Information about Microsoft ActiveSync 4.0 error codes, error messages, and how to troubleshoot the error codes (915152)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft ActiveSync 4.0


This article lists all Microsoft ActiveSync 4.0 error codes and provides troubleshooting information for the error codes.

Note The Sync Error dialog box may also display generic Microsoft Windows 32-bit error codes. The Windows codes are not listed in this article.

Top 10 ActiveSync errors and troubleshooting information

Microsoft Windows Mobile version 5.0 support codeWindows Mobile 2003 support code (if different)Error messageTroubleshooting information
0x850200030x8004225EThe server could not be reached. This can be caused by temporary network conditions.The connection to Microsoft Exchange Server was lost. Typically, this condition is temporary. Try to synchronize again later.
0x80072efdThe server could not be reached. This can be caused by temporary network conditions.Typically, this condition is temporary. Try to synchronize again later.
0x850100140x80042235ActiveSync encountered a problem on the server.A synchronization source, either Exchange Server or Microsoft Office Outlook, reported an internal error. Typically, this condition is temporary. Try to synchronize again later. However, if the condition persists, you may have to contact an administrator.
0x80072ee4The server could not be reached. This can be caused by temporary network conditions.Exchange Server reports an internal error. Typically, this condition is temporary. Try to synchronize again later.
0x850200020x800422BDThe server could not be reached. This can be caused by temporary network conditions.The connection to Exchange Server was lost. Typically, this condition is temporary. Try to synchronize again later.
0x8500200cSynchronization timed out waiting for user input (usually credentials)Try to resynchronize and look for information that the device-side synchronization is requesting, such as the user ID and the password.
0x85010005The server that ActiveSync queried returned a 404 error. Usually, this means that the server is not a valid Exchange front-end (which is usually due to the user entering the wrong server address).Confirm that the server address and other Exchange Server information is correct.
0x8502000eThe device attempted to synchronize when the phone was off.Confirm that the telephone is not in flight mode and that the network signal is strong enough.
0x86000209There was a synchronization error, and the device will now resynchronize all of the data to recover.

ActiveSync error code and troubleshooting information

Windows Mobile version 5.0 support codeWindows Mobile 2003 support code (if different)Error messageTroubleshooting information
0x85002000Not available.ActiveSync ran out of storage. Try to synchronize again after you free more memory.
0x850020020x80042001There is not enough free memory on your device to synchronize information. Delete unused files from your device or close programs that are running to free up memory.ActiveSync ran out of storage. Try to synchronize again after you free more storage.
0x850020030x80042002The server could not be reached. This can be caused by temporary network conditions.Synchronization was not completed because the device had to wait too long to establish a connection with Exchange Server. Try to synchronize again later.
0x85002004You have stopped synchronization.This is an informative message and does not indicate an error. Synchronization was manually stopped.
0x850020070x80042006ActiveSync encountered a problem on the server.A temporary problem exists with the server. Try again later. If the problem persists, you may have to contact an administrator.
0x85002008ActiveSync encountered a problem with the following item:This is an error synchronizing a single item. This error is also known as a "per-item" error. You usually can only correct this error by removing the item that caused the error. If you decide to synchronize the device again to determine whether the error persists, items that cause this kind of error will be skipped and will not appear again.
[Item Type]: [Item Name]
If the error persists, you may need to delete the item.
0x85002009Not available.A previous synchronization error requires that synchronized data be removed. However, that removal cannot be completed. Try to synchronize again. The removal should complete correctly.
0x8500200A0x80042009Your account information could not be detected. Choose Configure Server on the ActiveSync menu to check your Exchange Server credentials.When synchronization was set up with Exchange Server, the credentials page was left blank. Correct the credentials, or set up the device to only synchronize with a desktop computer. Then, try to synchronize again.
0x8500200B0x800421D9The server could not be reached. This can be caused by temporary network conditions.This message is frequently returned when Exchange Server is overloaded. Try to synchronize again later.
0x8500200D0x8004200CThe device timed out waiting for you to supply credentials.The Exchange Server credentials page was left open too long. Re-enter the Exchange Server credentials, and then try to synchronize again.
0x8500200FYou have canceled synchronization.This error usually occurs when you cancel the Exchange Server credentials page. Make sure that you are set up correctly to synchronize with the desktop computer or with Exchange Server. Then, try to synchronize again.
0x85010000Not available.This error code could be one of several minor Internet errors. Try to synchronize again later.
0x850100020x800421D2Access was denied. Choose Configure Server on the ActiveSync menu to check your server username and password.If you synchronize on a schedule, the synchronization has been changed to manual. After you reestablish access to Exchange Server, you can set up the synchronization schedule.
0x850100080x800421D8The proxy server you have specified is incompatible with your device. Specify the correct proxy server in your connection configuration.If you synchronize on a schedule, the synchronization has been changed to manual. After you successfully synchronize with Exchange Server, you can set up the synchronization schedule.
0x850100090x800421D9The server could not be reached. This can be caused by temporary network conditions.Because of poor network conditions, synchronization with Exchange Server could not be completed. Typically, this condition is temporary. Try to synchronize again later.
0x850100140x80042235ActiveSync encountered a problem on the server.A synchronization source, either Exchange Server or Outlook, reported an internal error. Typically, this condition is temporary. This condition has three known causes:

1) The initial synchronization with the device occurred when Outlook was offline. To work offline, Outlook must be configured for Cache mode. To quickly determine whether this is true, verify that the Work Offline command is on the File menu.

2) Outlook is not your primary e-mail client.

3) Antivirus programs are causing script blocking. Script blocking against Outlook prevents ActiveSync from accessing the Object Model in Outlook by intercepting all the ActiveSync calls to Outlook. If a user turns off the script-blocking feature in the antivirus program, users should be able toto synchronize successfully. This resolution only applies to users who perform desktop synchronization.

Installing ActiveSync 4.1 should resolve this error.
0x850100150x80042236ActiveSync encountered network problems or an internal server error while synchronizing.This kind of error is frequently returned when Exchange Server runs out of memory. Typically, this condition is temporary. Try to synchronize again later.
0x850100160x80042237ActiveSync encountered network problems or an internal server error while synchronizing.The network returned an error message. Typically, this condition is temporary. Try to synchronize again later.
0x850100170x80042238ActiveSync encountered a problem on the server.The desktop returns a "503 (too busy)" error whenever a pending request is already in the system. This behavior occurs because the desktop only accepts one request at a time. In this case, the device request takes too long to process or more than two minutes. The device sends another request, and the request causes the 503 error. To work around this problem, use one of the following methods:

Let synchronization fail the first time. Do not restart the computer, reconnect the device, and then give the synchronization process time to finish.

Or, the customer may have an item that causes ActiveSync to spend lots of time trying to synchronize. In this scenario, the customer must determine what item is causing the problem.
0x850100180x80042239ActiveSync encountered a problem on the server.This error frequently occurs because of network conditions. Typically, this condition is temporary. Try to synchronize again later..
0x850100190x8004223AActiveSync encountered network problems or an internal server error while synchronizing.Exchange Server reports an Internet error. Typically, this condition is temporary. Try to synchronize again later.
0x850200020x800422BDThe server could not be reached. This can be caused by temporary network conditions.The connection to Exchange Server was lost. Typically, this condition is temporary. Try to synchronize again later.
0x850200030x8004225EThe server could not be reached. This can be caused by temporary network conditions.The connection to Exchange Server was lost. Typically, this condition is temporary. Try to synchronize again later.
0x850200040x8004225FSynchronization interrupted.The user ended the connection. Reestablish the connection, and then try to synchronize again.
0x850200060x80040024Cannot connect with current connection settings. To change your connection setting, tap Settings.This error code is typically caused by not having a valid network or modem connection set up. Check your connection settings, and then try to synchronize again.
0x850200070x8004227EThe server could not be reached. This can be caused by temporary network conditions.Because of poor network conditions, synchronization with Exchange Server could not be completed. Typically, this condition is temporary. Try to synchronize again later.
0x850200080x80042263Unable to connect. Voice call is in progress.A voice call was in progress and interrupted synchronization. Typically, the connection resumes when the call is completed.
0x850200090x80042262The server could not be reached. This can be caused by temporary network conditions.Because of poor network conditions, synchronization with Exchange Server could not be completed. Typically, this condition is temporary. Try to synchronize again later.
0x8502000A0x8004227DThe server could not be reached. This can be caused by temporary network conditions.Typically, this condition is temporary. Try to synchronize again later.
0x8502000BCannot connect with current connection settings. To change your connection setting, tap Settings.Typically, this error code is caused by not having a valid network or modem connection set up. Check your connection settings, and then try to synchronize again.
0x8502000C0x8004225DThe server could not be reached. This can be caused by temporary network conditions.Typically, this condition is temporary. Try to synchronize again later.
0x8502000D0x800422BESynchronization interrupted.The connection attempt was ended abruptly. Try to synchronize again.
0x850300000x80140010You are roaming, and you have chosen not to use your schedule settings while roaming.Try to synchronize again when you are in the network coverage area. You can synchronize manually when you are roaming if you are willing to incur any roaming charges.
0x850300190x80140022ActiveSync was unable to synchronize because your wireless phone was off.The telephone is turned off. Turn on the telephone, and try to synchronize again.
0x85030027Exchange Server requires certificates to log on. Connect your device to your PC on the corporate network to obtain a certificate.In environments where security certificates are required, synchronization cannot be completed until the correct certificate is obtained. You may have to contact an administrator to obtain a certificate.
0x85030028Cannot obtain a valid certificate. To try again, please disconnect and reconnect your device to a PC on the corporate network. If this problem persists, please contact your administrator.In environments where security certificates are required, synchronization cannot be completed until the correct certificate is obtained. You may have to contact an administrator to obtain a certificate.
0x8007271dError WSAEACCES - An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions.
0x80072ee1The server could not be reached. This can be caused by temporary network conditions.Typically, this condition is temporary. Try to synchronize again later.
0x80072ee2The server could not be reached. This can be caused by temporary network conditions.Typically, this condition is temporary. Try to synchronize again later.
0x80072ee4The server could not be reached. This can be caused by temporary network conditions.Exchange Server reports an internal error. Typically, this condition is temporary. Try to synchronize again later.
0x80072ee5Synchronization could not be completed. Verify that you have entered the correct server.This error code can be caused by Exchange Server load conditions. Typically, this condition is temporary. Try to synchronize again later.
0x80072ee6ActiveSync encountered a problem on your device.Typically, this condition is temporary. Try to synchronize again later.
0x80072ee7The server could not be reached. This can be caused by temporary network conditions.The Exchange Server name could not be resolved. Verify that you have the correct Exchange Server name, and then try to synchronize again.
0x80072ee8ActiveSync encountered a problem on your device.Typically, this condition is temporary. Try to synchronize again later.
0x80072ee9ActiveSync encountered a problem on your device.Typically, this condition is temporary. Try to synchronize again later.
0x80072eeaActiveSync encountered a problem on your device.Typically, this condition is temporary. Try to synchronize again later.
0x80072eebActiveSync encountered a problem on your device.Typically, this condition is temporary. Try to synchronize again later.
0x80072eecThe server could not be reached. This can be caused by temporary network conditions.Exchange Server reports an Internet error. Typically, this condition is temporary. Try to synchronize again later.
0x80072eedNot available.The connection to Exchange Server could not be completed because the supplied user name is incorrect. Correct the user name, or verify that you have Exchange Server access. Then, try again.
0x80072eeeNot available.The connection to Exchange Server could not be completed because the supplied password is incorrect. Correct the password, and then try again.
0x80072ef0ActiveSync encountered a problem on your device.Typically, this condition is temporary. Try to synchronize again later.
0x80072ef1The server could not be reached. This can be caused by temporary network conditions.Typically, this condition is temporary. Try to synchronize again later.
0x80072ef2ActiveSync encountered a problem on your device.Typically, this condition is temporary. Try to synchronize again later.
0x80072ef3The server could not be reached. This can be caused by temporary network conditions.Typically, this condition is temporary. Try to synchronize again later.
0x80072ef4The server could not be reached. This can be caused by temporary network conditions.Exchange Server reports a proxy server error. Check the proxy server settings, and then try to synchronize again.
0x80072ef5ActiveSync encountered a problem on your device.Typically, this condition is temporary. Try to synchronize again later.
0x80072ef6ActiveSync encountered a problem on your device.Typically, this condition is temporary. Try to synchronize again later.
0x80072ef7The server could not be reached. This can be caused by temporary network conditions.Direct network access is not available. Typically, this condition is temporary. Try to synchronize again later.
0x80072ef8ActiveSync encountered a problem on your device.Typically, this condition is temporary. Try to synchronize again later.
0x80072ef9ActiveSync encountered a problem on your device.Typically, this condition is temporary. Try to synchronize again later.
0x80072efaThe server could not be reached. This can be caused by temporary network conditions.Synchronization could not be completed, probably because of network traffic. Typically, this condition is temporary. Try to synchronize again later.
0x80072efbActiveSync encountered a problem on your device.Typically, this condition is temporary. Try to synchronize again later.
0x80072efcSynchronization could not be completed. Verify that you have entered the correct server.This error code can be caused by Exchange Server load conditions. Typically, this condition is temporary. Try to synchronize again later.
0x80072efdThe server could not be reached. This can be caused by temporary network conditions.Typically, this condition is temporary. Try to synchronize again later.
0x80072efeThe server could not be reached. This can be caused by temporary network conditions.The connection to Exchange Server was lost. Typically, this condition is temporary. Try to synchronize again later.
0x80072effThe server could not be reached. This can be caused by temporary network conditions.The connection to Exchange Server was lost. Typically, this condition is temporary. Try to synchronize again later.
0x80072f00The server could not be reached. This can be caused by temporary network conditions.Typically, this condition is temporary. Try to synchronize again later.
0x80072f01Synchronization could not be completed. Verify that you have entered the correct server.Typically, this condition is temporary. Try to synchronize again later.
0x80072f04The server could not be reached. This can be caused by temporary network conditions.Typically, this condition is temporary. Try to synchronize again later.
0x80072f050x80072f05The security certificate on the server has expired. Check that the date and time on your device are correct.The date on the certificate for the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connection does not match the device settings. The device date and time are incorrect, or the certificate is expired. If the certificate has expired, you may have to contact an Exchange Server administrator. If you synchronize on a schedule, synchronization has been changed from scheduled to manual.
0x80072f06You have an incorrect SSL certificate common name in the Host Name field. For example, you may have entered, when the common name on the certificate is actually Make sure the server name is entered correctly.The Exchange Server name in the ActiveSync settings differs from the name that is required to establish an SSL connection. Correct the Exchange Server name, and try to synchronize again. If you synchronize on a schedule, synchronization has been changed from scheduled to manual.
0x80072f07Synchronization could not be completed. Try again later.This error code is an Internet error that is typically temporary. Try to synchronize again later.
0x80072f08Synchronization could not be completed. Try again later.This error code is an Internet error that is typically temporary. Try to synchronize again later.
0x80072f09Synchronization could not be completed. Try again later.This error code is an Internet error that is typically temporary. Try to synchronize again later.
0x80072f0aSynchronization could not be completed. Try again later.This error code is an Internet error that is typically temporary. Try to synchronize again later.
0x80072f0bSynchronization could not be completed. Try again later.This error code is an Internet error that is typically temporary. Try to synchronize again later.
0x80072f0d80072f0dThe security certificate on the server is invalid. Contact your Exchange Server administrator or ISP to install a valid certificate on the server.ActiveSync does not recognize the Certification Authority that generated the certificate of the server. If you synchronize on a schedule, synchronization has been changed from scheduled to manual.
0x80072F7AActiveSync encountered a problem on your device.Typically, this condition is temporary. Try to synchronize again later.
0x80072F7CActiveSync encountered a problem on your device.Typically, this condition is temporary. Try to synchronize again later.
0x86000106A critical error has occurred. ActiveSync can recover from this error, but the next time you synchronize, you may lose changes made since your last successful synchronization.Any changes that were made to synchronized information that was on the device since the last successful synchronization will be lost the next time that you synchronize the device. However, synchronization should succeed.
0x8600050DA critical error has occurred. ActiveSync can recover from this error, but the next time you synchronize, you may lose changes made since your last successful synchronization.Any changes that were made to synchronized information that was on the device since the last successful synchronization will be lost the next time that you synchronize the device. However, synchronization should succeed.
0x80004005Synchronization could not be completed. If this condition persists, try deleting and then re-creating the device's sync relationships.This problem could be caused by a specific folder or item on the device. The problem will persist unless you delete the item or items. The item or items may be difficult to identify. Typically, a new synchronization relationship will synchronize successfully.


For more information about ActiveSync troubleshooting, visit the following Microsoft Web site: For more information about ActiveSync 4.1 and how to obtain ActiveSync 4.1, visit the following Microsoft Web site:

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:5/24/2006
Keywords:kbtshoot kbinfo KB915152 kbAudDeveloper