2261B Supporting Users Running the Microsoft® Windows XP Operating System (913672)

The information in this article applies to:

  • 2261B Supporting Users Running the Microsoft Windows XP Operating System

The following codes describe the types of changes to any part of the course:
  1. Technical error or technical change
  2. Clarification or simplification
  3. Typographical error
  4. Other

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  • Error log submissions, including suggestions
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Corrections and changes

Delivery Guide

Module 3
Date addedPage numberError or suggested changeType
12/12/0514The second bullet reads:
Administrators may assign additional rights to specific user accounts by adding them to groups from within Users and Groups and Policy Editor tools in Computer Management.

The second bullet should read:
Administrators may assign additional rights to specific user accounts by adding them to groups from within Users and Groups tool in Computer Management. User rights are assigned to groups from Local Security Policies or via Group Policy Objects in Active Directory.
1/12/0616Step 5 of the practice, To join the NWTRADERS domain, currently reads:
In the User name box type administrator, and in the Password box, type P@ssword, and then click OK.

It should read:
In the User name box type administrator, and in the Password box, type P@ssw0rd, and then click OK.
1/12/0631 The PowerPoint slide currently reads:
In this practice, you will change a user password both for a local account and for a domain account.

The practice only modifies a password for a local account not a domain account.

On the following page (32) the practice enables fast user switching, which is not part of the description in the PowerPoint slide.
12/15/0562Steps 1, 2, and 3 of the practice, To apply a domain policy, currently read:
1. Using Acapulco, click Start, and then click Run.
2. In the Open box, type gpupdate /force and then click OK.
3. Using Acapulco, log on to the domain as Administrator with a password of P@ssw0rd.

The steps should read:
1. Using Acapulco, log on to the domain as Administrator with a password of P@ssw0rd.
2. Using Acapulco, click Start, and then click Run.
3. In the Open box, type gpupdate /force and then click OK.

Module 6
Date addedPage numberError or suggested changeType
1/12/0623The Read and Execute permission in the table currently reads that a user can:
Delete the file and do everything that the Read permission allows.

It should read that a user can:
Run applications and perform everything that the Read permission allows.
(Deleting a file would require Modify permissions.)


Module 2
Date addedPage numberLab letterExerc. numberProcedure nameStep numberError or suggested change Type
1/12/06201ScenarioThird sentence in the scenario currently reads:
He states that there are times when she prefers his original toolbar.

It should read:
He states that there are times when he prefers his original toolbar.
Date addedPage numberLab letterExerc. numberProcedure nameStep numberError or suggested change Type
1/12/06793Task 1Task 1 currently reads:
1. Using Bonn, log on as Student with a password of P@ssw0rd.

It should read:
1. Using Bonn, log on as Administrator with a password of P@ssw0rd.
(The permissions are not set to run the script in task 2. User will see a "you do not have permissions error" when they run the script. If you log on as Administrator the script will work.)

Trainer Materials

Date addedPage numberError or suggested changeType

Classroom Setup Guide

Page numberError or suggested changeType
12/12/057 Omit the reference to 2261_Lab05_Bonn_Ex2.exe.2
12/12/058 Omit the reference to 2261_Lab05_Bonn_Ex2.2
12/12/059 Omit the reference to 2261_Lab05_Bonn_Ex2.2
12/12/059 In Step 12 omit references to the following images. They have embedded errors that prevent them from booting. These images are used in future labs designed to practice troubleshooting techniques.
12/12/0512 In Step 9 add a reference for 2261_Lab08_Bonn_Ex2 and omit references to the following images, as they do not exist:

Trainer Materials CD

Section or folderPathError or suggested changeType

Student Materials CD

Section or folderPathError or suggested changeType

Idea Section


Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:2/15/2006