1999  23:00            95.146 command.com
30/09/1998  11:49            41.472 xcopy32.exe
11/11/2004  15:16    <DIR>          mstemp

    2 File(s)              136,573 bytes
    1 Dir(s)   5,423,888,384 bytes free
If you create a trace by using the Network Monitor utility before the problem occurs, parts of the Network Monitor trace log document the following events:
  • The client sends a null call request to connect to the NFS 2.0 Server.
    15:21:28.605 tm31 ASUSTE6D3E51 RPC Call: Network File System (NFS), Procedure 0 (0x0) tm31 IP 
    RPC: Call: Network File System(NFS), Procedure 0 (0x0)
        RPC: Transaction ID = 1450962210 (0x567BED22)
        RPC: Message type = Service call
        RPC: RPC Version number = 2 (0x2)
        RPC: Program Number = Network File System(NFS)
        RPC: Program Version = 2 (0x2)
        RPC: Procedure Number = 0 (0x0)
        RPC: Authentication Credentials
            RPC: Authentication Type = No Identity Authentication
            RPC: Authorization Data Length = 0 (0x0)
        RPC: Authentication Verification
            RPC: Authentication Type = No Identity Authentication
            RPC: Authorization Data Length = 0 (0x0)
  • The server responds with a null reply as expected.
    15:21:28.605 ASUSTE6D3E51 tm31 RPC Reply: Message accepted, Call succeeded tm31 IP 
    RPC: Reply: Message accepted, Call succeeded
        RPC: Transaction ID = 1450962210 (0x567BED22)
        RPC: Message type = Service reply
        RPC: Acceptance Status = Message accepted
        RPC: Authentication Verification
            RPC: Authentication Type = No Identity Authentication
            RPC: Authorization Data Length = 0 (0x0)
        RPC: Call status = Call succeeded
  • The client sends a GETADDR request to the server.
    15:21:31.827 tm31 ASUSTE6D3E51 NFS "Get File Attributes" Call tm31 IP 
    RPC: Call: Network File System(NFS), Procedure 1 (0x1)
        RPC: Transaction ID = 1450962218 (0x567BED2A)
        RPC: Message type = Service call
        RPC: RPC Version number = 2 (0x2)
        RPC: Program Number = Network File System(NFS)
        RPC: Program Version = 2 (0x2)
        RPC: Procedure Number = 1 (0x1)
        RPC: Authentication Credentials
            RPC: Authentication Type = Unix Authentication
            RPC: Authorization Data Length = 24 (0x18)
            RPC: Stamp ID = 2863311530 (0xAAAAAAAA)
            RPC: Machine Name = tm31
            RPC: UID = 4294967294 (0xFFFFFFFE)
            RPC: GID = 4294967294 (0xFFFFFFFE)
            RPC: Additional GID(s)
        RPC: Authentication Verification
            RPC: Authentication Type = No Identity Authentication
            RPC: Authorization Data Length = 0 (0x0)
        RPC: Data: Number of data bytes remaining = 32 (0x0020)
    NFS: "Get File Attributes" Call
        NFS: Procedure = Get File Attributes
        NFS: File Handle = CABAEBFE02000000000000000508000005080000020000000000000000000000
  • The server responds as expected.
    15:21:31.827 ASUSTE6D3E51 tm31 NFS "Get File Attributes" Reply, -rwxrwxrwx Owner(Uid/Gid)=65534/65534 tm31 IP 
    NFS: "Get File Attributes" Reply, -rwxrwxrwx Owner(Uid/Gid)=65534/65534
        NFS: Return Status = Success
        NFS: NFS File Attributes
            NFS: File Type = Directory
            NFS: File Mode = 16895 (0x41FF)
                NFS: ................010............. = Directory
                NFS: ....................0........... = Do Not Set User ID On Execution
                NFS: .....................0.......... = Do Not Set Group ID on Execution
                NFS: ......................0......... = Do Not Save Program Image After Execution Completes
                NFS: .......................1........ = Owner Has Read Privileges
                NFS: ........................1....... = Owner Has Write Privileges
                NFS: .........................1...... = Owner Has Execute/Search Privileges
                NFS: ..........................1..... = Group Has Read Privileges
                NFS: ...........................1.... = Group Has Write Privileges
                NFS: ............................1... = Group Has Execute/Search Privileges
                NFS: .............................1.. = All Others Have Read Privileges
                NFS: ..............................1. = All Others Have Write Privileges
                NFS: ...............................1 = All Others Have Execute/Search Privileges
            NFS: Number of Links = 38 (0x26)
            NFS: Owner UID = 65534 (0xFFFE)
            NFS: Owner GID = 65534 (0xFFFE)
            NFS: File Size = 1836 (0x72C)
            NFS: File Block Size = 4096 (0x1000)
            NFS: File Device Number = 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF)
            NFS: Number of File Blocks = 4 (0x4)
            NFS: Filesystem ID = 2053 (0x805)
            NFS: File ID = 2 (0x2)
            NFS: Last Access Time =  4-Jun-2004 08:49:43.00000000
                NFS: Seconds = 1086252583 (0x40BEE627)
                NFS: Microseconds = 0 (0x0)
            NFS: Modification Time = 12-Nov-2004 17:15:36.00000000
                NFS: Seconds = 1100193336 (0x41939E38)
                NFS: Microseconds = 0 (0x0)
            NFS: Creation Time = 12-Nov-2004 17:15:36.00000000
                NFS: Seconds = 1100193336 (0x41939E38)
                NFS: Microseconds = 0 (0x0)
  • The client sends a READDIR request for the root folder.
    15:21:32.179 tm31 ASUSTE6D3E51 NFS "Read From Directory" Call tm31 IP 
    NFS: "Read From Directory" Call
        NFS: Procedure = Read From Directory
        NFS: File Handle = CABAEBFE02000000000000000508000005080000020000000000000000000000
        NFS: Cookie = 0 (0x0)
        NFS: Count = 8192 (0x2000)
  • The server correctly responds and provides a content list as expected.
    107 15:21:32.181 ASUSTE6D3E51 tm31 NFS "Read From Directory" Reply, Status: Success tm31 IP 
    NFS: "Read From Directory" Reply, Status: Success
        NFS: Return Status = Success
    The content
    00040:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 02 00 00 (0x42 - Status OK(0), 0x46 - Next: YES(0x1), 0x50 - FileID: 0x2, Name: .)
    00050:  00 01 2E 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 01 00 00 (0x5A - Next: YES(0x1), 0x5E - Name: ..)
    00060:  00 01 00 00 00 02 2E 2E 00 00 00 18 08 80 00 00 (0x6E - Next: YES(0x1)) 
    00070:  00 01 00 00 45 FB 00 00 00 03 42 4D 53 00 00 2B (0x72 - Name: BMS)
    00080:  33 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 46 20 00 00 00 03 7A 69 (0x82 - Next: YES(0x1), 0x86 - Name: zip) 
    00090:  70 00 01 B4 2F 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 07 0B 00 00 
    Note This list continues with all the files and folders that are on the volume.
  • The client starts browsing the content by sending LOOKUP requests for each folder.
    15:21:32.298 tm31 ASUSTE6D3E51 NFS "Look Up File" Call tm31 IP 
    NFS: "Look Up File" Call
        NFS: Procedure = Look Up File
        NFS: File Handle = CABAEBFE02000000000000000508000005080000020000000000000000000000
        NFS: Filename = BMS
  • The server responds as expected.
    15:21:32.298 ASUSTE6D3E51 tm31 NFS "Look Up File" Reply, File OK tm31 IP 
    NFS: "Look Up File" Reply, File OK
        NFS: Return Status = Success
    00040:  00 00 00 00 00 00 CA BA EB FE FB 45 00 00 00 00 (0x4A - Inode: FB 45 00 00 - 17915)
    Inode for BMS = 17915.
  • The client starts to send GETATTR requests for the content. This frame is for the BMS folder.
    15:22:08.814 tm31 ASUSTE6D3E51 NFS "Get File Attributes" Call tm31 IP 
    NFS: "Get File Attributes" Call
        NFS: Procedure = Get File Attributes
        NFS: File Handle = CABAEBFEFB450000000000000508000005080000020000000000000000000000
    00060:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CA BA EB FE FB 45 (0x6E - Inode: FB 45 00 00 - 17915)
  • The server responds as expected.
    15:22:08.816 ASUSTE6D3E51 tm31 NFS "Get File Attributes" Reply, -rwxrwxrwx Owner(Uid/Gid)=65534/65534 tm31 IP 
    NFS: "Get File Attributes" Reply, -rwxrwxrwx Owner(Uid/Gid)=65534/65534
        NFS: Return Status = Success
        NFS: NFS File Attributes
            NFS: File Type = Directory
            NFS: File Mode = 16895 (0x41FF)
                NFS: ................010............. = Directory
                NFS: ....................0........... = Do Not Set User ID On Execution
                NFS: .....................0.......... = Do Not Set Group ID on Execution
                NFS: ......................0......... = Do Not Save Program Image After Execution Completes
                NFS: .......................1........ = Owner Has Read Privileges
                NFS: ........................1....... = Owner Has Write Privileges
                NFS: .........................1...... = Owner Has Execute/Search Privileges
                NFS: ..........................1..... = Group Has Read Privileges
                NFS: ...........................1.... = Group Has Write Privileges
                NFS: ............................1... = Group Has Execute/Search Privileges
                NFS: .............................1.. = All Others Have Read Privileges
                NFS: ..............................1. = All Others Have Write Privileges
                NFS: ...............................1 = All Others Have Execute/Search Privileges
            NFS: Number of Links = 2 (0x2)
            NFS: Owner UID = 65534 (0xFFFE)
            NFS: Owner GID = 65534 (0xFFFE)
            NFS: File Size = 35 (0x23)
            NFS: File Block Size = 4096 (0x1000)
            NFS: File Device Number = 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF)
            NFS: Number of File Blocks = 1 (0x1)
            NFS: Filesystem ID = 2053 (0x805)
            NFS: File ID = 17915 (0x45FB)
            NFS: Last Access Time =  6-Jul-2004 16:28:45.00000000
                NFS: Seconds = 1089044925 (0x40E981BD)
                NFS: Microseconds = 0 (0x0)
            NFS: Modification Time =  7-Jul-2004 11:52:54.00000000
                NFS: Seconds = 1089114774 (0x40EA9296)
                NFS: Microseconds = 0 (0x0)
            NFS: Creation Time =  7-Jul-2004 11:52:54.00000000
                NFS: Seconds = 1089114774 (0x40EA9296)
                NFS: Microseconds = 0 (0x0)
  • The server starts to send an unexpected status for GETATTR requests.
    15:24:22.771 tm31 ASUSTE6D3E51 NFS "Get File Attributes" Call tm31 IP 
    NFS: "Get File Attributes" Call
        NFS: Procedure = Get File Attributes
        NFS: File Handle = CABAEBFEFB450000000000000508000005080000020000000000000000000000
    00060:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CA BA EB FE FB 45 (0x6E - Inode: FB 45 00 00 - 17915)
  • The server unexpectedly responds with a 0x14 (NOT_DIR) error.
    15:24:22.771 ASUSTE6D3E51 tm31 NFS "Get File Attributes" Reply, Error: Not a Directory tm31 IP 
    NFS: "Get File Attributes" Reply, Error: Not a Directory
        NFS: Return Status = Not a Directory
    00040:  00 00 00 00 00 14  (0x42 - Status: 0x14 - "Not a directory")
  • The folder no longer appears as expected. The client works as expected, and the server cannot respond with the missing folder status unless the folder is removed from the exported volume. The folder does not appear again unless you restart the NFS client service and then reconnect to the server. If you reconnect without restarting the client, the server may not work yet.

    If you create a new file or folder on the exported volume by using Windows Explorer or at the Command Prompt window, the folders reappear. Therefore, the folders reappear as soon as the following behavior occurs:
    • The client receives an OK status response to the MKDIR request from the server.
    • The client sends a READDIR request.


For more information about the Network File System Protocol Specification, visit the following Web site:

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:5/24/2006
Keywords:kbinfo KB919139 kbAudDeveloper