Message 1
You receive this error message when the installer detects an error condition that does not meet the requirements of the more specific error messages. If you receive this error message, view the Windows log file to determine the cause of the error condition. Then, correct the error condition before you run the installer again.
Message 2
You receive this error message when the installer detects that the software update that you have downloaded is intended for a different version of MDAC than the version that is installed on the computer. This error occurs when the detection logic of the Windows Update client program or of the Microsoft Update client program breaks. If you receive this error message, visit the download site, and then explicitly download the software update package that corresponds to the version of MDAC that you have installed.
Message 3
You receive this error message when the product files that are installed on the computer are at different software update levels. The installer checks several core MDAC files to make sure that the files are at the same software update level. This error occurs when the installer detects that the core files are not at the same software update level. This behavior is know as a
mixed stack error situation. If you receive this error message, install a later version of MDAC than the version that you have installed.
Message 4
Ordinarily, the Windows Update client program and the Microsoft Update client program detect the language version of the MDAC installation. Then, the client program that you are using offers the correct software update package for that language. However, sometimes the registry key that the client program uses to determine the language version is not set. If the registry key is not set, the client program downloads the MDAC software update package for the language version of the operating system.
Typically, the language version of the MDAC installation and the language version of the operating system are the same. In this scenario, you do not receive this error message. However, the language version of the MDAC installation and the language version of the operating system may differ. For example, you can run the English version of Microsoft SQL Server together with the English version of MDAC on a Japanese operating system. This is a supported scenario.
In this scenario, the installer does not install the software update. Instead, the installer updates the LocVer registry key to the language version of the MDAC installation. Then, you receive this error message.
This problem is self correcting. The next day, the client program will offer the correct software update package for the language version of the MDAC installation.
Note If a logic error in the client program causes you to receive this message repeatedly, visit the download site, and then explicitly download the software update package for the language version of the MDAC installation.
Message 5
You receive this error message when the installer detects that a file that it is trying to replace has a later version number than the replacement file in the package. This behavior is another mixed stack error situation. If you receive this error message, install a later version of MDAC than the version that you have installed. The mitigation for this error is the same as that for message 3. This is a severe error.
Message 6
You receive this error message when the installer detects that a file that it is trying to update is missing from the computer. Typically, this problem prevents the installation. However, sometimes the MDAC software update installer fixes this problem. If the installer cannot fix the problem, you receive this error message.
Message 7
MDAC uses a cumulative servicing model. In other words, each software update for a specific version of MDAC contains all the previously issued software updates for that version. Therefore, you cannot uninstall an MDAC software update without first uninstalling all later MDAC software updates. You receive this error message when the installer detects that you have tried to uninstall a software update in violation of this restriction.
Message 8
You receive this error message when the installer detects that you have not restarted the computer after a change that requires a restart. The Pending File Renames (PFR) queue is a registry key. This queue tracks files that must be replaced or deleted when the computer is restarted. If the installer detects that a file change in this queue affects an MDAC component, the installation process stops. The installation process cannot continue until you restart the computer. When you restart the computer, the PFR queue is cleared. If you receive this error message, restart the computer to correct the problem. Then, run the installer again.