2011A Troubleshooting Microsoft® Exchange Server 2003 (914984)

The following codes describe the types of changes to any part of the course:
  1. Technical error or technical change
  2. Clarification or simplification
  3. Typographical error
  4. Other

Send us your feedback

Send all courseware feedback to mailto:support@mscourseware.com You can use this alias to report one or more of the following issues:
  • Error log submissions, including suggestions
  • Classroom setup issues
  • Lab problems
  • Presentation problems
  • Missing files

Report errors or suggest changes

When you provide feedback, include the course name and the course number in the subject line of your e-mail message. To provide comments or to report bugs, include the following information:
  • The document number or the CD number
  • The page number or the location
  • A complete description of the error or a complete description of your suggested change
Some issues involve research or involve reproducing issues in a lab environment. Please provide any details that can help us to research the issue.

Corrections and changes

Delivery Guide

Module 0
Date addedPage numberError or suggested changeType
3/30/20051Because of the use of Virtual PC in the classroom, you may experience an error in which the Miami and/or Acapulco computers become removed from the Nwtraders domain. This can happen if changes on one virtual computer are saved while changed on a different virtual computer are not saved, which causes the system account password to become unsynchronized.
To disable system account password changes on London, add the RefusePasswordChange D_Word value of 1 in the Registry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Netlogon\Parameters. To prevent system account password change requests on Miami and Acapulco, set the DisablePasswordChange value to 1 at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Netlogon\Parameter


Module 2
Date addedPage numberLab letterExerc. numberProcedure nameStep numberError or suggested change Type
12All references to: Mindy Martin.
Should read: Mike Tiano

Classroom Setup Guide

Date AddedPage numberError or suggested changeType
4/13/2005The Vancouver virtual PC was created using an evaluation copy of Windows NT 4.0. This means that the server will automatically reboot approximately every 2.5 hours. This should not impact the lab because the lab takes less than 2.5 hours to complete. 4

Trainer Materials CD

Section or folderPathError or suggested changeType

Student Materials CD

Section or folderPathError or suggested changeType

Idea Section


Modification Type: Major Last Reviewed: 4/5/2006
Keywords: KB914984