Issue 1: CRC Mismatch error message
When you try to start a multiplayer game of Microsoft Age of Empires III, you may notice that the game browser of ESO includes the name
"CRC Mismatch." If you click to join one of these games, you receive the following error message:
CRC Mismatch
Revert any changes that you have made to the files in the installation directory of the game. Typically, the installation directory of the game is the following directory:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Age of Empires III
If you have installed a third-party modification or "mod" and are unaware of the files that the mod changed, remove and then reinstall the game. Then, apply the latest update.
If you have made changes to customize the game startup, use the target-line parameters in the game to make this customization. For example, you may have changed a file to prevent the introductory cinematic from playing.
For more information about how to customize the game through the target line parameters, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Age of Empires III: Target-line parameters and troubleshooting shortcuts
Issue 2: Failure to connect to the ESO server
When you try to connect to ESO, you may receive the following error message:
Failure to Connect to ESO Server
This issue may occur if you have an antivirus or firewall program running on the computer. For example, if you are using firewall software such as Zone Alarm, MacAfee Personal Firewall, Norton Internet Security, or Black Ice Defender that allows for or blocks access to the Internet on a per-program basis. To resolve this issue, disable your antivirus or firewall software. You can contact the program manufacturer to help you disable the program. Some of these programs you can see on the lower-right corner by the clock. You may be able to disable it. To do this, right-click the program, and then click
Disable or click
Exit. If the issue continues to occur, perform a clean boot procedure.
For more information about how to perform a clean boot procedure, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Games: How to perform a clean boot to prevent background programs from interfering with play