How to perform common troubleshooting steps for Internet Explorer 7 Beta (917756)
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0
Beta InformationThis article discusses a Beta release of a Microsoft product. The information in this article is provided as-is and is subject to change without notice.
No formal product support is available from Microsoft for this Beta product. For information about how to obtain support for a Beta release, see the documentation that is included with the Beta product files, or check the Web location where you downloaded the release.Important This article contains information about how to modify the registry. Make sure to back up the registry before you modify it. Make sure that you know how to restore the registry if a problem occurs. For more information about how to back up, restore, and modify the registry, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: 256986 Description of the Microsoft Windows registry Important This article contains information that shows you how to help lower security settings or how to turn off security features on a computer. You can make these changes to work around a specific problem. Before you make these changes, we recommend that you evaluate the risks that are associated with implementing this workaround in your particular environment. If you implement this workaround, take any appropriate additional steps to help protect your system. SUMMARYThis article discusses various troubleshooting methods that you can use with Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 Beta. This article discusses issues that you may experience when you run Internet Explorer 7 Beta or when you view Web pages. Additionally, this article discusses issues that you may experience with new features, such as RSS feeds. This article also discusses some of the new features that are included in Internet Explorer 7 Beta, such as Internet Explorer (No Add-ons) mode, the Delete Browsing History option, and the Reset all Defaults recovery feature. INTRODUCTIONWhen you use Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 Beta, you may experience certain issues when you try to view Web pages. Additionally, you may experience issues with new features, such as RSS feeds. The following sections discuss how to troubleshoot these issues.MORE INFORMATIONWarning This workaround may make your computer or your network more vulnerable to attack by malicious users or by malicious software such as viruses. We do not recommend this workaround but are providing this information so that you can implement this workaround at your own discretion. Use this workaround at your own risk. Some Web sites do not recognize Internet Explorer 7 BetaThis issue can generate many different error messages. The specific error message depends on how the Web sites report the issue. CauseA Web site frequently examines the Web browser product name and the version to determine whether the browser is compatible with the Web site. The Web site does this to provide a certain experience on the Web site that is based on the capabilities of the Web browser. Some Web sites only support a limited set of browsers and versions. In those cases, Internet Explorer 7 Beta may not be on the supported list, and you may be unable to access the Web site. For example, Web sites frequently restrict the list of unsupported Web browsers and versions when the sites provide access to very sensitive information, such as bank Web sites. These Web sites may restrict logons to their Web applications from unsupported Web browsers because of compatibility and confidentiality reasons. The Web browser uses the user agent string value to report its version information. When Internet Explorer 7 Beta accesses a Web site, the beta sends the following user agent string:
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0b; Windows NT 6.0) For Internet Explorer 7 Beta to have access to specific Web sites, Web administrators and developers for these Web sites must abide by one of the following conditions: - They must not perform validation that is based on the user agent string.
- They must update validation so that Internet Explorer 7 Beta has access to the Web site.
Resolution to access Web sites To resolve this issue, use one of the following methods:
- Contact the Web administrator or support for the Web application to determine the best resolution.
Note If you experience an access issue when you use a pre-release or Beta version of Internet Explorer, the Web administrator may be unable to support the browser version that you use.
The behavior of Internet Explorer 7 Beta is the same as Internet Explorer 6If you experience the same behavior on both Internet Explorer 7 Beta and Internet Explorer 6, the behavior is not a new issue. Therefore, you do not have to report the behavior as part of Beta testing. The behavior of Internet Explorer 7 Beta differs from Internet Explorer 6If the behavior of Internet Explorer 7 Beta differs from Internet Explorer 6, follow these guidelines: - If the issue is specific to a Web site, send the URL of the Web site to Microsoft. If the page cannot be reached, provide the Web site URL and specific steps that generate the issue. To provide this feedback to Microsoft, visit the following Microsoft Web site:
- If the issue is specific to an Internet Explorer feature or component, visit the following Microsoft Web site: Write a description of the steps to reproduce the issue.
Internet Explorer 7 Beta cannot display Web pages This section describes how to troubleshoot issues that you may experience when you view Web pages. When such issues occur, the new information page appears and contains the following error message: Internet Explorer cannot display the Webpage Troubleshoot these issues by using the method that you would use to troubleshoot a "The page cannot be displayed" error message in Internet Explorer 6.
For more information about how to troubleshoot this problem in Internet Explorer 6, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Error message when you try to access a Web site in Internet Explorer: "Page Cannot Be Displayed"
Causes for issues that relate to viewing Web pages in Internet Explorer 7 BetaIssues that relate to viewing Web pages may occur for many reasons. These include, but are not limited to, the following reasons.Connectivity issues or network-related issues One of the following can cause these issues: - A conflict with the firewall or a firewall configuration issue
- Issues with network drivers
- Issues with Winsock or TCP/IP
- Erroneous entries in the Hosts file
Third-party software or Internet connections settings issues One of the following can cause these issues: - Issues with the Startup files or other potential service conflicts
User Account corruption
- Malicious software has been installed
Internet Explorer 7 Beta configuration settings issuesOne of the following can cause these issues: - Internet Explorer 7 Beta is not optimized
- Internet Explorer 7 Beta has conflicting or inappropriate settings
- Conflicts with third-party party browser add-ons
- Issues with .dll files or use of unregistered .dll files
Resolution for issues that relate to viewing Web pages in Internet Explorer 7 BetaYou can troubleshoot issues that relate to viewing Web pages in Internet Explorer 7 Beta more easily because of the following fuctions: - Internet Explorer (No Add-ons) mode
- Delete Browsing History option
- Reset all Defaults recovery feature
To troubleshoot issues that relate to viewing Web pages in Internet Explorer 7 Beta, follow these steps: - Visit good Web sites. To do this, start Internet Explorer 7 Beta, and then type one of the following Web address examples in the Address bar:
If the issue does not occur when you use one of the previous address examples, we recommend that you contact the administrator of the Web site that you are trying to view. The Web site may be temporarily unavailable or updates may be occurring that prevent access.
If the issue occurs when you use one of the good address examples, there may be a conflict with another application. In this case, continue with the following steps. - Verify connectivity. Make sure that the cables from the computer to the modem are correctly connected, and that the modem works correctly.
Note You may have to contact your Internet service provider (ISP) to verify connectivity.
- Run the Network Diagnostics utility.
The Network Diagnostics utility performs several tests on the computer to examine and report on network connectivity. To run the utility, follow these steps:
- Click Start, and then click Help and Support.
- Click Use Tools to view your computer information and diagnose the problem, and then click Network Diagnostics.
- Click Set Scanning Options. Click to select every check box except the Verbose check box.
- Click Save Options, and then click Scan your System.
Note It may take several minutes to scan the system.
- Examine IP and ISP issues. Use the following guidelines to help determine whether the issue relates to the ISP, to hardware or hardware configurations, or to software conflicts or software configurations:
- Expand IP address and note the IP address that is listed.
- If you receive an Automatic Private IP address (APIPA) 169.x.x.x address, Windows has assigned you an automatic IP address because your ISP did not provide an IP address. This prevents you from accessing the Internet.
In this scenario, start with Section 1 because there may be a hardware or a hardware configuration issue. Contact your ISP for more help.
- If you do not receive an error message, but you do receive an IP address that starts with a number that differs from that of the previous address, you may be experiencing a software conflict or a configuration issue. In this case, start with Section 2.
Section 1: Connectivity issues or network-related issuesPart 1: Power cycle the modem or the routerThe IP settings or the configurations that you receive from your ISP may be misconfigured or may have to be updated. In this case, you have to power cycle the modem or router to update these settings. To do this, follow these steps:- Disconnect the cable that connects the computer to the modem.
- Turn off the modem. If the modem does not have a power switch, disconnect the power.
- Wait several minutes. Then, turn on the modem, connect the cable from the computer to the modem, and then restart the computer.
- Test the connection again and see whether you can browse the Internet.
Part 2: Verify the firewall or the router settings
If you use a router to connect to the Internet, the configuration settings in the router may have changed or the settings may have to be updated. To determine whether either of the previous issues is true, bypass the router and connect the computer to the modem or Internet connection. If you connect the computer to the modem or the Internet connection, we recommend that you use or enable a firewall.
To enable the Windows Firewall in Microsoft Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2), follow these steps: - Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
- Double-click Security Center.
- Click Windows Firewall.
- On the General tab, select the option to enable the firewall.
To enable the Internet Connection Firewall in Windows XP without SP2, follow these steps: - Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
- If you are in Category View, click Network and Internet Connections.
- Click Internet Connections, right-click Internet Connection, and then click Properties.
- On the Advanced tab, click to select the To protect my computer and network by limiting or preventing access to this computer from the Internet check box, and then click OK.
A padlock symbol will appear next to the connection that you selected. This means that the firewall is now enabled for this connection. If you have multiple connections and you are not sure which connections should be selected, enable the firewall on all connections. Alternatively, contact your ISP to help you determine the appropriate connection.
For more information about how to configure the Windows Firewall feature in Windows XP Service Pack 2, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
How to configure the Windows Firewall feature in Windows XP Service Pack 2
After the computer is connected to the Internet, test Internet Explorer 7 Beta. If you bypass the router and you can visit Web sites, contact the router manufacturer to help you configure the device. If you are still unable to visit Web sites, continue to p art 3. Part 3: Verify that the network adapter is enabled and that it works correctly
Make sure that the network adapter is compatible with Windows XP. Use Device Manager to verify that the network adapter is enabled and that it works correctly. , Update the driver if it is required.
For more information about how to determine whether the network adapter is compatible with Windows XP, click the following article numbers to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
The latest Windows XP hardware compatibility list
319908 Information about hardware device drivers for Windows XP
315275 Your network adapter does not work and Windows XP does not include a compatible driver for the network adapter
If the network adapter does not work correctly or is incompatible with Windows XP, you may have to contact an independent hardware vendor to purchase a compatible network card. If the driver of the network card is not installed correctly, you may have to contact the hardware manufacturer to obtain the latest driver update.
To determine whether the network adapter is not installed or is not detected correctly, verify the device in Device Manager. To do this, follow these steps: - Click Start, click Run, type devmgmt.msc, and then click OK.
- Right-click My Computer, click Manage, and then click Device Manager.
- Right-click My Computer, click Properties, click the Hardware tab, and then click Device Manager.
To access Device Manager on a local or remote computer, follow these steps: - Click Start, click Run, type mmc, and then click OK.
- Click File, click Add/Remove Snap In, click Add, and then click Device Manager.
A Device Manager shortcut is created.
If an exclamation mark symbol or a question mark symbol appears next to the network adapter in the Device Manager, double-click the device, and then note the error message that appears. The following list describes three common error codes and provides possible resolutions: - Code 10
This device cannot start. (Code 10)
If the device has a FailReasonString value in its hardware key, that string appears as the error message. The driver or the enumerator puts this registry string value in the error message. To troubleshoot this issue, click the General tab of the device, and then click Troubleshoot. This starts the Troubleshooting Wizard. - Code 28
The drivers for this device are not installed. (Code 28)
To resolve this issue, install the drivers for this device. Click the Driver tab, and then click Update Driver. This starts the Hardware Update Wizard. - Code 1
This device is not configured correctly. (Code 1)
To resolve this issue, update the driver. On the Driver tab, click Update Driver. This starts the Hardware Update Wizard. If this does not work, see the hardware documentation for more information.
For more information about Device Manager error codes or if you receive an error code that was not mentioned earlier, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Explanation of error codes generated by Device Manager in Microsoft Windows XP Professional
If no exclamation mark symbols or question mark symbols appear, and if the latest drivers are installed, continue to part 4. Part 4: Repair the connection
The connection settings may be misconfigured or may have to be renewed. When you repair the connection, this will reset some configuration settings. To do this, follow these steps:- Click Start, click Run, type ncpa.cpl, and then click OK.
- Right-click the appropriate network connection, and then click Repair.
- Test the connection.
For more information about repairing a connection, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
A description of the Repair option on a local area network or high-speed Internet connection
If you are still unable to visit Web sites, continue to part 5. Part 5: Repair Winsock
These issues may occur if the Winsock registry keys are damaged or corrupted.
Programs that access or monitor the Internet, such as antivirus programs, firewall programs, and proxy clients, may be adversely affected when you run the netsh winsock reset
command. If you have a program that no longer functions correctly after you follow these steps, reinstall the program.
To repair Winsock on a computer that is running Windows XP with SP2, follow these steps: - Click Start, click Run, type netsh winsock reset, and then click OK.
- When the command prompt flashes, restart the computer. Continue to the following steps.
Warning Programs that access or monitor the Internet, such as antivirus, firewall, or proxy clients may be negatively affected when you run the netsh winsock reset command. If you have a program that no longer functions correctly after you use this resolution, reinstall the program to restore functionality.
Note If these steps do not resolve the problem, follow the steps in the next section.Step 1: Delete registry keysWarning Serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly by using Registry Editor or by using another method. These problems might require that you reinstall your operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that these problems can be solved. Modify the registry at your own risk.
Back up the registry keys that you plan to modify before you modify the registry.
For more information about how to back up, edit, and restore registry keys and the registry, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
How to back up, edit, and restore the registry in Windows XP and Windows Server 2003
To do this, follow these steps:- Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK.
- In Registry Editor, locate and then click the following registry subkeys:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Winsock HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Winsock2 - Right-click each key, and then click Delete
- When you are prompted to confirm the deletion, click Yes.
- Restart the computer.
For more information about how to determine and recover from Winsock2 corruption, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
How to determine and recover from Winsock2 corruption
Step 2: Install TCP/IPTo do this, follow these steps:- Right-click the network connection, and then click Properties.
- Click Install.
- Click Protocol, and then click Add.
- Click Have Disk.
- Type C:\Windows\inf, and then click OK.
- On the list of available protocols, click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), and then click OK.
- Restart the computer.
If you are still unable to visit Web sites, continue to part 6. Part 6: Reset TCP/IP
TCP/IP may be damaged or some configurations may have changed. If you reset TCP/IP, this can reconfigure these settings appropriately. To do this, follow these steps: - Click Start, click Run, type cmd, and then click OK.
- At the command prompt, type netsh int ip reset filename.txt, and then press ENTER.
For more information about how to reset TCP/IP, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
How to reset Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) in Windows XP
If you are still unable to visit Web sites, continue to part 7.Part 7: Verify the Hosts filesYou can use Hosts files to redirect Web site names to IP addresses. Some malicious software such as viruses and spyware can add entries in the Hosts files that can prevent you from browsing.
In some cases, system or network administrators add legitimate entries to the Hosts files. Also, you may have added entries yourself. If you rename Hosts files, the redirections in the files will not work. For more information, contact a system or a network administrator.
To determine whether the issue is caused by entries in Hosts files, look for Hosts files on the local computer, and then rename all the Hosts files that you find. To do this, follow these steps: - Click Start, point to Search, and then click For Files and Folders.
- In the All or part of the file name box, type hosts.
- In the Look in list, click the hard disk, and then click Search.
- Click all the Hosts files that you find. .
- Press F2.
- Type a new name. For example, type oldhosts, and then press ENTER.
Note the original file name. You may have to revert to the original name if this does not resolve the issue.
For more information about renaming multiple files in Windows XP, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
How to rename multiple files in Windows XP with Windows Explorer
If you are still unable to browse the Internet, continue to Section 2. Section 2: Third-party software or Internet connections settings issues
The following guidelines may help identify and resolve any third-party software or Internet connections settings that prevent you from visiting Web pages. You can also use the Delete Browsing History option and the Internet Explorer (No Add-ons) mode of Internet Explorer 7 Beta to troubleshoot these software-related issues.
- Part 1: Use the Delete Browsing History option in Internet Explorer 7 Beta
- Part 2: Use the Internet Explorer (No Add-ons) mode in Internet Explorer 7 Beta
- Part 3: Test in Safe mode with Networking
- Part 4: Restart Windows XP
- Part 5: Test Internet Explorer 7 Beta by using a new user account
- Part 6: Run antivirus software and antispyware software
Part 1: Use the Delete Browsing Historyoption in Internet Explorer 7 Beta To do this, follow these steps:- Open Internet Explorer 7 Beta, click Tools, and then click Delete Browsing History.
- Under Temporary Internet Files, click Delete files, and then click OK.
- Under History, click Delete history, and then click OK.
- Under Form data, click Delete forms, and then click OK.
Part 2: Use the Internet Explorer (No Add-ons) mode in Internet Explorer 7 Beta To do this, follow these steps: - Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, point to System Tools, and then click Internet Explorer (No Add-ons).
Note If Internet Explorer (No Add-ons) resolves the issue, use Manage Add-ons to isolate which specific browser add-on or add-ons contributed to the issue. If Internet Explorer (No Add-ons) does not resolve the issue, continue troubleshooting with part 3. - Isolate the specific browser add-on that contributed to the issue. To do this, use Manage Add-ons:
- Click Tools, and then click Internet Options.
- Click the Programs tab, and then click Manage Add-ons.
- Select an add-on in the Name list, and then click Disable.
- If the issue is resolved, you have determined which add-on contributed to the issue.
Part 3: Test Internet Explorer 7 Beta in Safe Mode with Networking
Notice that any Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) connections that require a user name and password will not work in Safe Mode. Most DSL connections and dial-up connections are PPPoE. Therefore, these connections will not work unless they are persistent connections to the Internet, such as a cable connection. To start the computer in Safe Mode, following these steps: - Restart the computer. Press the F8 key repeatedly when the screen goes blank.
- Select Safe Mode with Networking, and then press ENTER.
- If you are presented with an option to select a version of Windows, select the appropriate version, and then press ENTER.
- After the computer has started in Safe Mode, test the Internet connection.
If you can connect to the Internet when the computer is in Safe Mode, there is usually a third-party utility or program conflict with Internet Explorer 7 Beta. If you restart the computer, this information may help you resolve the conflict. Restart the computer in Normal mode and continue to part 2.
If you cannot browse the Internet when the computer is in Safe Mode, there may be an issue with the network adapter. If this is the case, return to Section 1. If you have already tried the procedures in Section 1, and the network adapter works correctly, continue with the following sections.
For more information about Safe Mode options, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
A description of the Safe Mode Boot options in Windows XP
Part 4: Restart Windows XPWarning This workaround may make your computer or your network more vulnerable to attack by malicious users or by malicious software such as viruses. We do not recommend this workaround but are providing this information so that you can implement this workaround at your own discretion. Use this workaround at your own risk.
If you are running a third-party firewall program, a configuration setting may have changed or may have to be updated. Alternatively, another third-party program may be misconfigured and may cause conflicts with Internet Explorer 7 Beta. Follow these steps to identify a conflicting program:- Click Start, click Run, type msconfig, and then click OK.
- On the General tab, click Selective Startup, and then click to clear all the check boxes except the Load System Services check box.
- On the Services tab, click Hide all Microsoft Services.
- Click Disable all.
Note Antivirus and firewall software may be disabled when you disable third-party party services. To keep the computer as secure as possible in this state, we recommend that you enable the Internet Connection Firewall or Windows Firewall before you try to reconnect. See part 2 of Section 1 for more information about how to do this. - Click OK, and select the option to restart.
- After the computer has restarted, test the Internet connection.
If the connection works, there is a conflict with a program or a utility that loads when the computer starts. To identify the program or the utility that causes the conflict, use the Msconfig utility to troubleshoot connection issues.
Note If you disable all the Microsoft services and restart the computer, the System Restore utility will be disabled. You will lose all the restore points. Therefore, we do not recommend that you disable all the Microsoft services when you use the Msconfig utility to troubleshoot connection issues.Check to see whether a third-party service may be causing the conflict- Click Start, click Run, type msconfig, and then click OK.
- Click the Services tab, enable all the services, and then click OK.
- Restart the computer and test the connection again.
If the connection works, continue to the "Check to see whether a third-party program may be causing the conflict" section.
If the connection still does not work, a third-party service may be causing a conflict with Internet Explorer 7 Beta. To identify which third-party service is causing the conflict, follow these steps: - Click Start, click Run, type msconfig, and then click OK.
- Click the Services tab.
- Enable half the services on the list, and then click OK.
- Restart the computer and test the connection.
- Continue this process until you identify the service that is causing a conflict with Internet Explorer 7 Beta. We recommend that you uninstall or disable the service.
You may have to contact the developer of the service for information about how to do this. Check to see whether a third-party program may be causing the conflict- Click Start, click Run, type msconfig, and then click OK.
- Click the Startup tab.
Because of the large number of entries that may be listed, we recommend that you use a process of elimination to find the conflicting program. To do this, follow these steps: - Click to select half of the items that are listed, and then click OK.
- Restart the computer, and then test the connection.
- Continue this process until you have identified the conflicting program.
- We recommend that you uninstall the program if you do not use it or configure the program so that it does not start when the computer starts.
You may have to contact the developer of the program for information about how to do this.
We recommend that you enable Windows Firewall or Internet Connection Firewall before you disable any third-party party services because disabling third-party services may leave the computer in a vulnerable state. Part 5: Test by using a new user account
If you still cannot browse the Internet, there may be some corruption with the user account you currently use. If you have multiple user accounts on the computer, log on as a different user to test issues with a particular user account. If this resolves the issue, we recommend that you create a new user account and transfer the settings and files to that new account.
If this does not resolve the issue, continue to the next step. If you created a new user account and want to remove it, see Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 279783.
For more information about how to do this, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
How to create and configure user accounts in Windows XP
If this resolves the issue, transfer the settings from the old account to the new account. Copy the files from the My Documents folder of the old user or use the File and Settings Transfer Wizard.
If you copy the files from the My Documents folder, you will not necessarily transfer all the files that you have created or that you use. You may have saved files to a different location. Also, notice that the settings, such as your favorites, will not be transferred when you use this method. We recommend that you verify that all the files and settings are transferred before you delete the old account.
For more information about how to use the Files and Settings Transfer Wizard with a wizard disk in Windows XP, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
How to use the Files and Settings Transfer Wizard with a wizard disk in Windows XP
Part 6: Run antivirus software and antispyware softwareIf you have antivirus software or antispyware software installed, update it and run the software. To download third-party antivirus trial software, visit the following Web site:
Microsoft provides third-party contact information to help you find technical support. This contact information may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this third-party contact information.
For more information about virus software and other malicious software, visit the following Web site:
After you have determined that the computer does not have malicious software installed, test to see whether the issue is resolved. If it is not resolved, continue to Section 3.
Section 3: Reset Internet Explorer 7 Beta configuration settings
To reset the Internet Explorer 7 Beta configuration settings, follow these steps: Important When you use the Reset all Defaults function in Internet Explorer 7 Beta, you disable all browser add-ons in Manage Add-ons feature. This makes sure that all add-ons that were previously installed will not run after the reset. However, it will also mean that you will have to re-enable desirable add-ons. If you just reinstall a browser add-on, this will not typically re-enable it in this interface. In this case, you have to re-enable the browser add-on manually.
- Open Internet Explorer 7 Beta, click Tools, and then click Internet Options.
- Click the Advanced tab, and then click Reset all Defaults.
- In the Internet Explorer Default Settings window, click Reset all Defaults.
- When the settings have been reset, click Close.
Note With Internet Explorer 7 Beta, you do not usually have to reregister Internet Explorer files. Reset all Defaults includes the option to reregister Internet Explorer files as a troubleshooting step. If more issues occur that the reset does not resolve, you can also uninstall and then reinstall Internet Explorer 7 Beta on Windows XP to make sure that it is correctly installed.
Section 4: Damaged, modified, or missing core Windows filesPart 1: Run System File Checker
This issue may occur if some core system files have been damaged, modified, or removed. To resolve this issue, run System File Checker (SFC) to identify core system files that are damaged, modified, or missing. Then, replace these files. To run SFC, follow these steps - Click Start, click Run, type cmd, and then click OK.
- Type sfc /scannow, and then press ENTER.
For more information about System File Checker and Windows File Protection, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Description of the Windows File Protection feature
Part 2: Run System Restore
If no other step that was mentioned earlier has resolved the issue, and the issue has only started recently, you can run System Restore to restore the operating system to a previous working state. Note This step will not necessarily help identify the issue, but it will set the computer to a previous working state. When you restore the system to a previous state, any programs or updates that have been installed since that date will be removed.
For more information about how to restore the system to a previous working state, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
How to restore the operating system to a previous state in Windows XP
Note This article also provides steps to undo the restore if the restore point that you select does not resolve the issue. Also, if the restore point that you select does not resolve the issue, you can select an earlier date as the restore point.
Internet Explorer 7 Beta stops unexpectedly or does not startThis issue category deals with issues in which Internet Explorer 7 Beta either stops unexpectedly or does not start correctly. CauseUnlike with previous browser versions, issues with Internet Explorer 7 Beta may relate to browser stability. Stability issues may result from the following: - Problem add-ons
- Damaged files
- Configuration issues or corruption
ResolutionTo troubleshoot browser stability issues, follow these steps: - Start on a blank home page to test Internet Explorer 7 Beta. To do this, follow these steps:
- Click Start, click Run, type iexplore about:blank, and then click OK.
- If Internet Explorer starts without a problem, verify the home page that is set in Internet Options. Note the current setting, and then click Use Blank to set the default to "about:blank." Open the browser to test whether it will open when the home page is set to "about:blank."
- Use the Delete Browsing History option in the Tools menu and test again. This clears the Temporary Internet Files, History and saved forms data.
- If a blank home page does not resolve the issue, try to start Internet Explorer 7 Beta in the Internet Explorer (No Add-ons) mode.
To do this, follow these steps:
- Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, point to System Tools, and then click Internet Explorer (No Add-ons).
- If the issue does not occur, use Manage Add-ons to isolate the specific add-on or add-ons.
- If the issue still occurs, continue troubleshooting by using the guidelines that remain.
- Log on as another user. This will help isolate issues that are specific to a user account or a user profile.
- Use the Reset all Defaults option on the Advanced tab of Internet Options.
This new resolution step in Internet Explorer 7 Beta performs all the remaining tasks that were previously recommended in this section.
Microsoft Phishing Filter issuesMicrosoft Phishing Filter in Internet Explorer 7 Beta offers dynamic security protection to help protect online. This Phishing Filter consolidates the latest industry information about fraudulent Web sites and shares it with you to proactively warn and help protect you when you browse.
Report a phishing Web site
If you visit a Web site that you suspect is a phishing Web site, you can report it to Microsoft to help protect other Internet Explorer 7 Beta users.
To report a Web site to Microsoft, follow these steps: - Open Internet Explorer 7 Beta, click Tools, point to Phishing Filter, and then click Report This Website.
- Complete the Phishing Filter Feedback form, and then click Submit.
Web site that is misidentified as a phishing Web site
If a good Web site is misidentified as a phishing Web site, click Tools, and then click Report This Website. Use the Web page that appears to report the error. Other Phishing Filter issuesTo resolve other Microsoft Phishing Filter issues such as computer performance issues when Phishing Filter is enabled, or issues with Web site identification, use the Delete Browsing History option. When you delete the browsing history, this also clears the local Phishing Filter cache and resets the configuration to default values.
Additionally, other elements of the browsing history are deleted. To use the Delete Browsing History option in Internet Explorer 7 Beta, follow these steps: - Open Internet Explorer, click Tools, and then click Delete Browsing History.
- Under Delete Browsing History, click Delete all, and then click OK.
RSS feed issuesImport and export feedsTo import and export feeds from one user account or computer to another user account or computer, you can use the Import/Export Wizard in Internet Explorer 7 Beta.
To do this, follow these steps: - Open Internet Explorer 7 Beta, click the Add/Subscribe button, and then click Import and Export.
- Follow the steps in the Import/Export Wizard to import or export feeds to a file.
RSS feed not updatingThe RSS feed may not be updated for various reasons. Cause
RSS feeds may not be updated because of one of the following scenarios : - There are connectivity issues with the feed server prevent updates.
- The update frequency in the properties for the feed is too long.
- There is an issue with the local feed cache.
To resolve an issue with a feed that is not updating, follow these steps:
- Verify the feed on the host Web site to make sure that the server side feed is updating correctly.
- Verify the properties of the feed in Internet Explorer 7 Beta and verify that the desired update frequency is set.
- If the issue is not related to the update frequency, manually update the feed to see whether the contents change.
- If you still experience issues with the feed, export all feeds on the computer, and then continue to the "Feeds are not listed or you cannot subscribe to feed" section for additional troubleshooting guidelines.
Feeds are not listed or you cannot subscribe to feedUse this information when you troubleshoot feeds that may not be listed or to troubleshoot issues that occur when you subscribe to feeds. Cause These issues may occur because of one of the following scenarios: - There is corruption in the feed storage file.
- There is an issue with the user profile.
- There is an issue with a browser add-on.
To resolve issues with missing feeds, or to resolve issues when you try to subscribe to new feeds, follow these steps:
- Add a feed from an alternative, good Web site, such as the following Web site:
- Log on as a different user and test the feed.
- Test in Internet Explorer (No Add-ons) mode. If the issue is resolved in this mode, use the Manage Add-ons feature to isolate the specific browser add-ons that are contributing to the issue.
- If the issue continues in Internet Explorer (No Add-ons) mode, clear the feeds and re-import. To do this, follow these steps:
- Export the feeds on the computer.
- Close Internet Explorer 7 Beta to delete all feeds.
- Delete the files in the %userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Feeds folder.
- Open Internet Explorer and add one feed for a working Web site, such as the following Web site:
- After you verify that the working feed is working correctly, import the feeds to which you previously subscribed.
The third-party products that this article discusses are manufactured by companies that are independent of Microsoft. Microsoft makes no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding the performance or reliability of these products.
Modification Type: | Minor | Last Reviewed: | 9/7/2006 |
Keywords: | kbPubTypeKC kbMSCCSearch kbMSCCSales kbtshoot kbinfo KB917756 kbAudEndUser |