You can obtain more information about how to play Dungeon Siege II from resources such as the game itself, the Dungeon Siege II community Web site, newsgroups, and the strategy guide.
Learn to play Dungeon Siege II
The best way to learn to play Dungeon Siege II is to use the content that is provided in the game. You can start a single player game and watch for tips and suggestions that appear on the screen and in the Adventurer's Handbook as you play the game.
Additionally, you can read the tips and advice that is given to you as you play the game. At any time if you want more help, press J on the keyboard, click the
Handbook tab, select the area that you are interested in, and then click
Community Web site
You can view the community Web site for more information about resources for playing Dungeon Siege II. The information that is provided on this Web site includes gameplay, modding, and forums. For more information about these resources, visit the following Gas Powered Garage Web site:
Microsoft provides third-party contact information to help you find technical support. This contact information may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this third-party contact information.
You can use the Microsoft public newsgroups to discuss issues or share information with others who use Microsoft Games for Windows. This includes advice from Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals (MVPs). Additionally, you can read interesting posts, search for specific topics, answer a question, or post your own questions to the group. For more information about how to use the Microsoft public newsgroups, visit the following Microsoft Web site:
Strategy guide
You can obtain the
Dungeon SiegeŽ II: Sybex Official Strategies and SecretsT book. This book is available in printed form for complete information about the game.
Dungeon SiegeŽ II: Sybex Official Strategies and SecretsT is the exclusive official guide to Dungeon Siege II, one of the best-selling role-playing games (RPG) from Microsoft. This action-packed game features more involved character development options, a more fully developed story, and lots of challenging missions. Its attractive, high-quality, full-color design will truly capture the spirit of the game.
This exclusive official strategy guide includes the following information:
- Strategies and tips straight from the designers of the game.
- Detailed maps.
- In-depth statistics for everything in the game.
- Comprehensive walkthroughs.
Dungeon SiegeŽ II: Sybex Official Strategies and SecretsT is available at retailers and from the Sybex Web site. For more information about
Dungeon SiegeŽ II: Sybex Official Strategies and SecretsT, visit the following Sybex Web site: