Before you install the SMS 2003 Device Management Feature Pack, please read the Microsoft Systems Management Server 2003 Device Management Feature Pack Guide. The Guide includes instructions necessary to correctly install, configure, and use the Device Management Feature Pack.
These release notes contain information that you need to install and use the Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS) 2003 Device Management Feature Pack. This information is not available in the product documentation. Read these release notes thoroughly before you install the Device Management Feature Pack.
To search these Release Notes, press CTRL+F.
Additional resources for SMS
For more information about SMS, see the following online resources:
Online library
To run the SMS Online Library after you install SMS 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2):
Start, click
Programs, click
Systems Management Server, and then click
SMS Online Library.
SMS Online Library in the SMS Administrator console tree, and then click
Run Online Library.
SMS on the Web
Visit the Microsoft
Systems Management Server Web site to locate product information, product documentation, and other information about SMS 2003 SP2 and about related products.
Microsoft online support
Visit the Microsoft
Help and Support Web site to search the Microsoft Knowledge Base and other technical resources for fast, accurate answers to SMS questions. You can query the Knowledge Base to find an article about a specific issue by using the number that is assigned to the issue.
Protect against security vulnerabilities and viruses
It is important to install the latest security updates that are available for any new software that is being installed. Security updates help protect against security vulnerabilities and viruses. For more information, see
Microsoft Security.
Providing feedback
If you have general comments or suggestions about SMS, send them to
mailto:smswish@microsoft.comTo provide comments about SMS documentation, send your documentation feedback to
mailto:smsdocs@microsoft.comSupported versions of SMS 2003
The SMS 2003 Device Management Feature Pack is supported only on SMS 2003 with SP2 and later versions. The Feature Pack will not function on the original release version of SMS 2003.
Additional system requirements
In addition to the system requirements that are detailed in the
SMS 2003 Device Management Feature Pack Guide, note the following additional requirements:
- Microsoft SQL Server 2000 or a later version is required for installation of the SMS 2003 Device Management Feature Pack. Specifically, SQL Server 7 is not supported.
- The desktop inventory extensions and device client deployment components are supported for use only with the SMS 2003 Advanced Client.
Known issues
The following sections provide information about known issues with the SMS 2003 Device Management Feature Pack.
Software distribution packages and settings files (.cab files) for Windows Mobile for Pocket PC 5.0 and for Windows Mobile for Pocket PC Phone Edition 5.0 devices must be signed
To distribute software to devices that are managed by SMS 2003 and that are running the following products, you must sign the software distribution packages and settings files (.cab files) for these products:
- Windows Mobile for Pocket PC 5.0 or later versions
- Windows Mobile for Pocket PC Phone Edition 5.0 or later versions
You must sign every software distribution package and its contents with its privileged Software Publisher Certificate (SPC) before you add the package to the distribution point.
To distribute settings to these devices, you must sign all the .cab files and their contents before you advertise the package to the device. To do this, you must use a .cab signing tool, such as the Sign Tool command-line tool.
To download Sign Tool, visit the following Microsoft Web site:
Important Pocket PC 5.0 and earlier versions do not support code signing. You cannot install a signed package that is advertised to Pocket PC 5.0 and earlier versions.
SMS 2003 Device Management Feature Pack password application will not install on devices that have been upgraded to the Microsoft Messaging & Security Feature Pack (MSFP)
SMS 2003 Device Management Feature Pack password application will not install on devices that have been upgraded to the Microsoft Messaging & Security Feature Pack (MSFP). MSFP introduces new password settings, such as local wipe, that provide additional security options.
If you have upgraded to MSFP, you can use this example .xml text to create a configuration file to manage MSFP password settings that can be distributed to devices using software distribution.
To create a configuration file to manage MSFP password settings:
- Configure the registry settings in a valid provisioning .xml file. (See the Example _setup.xml file.)
Save the .xml file as _setup.xml. This file name must be in lower case characters.
- Create a .cab file from the _setup.xml file using the makecab.exe utility available from the MSDN Web site.
- Code-sign the .cab file with the necessary certificates (see information regarding code-signing in the release notes).
- Distribute the code-signed .cab file using SMS 2003 software distribution.
Example setup.xml file
<!-- Password Required Policy -->
<characteristic type="SecurityPolicy">
<!-- Specifies if a password must be configured on the device -->
<!-- (if it is not already configured) and that all other -->
<!-- password complexity policies should be followed -->
<!-- [0] Password configuration is required -->
<!-- [1] Password configuration is not required -->
<parm name="4131" value="0"/>
<!-- Time-out Policies -->
<characteristic type="Registry">
<characteristic type="HKLM\Comm\Security\Policy\LASSD\AE\{50C13377-C66D-400C-889E-C316FC4AB374}">
<!-- [0-9999] This is the amount of time in minutes after -->
<!-- the device is turned off(Pocket PC) or idle (Smartphone) -->
<!-- that will cause the device to become password locked -->
<parm name="AEFrequencyValue" value="5"/>
<!-- [0] Triggers device lock at every Authentication Event -->
<!-- [1] Countdown based on shell idle time behaviour -->
<parm name="AEFrequencyType" value="1"/>
<!-- Device Wipe Threshold Policy -->
<characteristic type="Registry">
<characteristic type="HKLM\Comm\Security\Policy\LASSD">
<!-- [1-4294967295] Specifies the number of times an incorrect -->
<!-- password can be entered before the device memory is erased -->
<parm name="DeviceWipeThreshold" value="20"/>
<!-- Minimum Password Length Policy -->
<characteristic type="Registry">
<characteristic type="HKLM\Comm\Security\Policy\LASSD\LAP\lap_pw">
<!-- [1-40] Specifies the minimum number of characters required -->
<!-- in a password or PIN. If this is applied more generically -->
<!-- to another LAP that does not take character input, it can -->
<!-- be used to specify the length of the encryption key (in bits) -->
<parm name="MinimumPasswordLength" value="8"/>
<!-- Password Complexity Policy -->
<characteristic type="Registry">
<characteristic type="HKLM\Comm\Security\Policy\LASSD\LAP\lap_pw">
<!-- This security policy determines the complexity of the -->
<!-- password or PIN allowed -->
<!-- [0] Only a strong password can be used -->
<!-- [1] Only allow a PIN to be used (no non-numeric) -->
<!-- [2] Any type allowed -->
<parm name="PasswordComplexity" value="0"/>
DmCommonInstaller.ini file is not updated when upgrading the Device Management Feature Pack
The DmCommonInstaller.ini file will not be replaced by the upgrade when the .ini file under the SMS\DeviceClientManagement\ClientTransfer directory has newer timestamp than the one from the Device Management Feature Pack Upgrade. This would generally occur when the DmCommonInstaller.ini file has been manually updated sometime after the release date of Device Management Feature Pack.
WORKAROUND: Save the DmCommonInstaller.ini file from the Device Management Feature Pack to an alternate directory, edit the DmCommonInstaller.ini file from the Device Management Feature Pack applying any custom updates and then replace the file in the SMS\DeviceClientManagement\ClientTransfer directory with the newly updated version.
Installation of device client and password application on Pocket PC 2002 and Pocket PC 5.0 devices requires a warm reset
The Device Client Agent and password application will install correctly on Pocket PC 2002 and Pocket PC 5.0 devices, but a warm reset is required for the application icons to appear in Control Panel on the device.
WORKAROUND: Perform a warm reset of the device after installation.
Uninstallation of the SMS 2003 password application on Pocket PC 2002 devices
Uninstallation of the SMS 2003 password application on Pocket PC 2002 devices, using client deployment, does not restore the original password application.
WORKAROUND: Perform a warm reset of the device.
The device owner name is truncated in the device password user interface
When a password is set, the Device Management Feature Pack password application may truncate the owner name displayed on the password entry screen.
Recurring .cab installations on the device
When a .CAB file is installed on a Pocket PC, the file will be removed after installation. For a recurring device advertisement, the Device Client Agent will not repeatedly download files that have not changed on the distribution point. This leads to recurrent .CAB installations failing after the first installation. This is specifically an issue for reapplying device settings packages that are enclosed in a .CAB.
WORKAROUND: Use Device Management script functionality to copy the .CAB before it is run by performing the following steps. The is the name of the installation file in the package source directory. Ensure that the location of this file matches the download location specified in the device program property page, in this case \temp.
Create a file Rerun.dms, and enter this text:
copy \temp\ \temp\
run \temp\
Include the Rerun.dms file in the package source directory.
Set the command line for program to be Rerun.dms.
DMConsol is not localized
DMConsol is a debugging tool included with the Pocket PC 2002 and Pocket PC 2003 Device Management Clients. It is not localized.
Use a certification authority root certificate with Device Management
By default, the DMCommonInstaller.ini file specifies that HTTPS should be used: the UseHTTPS flag is set to True. This means that the Device Client Agent requires a certification authority root certificate in order to trust the device management servers it connects to.
WORKAROUND: Perform the following steps to use a server certificate based on trust from public or enterprise certification authority and distribute the public key version of the root certificate to the devices:
Obtain a root certificate from the certification authority which issued the device management server's web-server certificate.
Distribute this certificate as part of device client deployment. To distribute a certificate file (.cer) to the devices, it should be placed in the same directory as the DMCommonInstaller.ini file.
In the DMCommonInstaller.ini file, the InstallCerts property should be set to True for this certificate to be installed by the device management installer.
Registry entry settings properties does not allow user to enter time field correctly
The Registry Entry settings user interface in Device Settings Manager does not allow user to enter the Time field correctly when Time Only or Date and Time registry data types are chosen. As a result, the above registry data types cannot be created on the device.
WORKAROUND: Use a manual registry file if registry configuration of this type is required. This file can be distributed using software distribution and applied using the device management script.
Create a file applyreg.dms, and enter this text: loadreg
Include the applyreg.dms and registry file in the package source directory.
Set the command line for program to be applyreg.dms.
Alternative unique device ID functionality
All currently available consumer Pocket PC devices support a unique hardware ID that the Device Management Agent uses as the SMS unique identifier, and the device management functionality works as designed.
Certain industrial devices do not report a unique device ID, so multiple devices share the SMS unique identifier, rendering the devices individually unmanageable by SMS. The result is that only a single device discovery data record (DDR) appears in the SMS Administrator console, even though multiple devices are successfully communicating with the SMS device management point.
WORKAROUND: Use alternative Device Client registry settings to change DeviceID behavior. To do this, create a registry script or use other means to change two registry keys on the device as follows:
Create this registry value: HKLM\Comm\ApplicationDownload\SimDeviceID with a type DWORD.
Set the value to one of the following (values 1-3 change the behavior of the Device Client Agent):
Value 0 : Default hardware ID functionality
Value 1 : Generate an ID based on a random numbers.
Value 2 : Generate ID from MAC address, if this fails return ID "NO_MAC_ADDR_DEVICE"
Value 3 : Generate ID from MAC address, if this fails generate an ID based on random numbers.
Set this value as a blank string to trigger the Device Client Agent to reset the DeviceID: HKLM\Comm\ApplicationDownload\DeviceID
These steps can be carried our prior to device installation, or subsequent to Device Client Agent installation, even when the Agent is running. If the Agent is running, then the next HTTP request to the device management point will generate a new device ID. The Device Client Agent will set the new device in the 'DeviceID' registry value, and not change this value again.
Caution Use of options 2 or 3, blanking of the device ID and subsequent reset of the device might result in the Device Client Agent being unable to acquire a MAC address because device networking components are still initializing. It is recommended that options 2 or 3 are not used in a reset scenario.
Release notes copyright information
Information in this document, including URL and other Internet web site references, is subject to change without notice and is provided for informational purposes only. The entire risk of the use or results of the use of this document remains with the user, and Microsoft Corporation makes no warranties, either express or implied. The example companies, organizations, products, people and events depicted herein are fictitious. No association with any real company, organization, product, person or event is intended or should be inferred. Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of this document may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express written permission of Microsoft Corporation.
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